I'm currently replaying MGS4. It's way better than I remembered. Think it's very underrated on Yas Forums

I'm currently replaying MGS4. It's way better than I remembered. Think it's very underrated on Yas Forums.

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The game itself is pretty great, but the 14 hours of infodump cutscenes is serious overkill.

the gameplay is fine, kojima knows how to slap a functioning game together. plot is all over the place, pacing is an outright mess, dialogue is bizarre. so long as you're actually in control and playing its fine but the second it switches to cutscenes or codec calls it becomes a nightmare.

Kojima fucked it up by insisting to answer every single open question. Made it way too convoluted.

It was all around loved even on Yas Forums back in the day.
Then the nu-fags came, and took the "lol movie" joke as truth, and here we are now.

Better than V

True. but that's no saying much since V is by far the worst MGS game.

V is one of the worst games in the series, so duh


mgo2 was good tho

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I guess you haven't reached chapter 3 yet

Yas Forums hates anything that isn't smash, animal crossing, or pokemon
of course they'd hate one of the best told stories in the last 50 years
they hate Trails too, which just makes it that much more evident why Yas Forums has shit taste ;)

Only insane people think this.

>Retarded story filled with tons of nonsensical retcons
>Far too many cutscenes even by MGS standards
>Only the first two acts have good gameplay

MGS4 is the worst Metal Gear in the entire series.

>MGS4 is the worst Metal Gear in the entire series.

Imagine actually believing this.


Forever ruined MGS threads but its not a bad game at all

Good opinions.

Was never a fan to begin with.


Played every MG and V is the best.

There's a plot twist you never saw coming.

It's got a lot of faults (like having the actual gameplay comprise less than 5 hours of content), but I still played it enough to unlock everything.

In your opinion.

Everything that isn't the gameplay and the soundtrack fucking sucks. Weakest mainline MGS.

V was just shit. Deal with it.

My factual opinion that aligns with God.

It's better than MGS2 and 5 combined.

on second thought KOJIMA is absolutely based he makes the biggest fuck you to the fans and they still EAT IT UP like the morons they are

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Only Snake Eater and Phantom Pain were good


Doesn't matter if you played them. 4 was a game made for fans. V/PW was made to go away from the formula. You're just a late adopter. Useless to debate with.

Did it actually take you over a decade to realize this?


Very yes.
2 was just clunky ass mess with only a fine intro. V was an unfinished, generic open-world shooter.

>late adopter
I played MGS when it came out on PC, whatever year that was.

I can smell your bullshit through the screen, zoomer. wipe your ass

every plot twist or question is just nano machines

>how is vamp still alive
nano machines
>why is niami working with vamp
nano machines
>how is liquid in ocelot
nano machines

also if they could fix vamp with nano machines why not fix snake with nano machines?

You weren't even born then

I had the opposite experience. I loved this game, replayed it on psnow last week, I fucking hated it. I even enjoyed peace walker more than 4.

What? you dont like Konami's high art of including his shit fetish and playing with literal shit and finding shit EPIC and funny in every game?

I was never more alive

>>how is liquid in ocelot
>nano machines

Nice way to out yourself.

I had a unique experience.

I stood outside gamestop day 1 of release back in 2008, I finished the game in 2 settings and felt a crushing sense of disappointment. I enjoyed the parts I got to play of it, so naturally being the mgs autist I am, I replayed it like 7-8 times at the time, got all the ranks, did everything you can do in the game and then I spent like months online tearing it apart and shitting all over everything. But with time I have softened a bit, I still think the story is terrible, but it does have its moments for sure, I still enjoy playing the game and I always will, I find what gameplay there is in ACT 1 and 2 to be infinitely more fun and interesting than anything MGSPW and MGSV had to offer. MGS4 feels like Metal Gear, V certainly did not.

Will we ever get a MGS4 HD Remaster in 4K/60fps ??

