Spy mains

>spy mains

Attached: 1574573280089.webm (1280x680, 2.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a trader main

>see the outline of a teammate appear out of nowhere

Attached: payne.jpg (1024x674, 70.8K)

Spy is an absolute shitshow of a class only useful if you play against braindead retards.

>what are u doing

Attached: 1563728965735.png (493x387, 95.89K)


>thinking anyone who's worth their salt as a spy trickstabs blindly
Any trickstab tutorial will tell you just how situational they are and you can't just expect to play like a fucking Swipez compilation video 24/7.

>its counter is a brain

the only acceptable main is heavy

i think it really puts new players off aswell
I have seen people play tf2 for the first time, gut back stabbed over and over, not understand what's going on, and not like the game


Attached: TF2_Heavy_by_JayAxer.jpg (750x950, 587.05K)

I'm thinking VOO, but they're really the same thing, going back in once all this shit with the market blows over.

Attached: 350px-GoofyTiem.png (350x427, 51.51K)

>that poster background
Is that the same artist who made the round Pyro ass "BURN THE REST" poster?

>what are you doing
kek I had a bind like this specifically for the situations just to make a stair stab spy feel really stupid for trying that shit on me

just shoot the fucking pyro with the gun it's not hard

>what are u doing
the backstab montage isn't gonna make itself, retard

Attached: HA HA HA HA HA HA snort oyayay.jpg (500x500, 25.37K)

what he should have done is run back to safety and came back against better targets. That Scout there last seconds shows even if he did get the starstab he'd be fucked right after anyway.

remove DR and somehow rejig all the code so you can't do all this dogshit stairstabbing

>The virgin wait at the bottom of the stairs
>Not the chad anti-air jump melee

Attached: 1571371112160.png (184x184, 46.04K)

Is there a proper latency setting for Spies who want a little wider of a window for stabbing without committing to hard latency for those faux facestabs?

Attached: file.png (184x184, 71.22K)

>no schadenfreude taunt
skuffed it

>pyro mains

Attached: 1569058847674.png (424x423, 166.94K)

if I'm perfectly honest with you, I have over 400hrs in the game and I don't think I've gotten more than 10 successful backstabs.
how the FUCK do you play spy without getting caught?

Attached: 1493329232419m.jpg (1024x819, 76.31K)

as a market meemer it took me a bit yo realize that even really good gardeners aren't landing their hits 100% of the time. you really get a warped perspective looking at youtube videos where for the most part they edit it down to the ones they actually got.

by having a special kind of autism, ive clocked 7 spy hours out of 2k and i dont think ive ever gotten more than 3

it is, he also did the winning poster for the Soldier vs Demo propaganda contest

Attached: Propaganda_Poster_1st.jpg (750x950, 211.25K)

Play as if everyone knows your are a spy, don't ever think you are safe, keep on moving and always have an escape plan.

Oh, neat. I just remembered Pyro ass over that ancient contest. still wear my one-of-11,111 medal to this day

That was such a needless addition to the game and completely fucked over spies.


Attached: 1580594045557.jpg (750x950, 410.54K)

Being hidden is prerogative #1. Only go for stabs when you are confident you can make a getaway. Enemies distracted are 90% less likely to randomly turn around, use your team's pushes and scrimmishes as distractions.
If you're playing safe try stabbing, turn 90 degrees and run, cloak, and once you're fully cloaked change directions again. Like in boxing, people use the direction you face as a clue to where you're looking or heeded, so use that to fool them. Also, if you know where all the ammo packs on the map are, you can really abuse the fuck out of default watch cloaks.

>actually maining a class whose so braindead the gameplay complexity is actually less than it was at release

>have a look at creators.tf to see what all the fuss is about
>always about 3 or 4 servers (eu) active
>all mostly full


maybe the community isnt dead

How I hate them!

Attached: 20190927124629_1.jpg (1920x1080, 270.74K)

he's done one for almost every class

Attached: tf2_pyro_by_jayaxer.jpg (950x800, 852.45K)

blue board you fucking retard

While having general good game sense is good for any class, Spy is one of the few classes played so unique he requires a skillet of his own very much so. Try watching this tutorial video, it's very good at dressing basic tech while also telling you things to keep in mind that a non-spy player may not know.

Attached: 1535136797680.gif (603x339, 3.93M)

Attached: tf2_medic_by_jayaxer.jpg (750x950, 685.68K)


Attached: 1532269918514.jpg (1080x1020, 71.68K)

>no le lenny face bind spam either
what a noob!

>not saving user's edited version

Attached: Propaganda_Not_stolen_1.jpg (750x1014, 288K)

w-what edit?

Just like hats.

Attached: tf2_sniper_by_jayaxer.jpg (953x412, 171.22K)

that's all

Attached: tf2_spy_by_jayaxer.jpg (950x800, 655.22K)

>after f2p patch
how terrible

Attached: 1555969377288.jpg (800x979, 206.09K)

What the fuck?

Attached: 15387263872538726.png (211x208, 19.4K)

they made the background cuts transparent and made pyro slightly chubbier

>go invisible
>run behind enemy team
>disguise yourself as a class that isn't the scout
>walk up behind enemy who is doing something else
>press m1 to instakill
>right click to go invisible again
congrats you now know how to play spy in pubs

Attached: do your best beam.gif (540x304, 2.99M)

act like whoever you're disguised as
say voice lines, jump around and focus on where the rest of the enemy is heading instead of instantly aiming your crosshair on the closest backside

Attached: method acting.webm (750x420, 2.98M)

>slow class with no maneuverability, no spacing tools, a primary weapon that demands start-up and the most hard counters

Heavy isn't complex but that doesnt mean he isnt hard to play.

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holy shit, i never realized you can actually see him going from sniper to heavy for like 2 frames

to be fair, the Medic didn't see it either

I agree. I feel like but for Heavy. I do not understand much about how to successfully kill and play well with him, all I know is check your back often, spread heals with sandviches/bananas, and always jump and rev around corners. I tend to find I try to shoot long distance, I don't know if this is a good idea or not so I just run Tomislav most the time.

The way he initially switched to the saw suggested he wasn't buying it and only switched back to try and ruse the ruse.

>class with no maneuverability, no spacing, and a gun that specializes in close quarters with tons of hard counters
that doesn't mean that heavy is hard to play, it just means that he requires far more babysitting from other classes to do well than classes with more tools in their kits.

reminder pyro a cute!

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>Actual good spies are a rare diamond a dozen
>Mostly retards with hundreds of hours or those finishing a frag video playing
>Predictable to tell almost immediately how these fuckers play within a few seconds

I almost miss getting sniped by those fuckers with the Amby across the map. cl_interp niggers can fuck off.

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>a primary weapon that demands start-up
Yeah and that was considerably more significant back at release. Back when there was also reason to use the shotgun other than pushing the "fat scout" meme.

As far as hard counters go, if you've gotten the enemy to start using spy/sniper, you've already won. Soldier/Demo can give you trouble if they are good but by and large I'd argue Pyro could give Heavy a run for most hard counters.