What's the final solution to the anti-aliasing question?

What's the final solution to the anti-aliasing question?

Attached: aa.png (892x693, 1.33M)

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200% internal resolution, no anti alias

8k supersampling

What about the resolve?

Attached: 22_aa_lines_10.jpg (500x537, 37.39K)

Monitors with an extremely high native resolution.

I legitimately can not even tell the difference

just buy more pixels

I'm straining my eyes trying to find the difference

You're either blind or a phonefag.

very high resolution in a relatively small screen size. 4k at 27 inch already does a lot, 8k at that size would require no AA whatsoever

Up the resolution so much AA is no longer necessary

I'm feeling 2x TXAA desu. 4x TX is too blurry and the rest are too pixelated.

Supersampling is a waste of performance. Why render four times as many pixels just to downscale it back and lose most of the gains?

you can't see the difference on your phone dingus

why not just have a monitor that's capable of displaying that 200% resolution? Wouldnt that be miles better considering it will be equal to the amount of pixels on your screen? Internal is a mess because it's still limited to the amount of pixels your screen has.



They all look like shit. Probably would keep NO AA here.


>What's the final solution to the anti-aliasing question?

>low poly graphics with hella FXAA
>bullshot advertisements with TSAA and a bit of sharpening
>supersampling for ebin high res texture gameplay
TSAA and MSAA are completely useless for actual vidya playing and no AA is better

Attached: 1571529097008.jpg (512x512, 127.95K)

no AA
I'm old enough to have fapped to pic related, some jagged edges don't scare me.

Attached: Tomb_Raider_1_-_Lara-Croft.jpg (1024x768, 376.95K)

Native 4k > downsampling > TXAA
MSAA is better than TXAA for older games

FXAA is objectively better than SMAA at removing jaggies, there are methods to sharpen both FXAA and TXAA.

ok,get a monitor that can display that resolution,now use 200% internal resolution for perfect anti aliasing
with exact 200%,every pixel can get 4x the info on what to draw,it becomes perfect,if you change to 199% or 201% it will look pixelated because the scaling isnt even,you also only want to use 200% or 400% if you can get the desired fps (although it barely makes a difference,if it does at all) and because of that,if you use anything outside that then you're gonna need some weird anti aliasing method to look decent,defeating the point of using higher internal resolution

It is more accurate to say MSAA is for games where only polygon edges AA is needed. since it doesn't cover other stuff like transparency, shading and lighting.

I should have said MSAA is what you use for older games since you can't even use TXAA there. In games that support both, TXAA is better in every way. Better performance and better AA.

I read somewhere that in order to fool the naked eye with a VR headset, you would need 8k resolution at a steady 120FPS (which might require power more like 240FPS because you have to render at a slightly different angle for each eye).

So I guess 8K would certainly be enough to make monitor pixels invisible to someone with 20/20 vision.

Aliasing is getting to be more annoying in modern stuff with a lot of thin objects like hair.

you forgot that a lot of hair relies on TAA blurring
NO AA isdnt viable

Apple has those pixel displays I believe they're called that have "invisible" pixels and they're nowhere near 8k.

8k is a VR thing according to those shills, it isn't needed for consumer monitors.

>it becomes perfect
Less likely than you think.
To avoid artifacts when using non-integer scaling, many games use more advanced filters that reduce artifacts at the cost of blurring the image further. If they don't make exceptions for 200%, that will look blurry too.

200x + FXAA.

No AA or MSAA, everything else is too blurry

Use a graphics system that doesn't use pixels.

whatever Doom is using

Here's a better idea.

Why not make the pixels paper thin to require AA

I was thinking maybe next-gen will solve that but I doubt it since even PC games run like shit with that optimization. It's a renderer issue isn't it.

Higher render resolution compared to display resolution, higher resolutions in general, hell even crt monitors have a natural softening effect, or simply having it off when a game runs at a high fps it's nowhere near as noticeable as in still images.
But I can tell you what is not a solution, any type of AA all it does is try to find a balance between clarity and intentional bluriness to hide aliasing while using up extra resources.

oh dang I didn't know that
that's probably why my hair looks bad in RE3 demo
No AA is way more viable/less ugly than vaseline TSAA desu.

