PS5 Objectively Inferior in Multiplats

Developers will design open-world games to run fine on the 4.8GBps drive in Series X and 3.5GBps NVMe drives on PC. They aren't going to design around the higher PS5 bandwidth then downgrade for Xbox/PC because that would be far too difficult.

So all multi-platform games will only require 4.8GBps of SSD read speed maximum, then everything else that's superior about the Series X will allow it to run at high resolution and with better settings. "Pop-in" is usually about using lower LOD to save on CPU and GPU power, so if anything the Series X will have less pop-in than PS5 not more. In games that actually have loading screens, the Series X will take a maximum of 2.8 seconds to load (13.5GB/4.8GBps) versus 1.5 seconds on PS5 (13.5GB/9GBps). PS5 exclusives could be really interesting with the ultra-fast SSD backing up RAM, but all multi-platform games will be objectively inferior unless you value a 1.3 second different in loading screens.

>inb4 "who cares/no games/just play on PC"
If you don't care about the tech in consoles, which sets the standard for 95% of games, you're an idiot.

Attached: ps5_vs_xbox_series_x_comparison_DvZVlkC.jpg (1200x628, 88.23K)

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Yeah, i believe this would be like ps3 vs xbox360 again, one will be better with multiplats but the other will have the heavyweight exclusives, for me i'm going with sony.

who cares? xbox has no games, just play on PC

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>Yeah, i believe this would be like ps3 vs xbox360 again, one will be better with multiplats but the other will have the heavyweight exclusives, for me i'm going with sony.
360 had better exclusives

>gears of war
1, 2 and 3 are nice the rest is shit
>arcade ports
PC/mame is better

fuck yeah star wars kinect that's my jam.

seriously though. it had forza, gears and halo that's about it


Ninja gaiden 2 was great. Bayo 1 was also much better on 360.

why the fuck are people even bothering to address this sonyroach SSD fantasy

>seriously though. it had forza, gears and halo that's about it

Show us your pc then weeb

I don't care, Sony is my religion

what the fuck was sony thinking when they prioritized SSD speed over everything else?

Unless the Xbox is getting a ton of jrpgs I don’t care

What should I play?

Attached: 2AFB3A13-B93D-4D91-A37A-0FDE78C47EB0.jpg (2938x3918, 2.81M)

>360 had better exclusives
this. it was a brilliant machine for half its life but dropped off very quickly after 2011


Don't give a fuck I will be buying a PS5 years after release when it's cheap.

Attached: 569656437464.jpg (1440x1440, 909.51K)

play the game called Suicide by Police

That’s a white folks game

I don't think the type of people who buy gaming consoles really care about negligible differences in multiplats, OP.

It's interesting that a bunch of games bloggers and a few specific devs have said "but the faster SSD is revolutionary!" but have failed to identify how it matters beyond faster scene and asset loading. They've deftly avoided any specifics in any ways.

Because it doesn't matter as much as they say, but they all want to be in good graces.


Attached: kysfaggot.png (525x461, 33.04K)

better be 100 bucks cheaper

you have to think of it more like an big pool of memory and less like a HD. 9 GB/s is pretty damn fast. You don't really need to keep stuff loaded into memory in the same way as you did before when they were stuck using hard drives.

>no optical drive
Nice paperweight nerd

both consoles come with SSDs, sony posting fake specs and having that faggit talk "tech" pretending devkits weren't shipped to devs since months, was just embarrassing

They want fanboys impressed with technologies they don't understand. It's just another gimmick like supercharged PC, muh cloud gaming, or power of the cell.

feel free to tell us what benefit that has.
>yo bro dis movie game can load entire levels straight off my ssd just lo-
>*ssd dies prematurely*

Why does Nintendo outsell Xbox every generation if tech is so important?

>You don't really need to keep stuff loaded into memory in the same way as you did before when they were stuck using hard drives.

Not a single dev has been able demo a change that matters. Because in practice the effect is just not as useful as it would seem.

how does your next gen graca have only 3gig?

even the most butthurt snoy can't ignore Halo 3's radiance.

>most popular means best
Does McDonalds make your favorite hamburger?

Sony's reveal proved that the original leak about 9.2 TF was 100% correct. They're posting those numbers with boost clocks so they don't look as bad, but the original 9.2 TF is exactly where it would be at for their sustained clockspeed when not downclocking the CPU.
It's hard to say how much the faster SSD speeds will matter, people aren't really thinking much about how it will change engine design. You don't need to keep all your assets in a scene in memory. You can just stream textures directly from the SSD to VRAM when it's necessary. There's not really any real memory budget anymore.

