JRPG thread

What JRPG are you guys enjoying this weekend?

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SaGa Scarlet Grace, of course.

I've been replaying Chrono Trigger, honestly.

i regret buying this

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It unironically gets better but yeah it starts off as one of the worst games of all time

are the other 3 games any better? there's so much filler dialogue and i do not give 2 shits about "world building"

About to get XC2 after forcing myself to finish TMS#FE.

Is it fun? TMS was pretty fun but last boss filtered me quite bad for a while.

Imo I wanted to blow my brains out when I started the first cold steel game and legit liked fie the most because she had the least dialogue, but by the end of the first game I was into it because the forced tropes tone down to an extent and it doesn't focus so much on the persona shit, CS2 is a million times better in every aspect, I liked the in the sky games and when I started cold steel it just felt like a massive insult

Final Fantasy V.

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tales of vesperia.
just got laid off so we bout to get real comfy up in this bitch

Finally picked up Ass creed Odyssey since it was on sale for cheap.

And that's a JRPG because...?

Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Rune Factory 4 if that counts, I also want to start something from my 3DS backlog and go back to XB2 and DQ11S to finish some post game stuff

It's made in Canada


Does Drakengard 3 count as a JRPG? Because I’ve been playing that and I just cleared Route A.

Zero no Kiseki

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XC2 has a very slow (use easy easy mode before act4 to speed things up)
but it gets really good at the end
and the addon Tora is absolutely great, too bad you have to play base XC2 first to understand the story

thinking about valkyire profile lenneth itd be my first jrpg

Only the best

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I've been thinking about trying Crystar for a while after an user was shilling it. How's the gameplay? More specifically should I be playing on a harder difficulty, since these lesser known JRPGs tend to be on the easy side in my experience.

Where are her clothes?

Stop posting about it on Yas Forums and go play it. Try retroarch if you're having trouble with other emulators.

great game, but I fear it has aged badly
voice acting during cutscenes is one of the worst I heard

Was originally intending to play Langrisser 1 and 2 when the package came in but Amazon was such shit and took so long to get it out, I no longer felt like playing it when it got here yesterday so I started re-playing Chrono Trigger via the new DS version I found that came in with it.

Even playing it on an iXL for a change instead of one of my 3DS'.

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>worst voice acting
>doesn't mention Legend of Dragoon

I got every class to 80 in FFXIV. Now I’m debating if I want to start maxing crafting or if I’m gonna take a break.

i can get over bad VA if the gameplay is good enough.

i am downloading it now ill try retroarch if epsxe doesnt work. can i use psx eboots on retroarch?

I really really like Dana's outfit, is her game worth playing? Should I play the other Ys games before it?

the gameplay was very original at the time, but now a lot of gacha games have the same...
hope you like sakuraba music, it's a big part of the game

They’re pretty good ARPGs. A bunch of them are on steam. This ones a little different than the others since it’s party based, but the concepts are the same.

Animal crossing for the switch.

DQ VII, never touched a Dragon Quest game before, or that many JRPGs for that matter.

Really slow start for a game, but its very charming. Had me going around just to talk to people and see how they reacted with having the Prince with me or that other girl and other little details. An island just came out from the ocean and everyone is losing their shit,
I assume its the same one I was just on a bit ago from the tablet?

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> but now a lot of gacha games have the same...
And none of them do it competently, it's still unique.

Can you start with 8 or should you start with a different one

ResetEra tranny? Geofront?


They’re all their own contained story so you can play them in any order really.

Plotwise they aren't very narrative heavy in the slightest. You can play whichever one you want depending on playstyle. Ys 1/2 have the bumpercarts (you run into enemies to deal damage), Ys Origin + Oath in Felghana + Ys 6 have Adol solo playing through action platforming segments (my personal favorite is Origin, a lot of people dick suck OiF on this board), and Ys SEVEN, 8, and Memories of Celceta use the party system that you have played before. Feel free to try any of those games in whichever order, but SEVEN is a bit janky and some people aren't too fond of the bumpercarts combat.

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>(use easy easy mode before act4 to speed things up)
that fucks up the unique monster fights, if you want to make things faster just buy the arts regen food from the starting food shop and stutter step

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SMTIV: Apocalypse with an imported save from SMTIV (Chaos Ending). It's an interesting game that happens during the events of SMTIV, with a lighter tone, but still is SMTIV. I hope SMTV doesn't have a lighter tone like this.

Party system Ys games are the absolute worst entries in the series, only Mask of the Sun can match them only only Ys Seven/VIII newfags think they're good Ys games.


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>CS2 is a million times better in every aspect
I've played every game in the franchise besides 4, and CS2 is easily the worst i'm even including the fucking gacha game in that

this, I'm having fun

shits addicting, yo
music by Yasunori Mitsuda sure helps

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Etrian Untold 1 story mode
currently on floor 14, explored most of it already. I took a trip back to try golem and got my ass handed to me so I'll probably wait on that.

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>t. someone who hasn't played Wanderers or V
Seven and VIII/IX were good, you fag, only Celceta was the iffy one. Besides, like it or not, they represent the best output of nu-Falcom.

xeno gears. is xenosaga any good?

Persona 5 Scramble
Thanks to the virus I now have an entire month free. Gonna hit this backlog like a truck.

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Galuf is the chaddest boomer lolibaba ever made.

How's this game? didn't get recomendations when I asked so I just picked the most interesting game I saw on PS now.

Really want to get the best out of my free trial...

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Nothing right now, waiting for P5 Royal. Already got the platinum for base game, thinking about doing it for Royal as well.

How is it? I've never been interested in these kinds of games, but it really does seem like this one has a lot more to it.

can i play this even if i haven't played anything else in the series? Is it a good starting point?

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yeah all ys games are standalone for the most part

this weekend I'm gonna get the plat for DQXI and then I don't know... Maybe wait for the Mana 3 remake or VII remake or REmake 3... Lots of remakes...

really? start of the game was some cliche anime shonen shit but gameplay wise felt the most balanced between crafts and spells and i actually really enjoyed the glorious stuff, pacing was so much better than one imo where you just listen to every school kid repeat themselves for 20 hours.

If you want an order, refer to pic related except for the fact that 8's PC port was fixed a few weeks back by Durante, so it's actually good now. But they're pretty much all standalone adventures, yeah.

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>can i play this even if i haven't played anything else in the series?
>Is it a good starting point?
Yes and no. Yes because it plays really well. No because nothing else will compare. YS VIII is fucking fantastic.

ys 8 by far has the most references to other games than any other entry but the main story of the game is self contained as is any ys game

If you love P5 then definitely get Scramble. It's an actual sequel. Plus it isn't really like Dynasty Warriors. It feels just like Persona but just an action RPG.

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Hopefully finally getting around to beating Dragon Quest XI S. My autism wants me to complete it entirely. The rest of me beat the living fuck out of my autism and ran over it with a steamroller.

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ys 8 is amazing but oath, origins, and 7 are still up there imo, i could see myself enjoying the latter even if i started with 8

Its super average. It isn't especially bad or good which is probably why you never heard anything about it.