
Don't you dare die of coronachan before March 31st, we've waited 8 fucking years for this

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No one cares about memerona virus. It’s just a cover for the financial bubble pop and testing new modes of mass control by the governments and other such consolidation activities. Big whoop who gives a shit.

Bannerlord is coming out no matter what and the Turkish Anatolians under the wise influence of the Greeks and Europeans have wisened up to this as well.

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whats the likelihood that we've lost some brothers in the past month, in the final stretch to release

Sort of like a tripcode?

People die every day and one can stretch the definition of brothers to anyone so 100%

>has a trip and a Yas Forumstard

And filtered

bros ive been getting progressively more sick over the last few days, just got back from europe. cough is so bad now that that its hard to breath. I just want to make it to the 31st guys

>Ten days to go
>Throat is sore this morning.
Not now. Not when I've come so close.

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Youll be fine bro dont worry just stay inside

If you dont have a fever of 103 then you probably just have a cold dont worry

Thats what you get for going outside you dumb wagie

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Inform the hospital then you mong

I already feel like Epicrotea is going to be "that castle" that's constantly under siege

i have they wont test me though, im just in isolation now

>difficulty breathing
>just in isolation
What country

its almost harvesting season anons

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>organ harvesting

>implying pol thinks the coronavirus is fake
No they’ve drank the koolaid as well.

can't afford hospital care?

>world pandemic
>bought 1 month or food supplies
>2-6 weeks off work
>bannerlord coming out soon
>stars are aligning
>all of a sudden, start getting the coof
No no no no no, please god have mercy.

Very low. Bannerchads are shut-ins.

I just wanted to be part of the beta,, oh well. WHICH NATION YOU ROLLING FOR YOUR FIRST RUN? Im leaning on the empire or a barbarian run whatever they are called

not really, but im also not too worried as im in my early 20s. my doctor said that i should just stay home. I just dont hope im well enough to enjoy bannerlord when it comes out ive been waiting long enough

>had the worst sore throat of my life the past 4 days
>it still fucking hurts, but now I have a cough

Imagine waiting for this fucking game for 8 years only to die in the last month before release because some chinese cunt ate a bat

Such is the nature of the chink. Evil, selfish and sabotaging to their very core.

The best thing about it is that china got hit so damn hard, the fact that it is way worse than they're saying makes me smile. Fuck china

Same, but doc said it's just a bacterial infection and gave me antibiotics
Don't die user

China needs to be nuked, shit they are experiencing now is nothing compared to what they have unleashed to the world.

Wash your hands and don't touch your faces retards. You will survive.

Couldn't agree more, all we need is undetectable nukes or just drop a fuckload of I beams on them from orbit or something.

and nothing compared to what they deserve, fucking subhuman ant brain scum

>uneccessary Yas Forumsshit
>first post
way to get yourself hard filtered retard

wouldnt america need to be nuked because they are imposing their tranny/nigger agenda on all the white countries

rent free

>not pouring out some steel reserve for the bros that didn't make it before you start the game for the first time

This non-user knows what's up.

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>american beer
Piss is supposed to go into the toilet user

godspeed brother

>getting filtered by 211
Embarrassing 2bqhwy.

So this looks identical to Mount & Blade but with a graphical update. What is so impressive about it?

I really wish you got full armor customization in multiplayer.

That its Mount and Blade, with a graphical update. This is what people that like the game wanted, the original looked like a fucking PS1 game.

>grain filter
Why do devs keep doing this?

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>10 more days
>shortest incubation time 2-3 days
>7-8 days for deterioration
>at least a month before I have enough money to buy parts for a new gaming rig
>at least two weeks on top of that for delivery

Lads I might not make it..

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>Play ASOIAF mod for warband
>join the vale for them sweet vale knights
>enlist in lisa arryn's army to get renown and cash for early game
>she does fuck all while her kingdom crumbles the entire game
>rage out and join stannis instead


>the original looked like a fucking PS1 game.
It looked like a PS2 game and this one looks like a PS3 game.

I dont think that you've read a single thing about Bannerlord and it's features.

someone will mod it

proper siege mechanics, can build siege engines, destroy walls, ram gates, choose where your towers or ladders are going
it's worth it for that alone
expanded economic gameplay, dynastic gameplay, etc. loads of stuff
besides people WANTED it to be just like M&B with better graphics and some expanded gameplay, I don't know why people who aren't fans of the series keep coming into these threads and repeating the same thing over and over

Who are the Rhodaks in Bannerlord? I need my crossbow lines.

I'm convinced warband has a file somewhere that says when the player joins a kingdom that kingdom just sits back and expects you to do all the fucking work.

I assume this isn't ACOK, and it's the other mod that's based off of the show for Viking Conquest as the Vale army is weak as fuck in ACOK

They're bitter that mordhau is already declining.

Based Retard

it's an interesting mechanic desu even if it's inadvertent
like I rarely go out of my way in a playthrough to form my own kingdom but because of the absolutely idiotic AI marshals I always end up getting pissed that the kingdom's army isn't following up its victories properly and defeating the enemies and end up going off and forming my own kingdom as a result
works better for the roleplaying in my head

>You cant buy credibility
Stop lurking the bottom of the catalogs as if i wanna see your opinion in every thread and know its you

Fucking asshole

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There's no point in testing or hospitalizing people unless they're dying. There's nothing that can be done until that point, and getting out exposed everyone to the disease.

Just call them jews you pussies

Literally nothing but all of this
Unless you're a MP fag who didnt play siege battles

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Don't blame the guy who just wants to eat. Blame the bioweapon research lab researchers who sell their testing animals for extra few bucks. And be glad that they only managed to make the virus kill boomers before they lost control of it.

Wtf are you talking about mordhau was dead 2 months in lol

>MP fag who didnt play siege battles
To be fair, sieges were a huge part of single player not very far into the game since taking and holding territory is like 99% of how you conduct wars in warband, and then the sieges (big part of the game) were fucking awful. Can you really blame people for avoiding the single player when even big fans of it were all in consensus that it fucking sucked?

that's true. the total conversion mods was the best part of warbands MP

the only consolation with idiots like you is that you're going to get infected and die soon.

Never ever

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