Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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the overuse of the "go to town, something is happening, go to dungeon, defeat boss, go to next town, repeat"

That being said, the rest is excellent. One of the best boss battle themes in history. Fuck sinistrals theme, the boss battle theme is way better.

Playing the game right now, started strong but became repetitive and formulaic. The timeskip felt forced as fuck too and none of the NPCs react to it, not even the ones in the destroyed city.

>go to town, something is happening, go to dungeon, defeat boss, go to next town, repeat
There's unironically nothing wrong with this, though.


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never got to beat this.some wierd reason my charaxters were just losing hp randomly per turn. Could never figure out if it was poison or a curse.

One of the best SNES soundtracks.

there is, user, it is extremely repetitive. They should have shaked things up

this pretty much exactly, music preference aside
also, the roguelike dungeon is a lot of fun

The puzzles are too hard for the retards on Yas Forums

>The best SNES soundtrack

found it

The fucking dungeon where u get op shit was awesome. My cartridge was fucked tho lost my save

It's Lufia? This is the hipster RPG, OP.

It's not the superior version.

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I have this. It's a very good game but it would have been better received if it wasn't a remake.

Absolute shit taste

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The characters aren't as interesting as those of Lufia 1. The game doesn't have a mythology and backstory as deep as that of Lufia 1. The game being a direct prequel to Lufia 1 means you more or less knows how things will turn out.
Lufia 2 only has the gameplay going for it and even that is two stops forward one step backwards kind of deal and far from perfect.

tia gives up WAY TO EARLY because "boo hoo, he has more in common with new girl than me!"

The first one was pretty outdated even if it would have released on the nes. That fucking encounter rate man, even with repels you got an encounter every 9 steps max.

it was not about in common. It was tia noticing that she was just a little girl/friend to maxim. Maxim never respected her as he respected Selan.

you're welcome

the entire North American release
the final three shrines/towers are nothing but labyrinths with fights and not a single puzzle
Dekar can't join permanently
final fights against the Sinistrals are a joke due to the Dual Blade's special ability
those chests behind Camu in the tower that make you travel through the thing twice in order to get them
I still have no fucking idea what a Figgoru is

it's a figgoru speech

Still not as bad as the volcano one.

I want to BE an Ork. I want to join the Ork society and propel the Orks to world domination.

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Idk anything about this game other than the fact that the boss theme is literally one of the best songs I've ever heard.

This on fixes many flaws of the genre like random encounters and adds zeldalike puzzle solving to dungeons.

>random overworld encounters
>kids save the world
>retard tier puzzles

it was fucking great.

you lose the best party member halfway through the game and never get to use him again, also his best IP weapon is a sword despite his sprite showing him using an axe.

Yeah, it's to make you feel like you've gained a huge advantage and then later taken a huge setback, pretty common trope.

>one of the few SNES games to release in dutch
>a JRPG of all things

I still wonder who okayed this.

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This doesn't matter when the dungeons are so fucking entertaining.
>most FF
>"oh boy, another fucking dungeon"

The dutch translation was funny as fuck, god what a stupid language it is at times

This is the ideal party member. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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This really. Lufia's dungeons were fun.

Take Octopath Traveler for instance, which was also formulaic as fuck. (start new chapter, enter town, something happens, have to use path action a few times, end up in dungeon, kill boss, repeat)

Main difference is OT's dungeons were absolute ass. They were just shitty squiggly line mazes with a few chests and zero interaction/puzzles.

god-tier taste OP. Legit one of my favorite games of all time, it is criminally underrated

>local man is too stupid to die

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>Jelze is a bitch

When you are so stupid that you are cool.

autistanon obsessed with Lufia from the last thread here. Seems stupid to shit up the thread with how much I love the series, so I'll just go ahead and dump some Ruins Chaser material if anyone is interested

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Never played Lufia. What's it compare best to?

I still need to finish the game.
I attempted it twice and loved it each time. But then I reached Gruberik and my autism took over.
Really want to finish the ancient cave with Dekar still in the party, but I am too much of a wuss to attempt the Jelly without a Gades Blade.
Never find that Gades Blade after hours and hours in the cave, stop playing for a while, don't even remember what's going on in the story and lose interest.
Really should start this game again.

Also dumping a translated interview with the Lufia 1+2 composer Yasunori Shiono:

It's a pretty standard JRPG, but it executes all of its components extremely well and has a lot of heart. The biggest unique mechanic is that the dungeons are far more like dungeons in Zelda, complete with finding items, keys, and solving puzzles.

The puzzles themselves are also crazy difficult at times. Overall defintely recommend it, but you probably want to start off with 2.

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Cross between FF3 and Zelda 3
The only good one is Lufia 2.

Art from promo booklet at some nip con in 98 or so

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Another page from said promo

desu I thought the GBC game wasn't half-bad. Not up to scratch with 2 but certainly a far sight better than 1.

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I remember how I put the controller down for a moment when fighting Gades and this theme started playing

Shitty western version

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Been a long time, but I remember the GBC one having six party members, which was too many, and every single dungeon being a literal maze of 1-tile wide hallways w/ random encounters. Not good.

It really hit some dark themes for an almost lighthearted jrpg, that ending got me good.

Last page I got, it shows concept art for some of the main characters.

Many assume that the GBC we got was actually Ruins chasers, but The Legend returns is actually a midquel Neverland did when their publisher for Ruins Chasers on the PS1 folded. Neverland felt the GBC wasn't going to do their planned finale justice, so TLR acted as a stopgap release until then. Of course, in retrospect it hasn't materialized.

Supposedely the game director, Masahide Miyata, has expressed interest in maybe doing a kickstarter some day. Personally I'd love to see it.

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did you know that arty is a girl?

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Wild Arms copied a bunch of gameplay elements from Lufia 2, so that if you've played it.

But on top of the tools use, dungeon puzzle focus, and "got hit" meter management, Lufia 2 also has avoidable encounters in dungeons.
You can tell what an encounter will be based on it's map sprite and they all have fairly unique movement patters so you avoid them differently.

>hey guys, whats going on in this thread

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>did you know that arty is a girl?
No. But apparently German localizers thought it would be funny, or something.
Anyway, I always though Artea was pronounced more like are-tay-ah and not like "tea", the beverage.

If so, how did she and her wife have a kid?

>that weird as heck free Club Nintendo comic

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>Use Fire Dagger IP attack
psssh, nothing personal little spider