How can Blizzard get your love back?

How can Blizzard get your love back?

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They could make a good video game and not suck Winnie the Pooh's yellow dick.

they literally can't, their diablo 4 reveal proved as much

>They could make a good video game
Which videogame, exactly? What specific features would you like it to have?

turn back time and make me dumb naive 12 year old.

They can shut down.

Nobody gives a shit, they are done

custom silicone tauren fleshlight

Pull out of the Chinese market.
Obviously that's never going to happen, so they can go fuck themselves.

Rounding up all of their employees and executives, sending them to a labor camp, starving 70% of them to death.

Don't say that, everyone had also given up hope for No Man's Sky shortly after release and look how that turned out eventually.

Figure that out yourself, Kaplan. You're a dumb faggot.

anything happening over at hots? is still cancer to fight against everyone released in the last 2 years? anyone new?

Warcraft 4 set a short time after warcraft 3.

Then have campaigns for the factions that existed pre and during vanilla wow.
>Scarlet crusade
>Dark iron dwarves
>Dark horde
>Gurubashi troll empire
>Jaina's Theramore
>Possibly even the defias

Remove the stupid "we copyright everything you make" shit and regularly begin releasing unit model packs for the map maker scene.

Well that's just rude.


delete everything after Warcraft 3

by dying already

fuck off retard shill

I see.

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Hello Games didn't destroy a 18yo game

This but for night elves

Dunno man, probably something radically different than what they've been doing for a decade now.

execute my list of people, or torture and kill my smaller list

Any comeback is possible. They need a change of direction first and foremost

everyone who made Blizzard what they are is gone user. Let go.

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Give BFA for free when buying shadownlands.

>Retcon WoW into an alternate reality, fix Reforged and make an actual WarCraft IV that is a true sequel to WarCraft III (with SIX playable factions this time, including multiple sub-factions done the same way SCII's co-op commanders)
>Retcon StarCraft II and everything that it presented, give us the UED with their true technological and numerical potential as the real big bads (also, just like in the case of the above, make sub-factions for the existing factions co-op commander style and add the UED as playable with their own sub-factions)
>Alter/retcon certain things Diablo III presented (Adria being revealed to be always evil was a stupid move)

This will however never, ever happen because the few people that care in the company are in the HotS team and everyone else sucks Kotick's and China's dicks. Hell, in fact ActiVision is wearing Blizzard's flayed skin.

Capcom had a big redemption story, but I don't think Capcom ever hit the lows Blizzard has


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>A warcraft where all the furfag races no longer exist or are kept relegated to their meme easter egg status

A man can dream.

Make a new game that’s actually good.

By going into bankruptcy

>Several consecutive (one could be a fluke) high-quality releases
>Aimed at core gaming audiences, ie. the same sort of market as classic Blizzard games: not niche by any means, but also not desperately trying to appeal to "non-gamer" audiences as well. Or, well, niches like grognardcore wargames would also be fine in my book, but the question is about returning to form
>Completely unadulterated by overt jewishness: always-online, claiming rights to mods or not allowing them to be made, microtransactions of any sort (even cosmetic), selling the game in three separate pieces, RMAH, progression mechanics designed around tricking you to play daily... This is not an exhaustive list, you'll know it when you see it
>Not designing the game as an e-sport: if the game ends up having competitive appeal then that's fine, but designing the game around that idea (symmetric balance etc) from ground up is misguided
>Return to gritty (but not overly serious) visual and story aesthetics, over Hollywood and constant barrage of memes

>Allow WoW Classic players to advance through each of the expansions whenever they complete certain goals in the previous one, culminating in a free transfer to retail when they complete the next to latest one.
>Enable In-Game Open Team Mics in all products, and Open Proximity Mics where appropriate.
>Add an in-game option to disable all cosmetic changes client-side which is on by default and is only asked to change once, when the player purchases their first cosmetic.
>Remove Level boosts in WoW: you know your grind is horrible when you're selling options for players to play it less.

Will never happen. WOW killed blizzard in a way most people don't realize. WOW taught blizzard that people will happily accept mediocrity, that they're not paying for quality games, instead they're simply paying to veg out for a few hours. So blizzard gave people what they wanted. No blizzard game is actively horrible, but no new blizzard game is good either. They ride a nice and comfortable area between 5 and 6 in quality, anyone can reasonably enjoy their games a little, but no one but blizzdrones will be amazed.

Sending a night elf cosplayer to my house to suck mana out of my peepee hole.

>No blizzard game is actively horrible
Seen Warcraft 3 Reforged?

Wouldn't sucking mana be more of a blood elf thing?

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ironic shit posting is just shit posting, faggot

Haven't kept up with the reforged kerfuffle, isn't that mostly due to bugs though? Are the models shitty or something as well? I know there's the "we're still salty about losing dota to valve so we're changing the eula to copyright everything you make" crap, but normies don't care about that.

Oh, nevermind

I wasn't joking. No elf sucky, no WoW sub.

ok faggot

I offer you a solution and you spit in my face, Blizzard employee. This is why we cannot reconcile.

Get rid of the sjws and sjw game design.
Get nerds designing games again instead of lawyers.
Get rid of kotick.

Building a small but talented and passionate classic+ team that builds off the groundwork of classic (focus on social cooperation in leveling and an extensive leveling experience, 40 man raids, events like the zombie invasion, blood plague, and AQ war effort, limited QoL, generally not turning the lore into mahvel) and nails it. Nothing else but a God tier Warcraft 4 would redeem them to me.

Yeah, but in case of the Worgen, I'd actually want to see them as part of the Alliance. But not how Cataclysm presented them, nor later updates. Only how they were originally (aka: truly scary and savage looking), but can add some more muscle to them (and make them look even more savage).
Also WoW Draenei are renamed D'nari Eredar and are their own beings (also they emulate SC1 Protoss to boot).

Also Blood Elves and Naga are their own combined faction.
Pandaren are still there with their Brewmaster and that's it. Dunno if add NPC units and make them something of mercenaries/creeps.

fire anybody that isn't critical to making the actual games

before someone is assigned to work on a particular franchise, make it mandatory for them to have completed the previous games in the series on the hardest difficulty at least once

design games to be pro consumer again (moddability, offline play, peer to peer, LAN)




Activision execs put in front of a wall and shot. Bobby watching his piles of money set on fire before his execution. Ion forced to grind gold for the rest of his life. Christie golden forbiden from writting lore for any entertainment franchise. Any blizzard dev that mains a mage is crucified.


Fuck off to wow retard

Get the fuck out of here normalfag

Warcraft 4 should take place far into the future. You get to experience dreams, witness visions and encounter lore talking about scenarios that took place during WoW.

All of the main characters are descendants of the older heroes and they have to rummage through a world where all of the main cities are deserted.

The scourge went chaotic once Sylvanas snapped apart the Lich Kings helmet and they went loose. Void Gods took over and wiped out a majority of the populace. They have sailed to greener pastures and you need to find out where they went while looking for survivors.

sucky my dick Kaplan add more feet

By shuttering their studio.

sent ;)

all any dev has to do is make a good game.
chances are theyll never get my love

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Eh just put out tbclassic already so I can be done with this company. End with a good note.

They love the Chinese (superior market). You don't matter to them.

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Keep funding KSL
fix reforged
fix hearthstone

I wanted this franchise to be something much more bros. I don't like how it is nowadays, but I also don't want it to end either.

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