>No AA is way more viable/less ugly than vaseline TSAA desu.
No it isn't, you're just retarded. Even if you're autistic about the blur you can always sharpen it.

What causes aliasing in the first place? After all these years and all the advancements in graphics, why is AA still necessary to make things not look like shit?

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not every game has sharpening, but yeah I agree.
It's still shitty for games where you're pixel hunting

pixels everything is made up of millions of tiny blocks on the screen

Blur is the least of anti-aliasing's issues. The real problem is the disgusting ghosting that manifests with moving objects.

SweetFX, Reshade. and Freestyle. Every single game has access to sharpening.

There's nothing shitty about AA, aliasing is the ugliest thing.

I would rather have a blurry game than any kind of temporal aliasing. It looks absolutely awful and takes me out of a game way more than blur.

TAA with sharpening.

0 AA
it blurs the fuck out of everything

Nyquist Sampling Theorem.
Any detail represented by a frequency higher than half the pixel count in one dimension becomes aliased.

Attached: 6443188_orig.gif (600x571, 96.13K)

Because everything is still made of pixel blocks, just like it was back in the 8-bit days. It's just that now everything is made up of several thousands of times more pixels than they were then.

There are alternatives but it's one of those things where all the standards and common knowledge of graphic design have been built upon everything being blocks that it's never changed.

A 4k monitor. Most games I don't bother to turn on AA anymore as the jaggies are there, but too small to see.

>after all these years
because graphics only advance in steps of 7 to 10 years because consoles dont change. majority of players want consoles and you can only optimize so much.

we will see a moderate jump in graphics in the next 3 years and then we are stuck in a loop for 5 or more years again.

sharpening doesnt put the information you lost due to TAA back in you know that right?
TAA and dithering are something that has to go and no amount of sharpening can fix it

>majority of players want consoles
Majority of gamers are on PC.

I hate as and usually turn it off. I’d rather have jaggies than lose clarity, not to mention the performance hit

thats not true and you know it. consoles and in most cases even smarthphones outweigh any "pc gaming"

It does because TAA doesn't actually blur that much. You already outed yourself as ignorant, stop digging yourself into a deeper hole.

Jaggies are damaging to clarity though, shimmering is the ugliest effect it's worse than CA.

no aa

It is true though. Phones are the most popular but PC gaming makes more money than both consoles and mobile. And there are far more PC players than console players even after combining all three console platforms. FAR more.

>2x 720p
>omg bros this is so crisp

Sharpening works by darkening or brightening pixels inversely to what their neighbours are. It creates ugly ringing around bright objects.

Supersample the AA in Nvidia Control Panel.

it will be irrelevant eventually as resolutions get bigger, at 8k I doubt it's even noticable


it's way crisper than 720 alone. what is your point

terrible solution

it's unnoticable even with 2k when the game is fast and stuff is constantly moving

¿Is nintendo going full voxel on his next console?
I heard it was going to have another gimmick like all the time, so its voxel graphics or hologram projection

that just 200% resolution scale is a brute force solution

In the future AI upscaling will be the best way because you can play at a higher resolution than you ever could with just super sampling on any computer.

Yeah super sampling looks great but it's in no way a viable situation for everything, especially when for example certain particle elements etc are on screen ,it gets ridiculously expensive computing wise to super sample them too

You can either supersample, which requires a beefy computer or you can do the following:

If you play games on a 720p-900p 18-22 inch monitor, use 8x MSAA/TXAA/SSAA/etc.

If you play games on a 1080p 22-24 inch monitor, use 4x MSAA/TXAA/SSAA.etc.

If you play games on a 1440p 24-27 inch monitor, use 2x MSAA/TXAA/SSAA/etc.

Or, if you have a beefy enough PC, you play games on a 4k 24-32 inch monitor with no AA.

Each of the above will virtually eliminate jaggies.

Attached: 1559536457849.png (600x454, 70.41K)

It's simple, bros. We've known about it all along, yet its execution hath yet to be seen through.

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