>people aren't really thinking much about how it will change engine design
Because it won't. Stop falling for marketing memes. This is purely performance, games will load faster and run smoother.

>There's not really any real memory budget anymore.
So like PCs 10 years ago. Games being 16gbs instead of 8 or lower(wasn't it somewhere around 5gb this gen?) is great but don't pretend this is infinite memory.

The thing is, even if the ssd made a difference, it won't matter because games will be targeting the common denominator - especially with PC in the mix.

I think you're underplaying the effect of SSDs with as much bandwidth as DDR2 RAM. It's not "power of the cell" bullshit to say games can be designed quite differently with such quick access to 100% of their assets.

The lowest next-gen common denominator are now old PCs, not the consoles.

nobody gives a fuck about PC these days, RDR2 came out and it didn't even work on release


You're being goyed. Think for yourself.

I think you're desperately tying to ignore the fact that Xbox has been crystal clear in that they're focused on actual performance with their 4k60 promise. Meanwhile you're here trying to talk about what, storage? Which conveniently comes after the ass-pull of a reveal that Sony had, where they still haven't showed the console, still haven't said a word about 4k60, and are posting fake specs
Still gonna talk about SSDs when sony releases a shitstation that again isn't capable of hitting 4k?

oh no no no no

>least popular means best
Does Burger King make your favorite hamburger?

It worked well actually. Not working for you, a consolefag, means it was running at double the frame rate and resolution with mods at ultra settings.

>shiett this game is broken it's running too good

The lowest common denominator is the traditional storage and memory configuration. Not Sony's "revolutionary" "use your SSD as RAM!!!!!!!!" nonsense.

I played the game a year before you and I played it in very high quality, as opposed to anecdotal evidence from a virgin like you who can't help but be ass-pained about a console that not only has bridged the console/pc gap, but went far above that and shat on something like 95% of the pc gamer install base
And I'll happily replay RDR2 2 years after release on my sex

> and I played it in very high quality,
Stopped reading here after laughing. Not only are you a liar but apparently you're delusional.

>It's not "power of the cell" bullshit to say games can be designed quite differently with such quick access to 100% of their assets.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you even reading your posts?

Quick access to assets is a graphical and performance concern, it has fucking nothing to do with game design.

did you actually play it or are you just in here shitposting
i could barely hit 60 with a 2700x and a 1070 on high in 1080

And console settings were often lower than low dipping below 30fps with enough blur you think you're playing at 720p. Are you retarded?

How the fuck Sony flopped so hard with ps5 ? They won this gen with huge amount of money. Mark Cerny is real retard.

onex benchmarks better than the abhsolute majority of pc gamers, so what are you pissing your pants about exactly?

Movie game walking simulators don't require much in the way of gpu horsepower.

Needing time to load assets forces developers to design levels with that time in mind.

I’m just memeing

>b-b-b-but irrelevant poorfags
You're so sad.

>it worked well actually
So you're using console standards for the PC port instead of judging the port on it's own? Every game on PC works better than console but to imply that the port worked "fine" is completely different. I didn't bring up the plethora of bugs either since that's a low blow but it's a fucking terrible port anyway. Are you retarded?

Have you looked around? Do you even play video games? We haven't been in the corridor era of gaming for nearly 20 years. Obviously increased ram is going to make games larger and more detailed but game design isn't going to magically change. Especially from meme hardware that's contained in a literal toaster.

Attached: death-stranding-screen-03-ps4-us-28may19.jpg (3840x2160, 1.02M)

>plethora of bugs
Name 20 bugs it had. I didn't experience any and it ran great. You're probably salty you couldn't pirate it or that it was ported.

I can promise you that ugly shut-ins who prop up an apple-tier industry where idiocy like this
is torelated, aren't as "rich" as you're trying to role-play as
That is, if you even have a gamer pc that doesn't get shat on by the onex, and later this year a sex
I can't even begin to imagine the smell of a room where the nerd with a 2080 resides in

source: my asshole
>playing multiplats on console
give up xcuck.

This post is incomprehensibly stupid. Get a life nerd.

post a screenshot of you running RDR2

Name 20 bugs it had and I will, faggot.

so you're another butthurt liar angry at xbox

If I could name every bug I've ever experienced in a game, it sound like the worst game ever released. Asking for a concrete list of it is fucking stupid but I'll just say that I had ahorse flinging glitch. You're a complete moron who more than likely is posting on his phone and is larping right now.

Feels good to win an argument against lying retards who can't handle the fact that consoles play games like shit.

Attached: lol.png (385x500, 176.84K)

I literally said that every game performs better on PC over console. Are you actually just a shitposter with a dual-core acting like you have decent specs to stand on?