The game looks fucking amazing but ever since I moved to PC I just cant play MGS4 on 30fps anymore


No cares nu pc fag


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That's pretty funny user, I pretty much had that same experience with gz and tpp.

I will admit, despite whatever issue I have with 4. It's definitely more interesting than V. PW, imo, is somewhere in the middle. I think PW, is like 4 almost, where it's unabashedly itself. It really gets that 70s slice of life feeling off in between the dumb political intrigue, but it really falls flat with the villains. Hotcoldman and zardonov are not compelling in the slightest. But V falls flat on almost every level except controls, and the game nails making you feel like shit and are being robbed of the experience you deserve.

I miss Metal Gear Solid.

It didnt go anywhere, its still here. I only miss when the threads werent shit.

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MGS4 was adored on Yas Forums for a while before shitpost memes became a point to parrot.

It has cutscenes that are too long but you can skip them and there isn't enough gameplay but what there was is great and MGO2 was fun as hell.

It was better than PW and V.

Very no.


>I only miss when the threads werent shit.
I'm afraid it's been... 9 years.


Yeah, for what it's worth, even though I shat on PW, I'll say that it got (mostly) characters right, the villains are absolute dogshit but the other characters are actually pretty great and a huge step up from mgs4, and arguably actually a step up even from MGS3 in certain ways, I actually love Big Boss in PW, I think it's the best characterization we've seen from him in the series.

I just hate the PW story though unfortunately, and while I understand the portable design of it, I can't say that I like it one bit. That game still does have its own unique identity, a "soul" if you will. MGSV on the other hand had terrible characters, a terrible story, a terrible world, mostly everything except the actual game controls were bad in that game, I have zero desire to ever replay that game, I haven't done it so far and I don't think I ever will. I on the other hand will absolutely replay MGS4, and probably PW as well.

Sunny was so damn cute in MGS4.

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Everything after chapter 2 is poo.
>chapter 3
>extremely slow paced follow mission followed by a railroad shooting segment and a so-so boss
>chapter 4
>shadow moses is fun to explore but there is 0 stealth/human enemies involved. it's all little robots, followed by geckos
>alright-ish boss
>vamp fight is dumb
>rex vs ray is kind of okay i guess
>chapter 5
>literally ONE stealth segment followed byhallways a shit boss, a decent final boss and 3 hours of cutscenes

If the entire game had been like Chapter 1 and 2 and used the same mechanics, it would have been FAR better. That, and the literal 14 hours of cutscenes.

the gameplay is clunky as fuck compared to other games in the series

>that cleavage
What a whore.

This but PO>PW>V. And taking MGO into consideration I put it above MGS1.

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I'd say that there's no meat to the core gameplay outside of act 2. 1 is a glorified tutorial that only opens up for one area, 3 is a single tracking segment, 4 is a cool bit of nostalgia but only robots is lame, act 5 is literally just one quick run to a door.

what the fuck am I reading

The gameplay (while a step down from 3) is fine.

It's the story that's dumb as fuck. Retconned or threw away spiritual/supernatural stuff, NANO MACHINES, WAR ECONOMY ect

swap PW and 4

what the fuck are you talking about, I can see an argument for V but MGS4's gameplay is smooth as butter compared to what came before it.

If by cute you mean annoying, dumb as fuck, and unnecessary and not cute, then I agree.


One of the first times I agree with one of these lists on Yas Forums. Based.


4 is better than PW. Better story, music, gameplay, online, graphics, and sound design. PW has grindy gameplay and arguably better characters.


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Snake Eater with the movable camera shits on 4.

Tactical Espionage action != this dumb shit

The pacing is absolute shit, no denying it. I did really enjoy what gameplay is there though, and the gunporn was absolutely crazy considering how little opportunity there is to use any of it.

You're mentally challenged. They're identical but 4 is smoother with more options.

As an actual game experience? Sure, no contest. But the controls being more fluid? You are out of your fucking mind.

All the first section still holds up really good to be honest. Later I feel like it had some drop in the quality.

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