>JRPG writing and gameplay is shit
>WRPG designs are atrocious and SJW-friendly
What games got the best of both worlds?
>JRPG writing and gameplay is shit
>WRPG designs are atrocious and SJW-friendly
What games got the best of both worlds?
>good anything
the only good game in recent times was the witcher and even then that was over 4 years ago
Do gook even implement tolkien to their games? Not counting porn and mods of course
Are you implying that WRPGs that aren't dungeon crawlers have good gameplay?
Do kind of feel like the best WRPGs are Dark Messiah, Witcher III and Souls, and none of them are RPGs and one of them is Japanese.
>tfw no 40yr old loli-wife
I love this meme where we pretend souls are wrpgs because you are embarrassed to admit you like a Japanese game
If you can't love your woman's body/facial hair are you really a man?
>he thinks the witcher games are good
oh honey...
>Good gameplay
Did I travel back to the year 2000?
basically youre saying WRPGs are good, but you dont like them because the characters dont make your peepee hard. For fuck's sake just go watch porn you smooth brained degen.
I like Japanese dwarfs.
point out turn based JRPGs that have better combat than Divinity Original Sin
cause they're all obviously made for total brainlets, even the mobile Shadowrun Dragonfall has better turn based combat than any turn based JRPG in recent times
I ask again, did I travel back to the year 2000?
There are still turn based JRPGs being made, but you'll conveniently ignore that because their combat is made for lobotomized babies, and anything that has interesting combat is coming out of Japan is action RPG that is barely RPG anyway.
Can you guy please stop shilling this drawfag on twitter?
i love anime!
Jap games that copy WRPGs. Like Souls and Dragon's Dogma.
Nips have been copying WRPGs since forever. DQ and FF were copying the early Ultimas and Wizardry, that had random encounters and also had the cliche of finding a boat eventually in the story. The difference is that Japan decided to stay fossilized in the same concepts, making rehashes but now with better graphics and more cutscenes/FMV, meanwhile the West evolved.
They're kinda silly.
I'll take hairy woman over pedobait any day.
More like BasedBuddy
this is how I see things.
also this.
JRPGs usually have good to great writing.
JRPGs almost always have top tier gameplay.
WRPGs suck at absolutely everything.
>Disgusting filthy perverted avaricious gremlins who'll backstab you on the source
>Industrious, hard-working, conservative and yet welcoming to any non-dwarves if you give a good Lali-ho on the first
Every other race is a side-grade from first to source (Swiss German Au ra and Roegadyns, tech-savvy cats, noble imperial Hrothgars) but the dwarves are flat better than lala
JRPGs have better plot and characters.
WRPGs trade this for more player choice and open-ended worlds but this can leave them feeling kind of dead and generic since your character could be a level 99 lawful good paladin or a level 2 chaotic sexual Argonian streetwalker.
If either of them doesn't have "action" in the genre their gameplay is literally just menus.
>plot and characters written by hacks who couldn't cut in the anime industry so had to dump their shitty ideas on the game
who are we kidding, the vast majority of JRPGs feel like it's an anime-reject script
>Effeminate facial hair
A dwarf isn’t a real dwarf unless his or her beard is at least 3 feet long, and contains more beer than a bar rag. Those are an ogre and a goblin respectively.
>western fantasy
Always has been and will be garbage compared to the west
Also, JRPGs aren’t role playing games. You play a go getting teenage hero who leaves his hometown to go kill an evil god. You never once role play.
>Evolution is why Ultima and Wizardry are dead franchises and there's nothing like them
>Western dwarf
>funny (a bearded woman, lmao)
>Not intended to be fucked, just like it's male counterpart
>Exist merely to sell you the idea that this story contains unique people with their own sexual dimorphism
>Not focused on cooming
>Might be sjw agenda
Japanese dwarf
>Barely understand the concept of fantasy in the first place, thinks it's an allegory
>Can only be funny if they tell a joke as joking about implied pedophilia is a no-no to the japs
>Worldbuilding and immersion are considered "fussy details" and the police will arrest you for trying to uncover more than the goverment gives you.
>Remade for maximum coom potential, japs cannot understand having a positive race that you cannot be physically attracted to or abuse for your personal gain
Swap heads and hands and the western dwarf is perfect shortstack
How do I get good at drawing as this guy?
inconsistent artstyle like this really makes my autism flare
The openness of something like Ultima 7 can be seen in Bethesda games. Too bad all Bethesda games have shitty combat, awful writing, dull worlds and quests.
That's just Japan really, they make a something they claim to be a robot, but it looks like animu cute girl #26897145 and that's the way things go there.
>male characters look diverse in body and face
>female characters are same faced with different color of hair
Why can't Japs draw females?
I fucking hate nerds who insist on female dwarves having beards
me too
>> Pathfinder Kingmaker is god tier rpg
I do wish that Bethesda would put some thought into making their combat a little more flowing. They've dumped a lot of the RPG elements from Elder Scrolls, why not take the time to improve the action elements?
>every female ANYTHING is sameface anime shit
What an uncreative fucking culture. They've been shitting this out for 40 years and you faggots lap it up
>it's anohter balbuddy shilling thread
wizardry was traditionally the biggest inspiration for japanese fantasy, which was inspired by old editions of dnd, which was inspired by tolkien
so yeah kinda through like three layers of references
nips are insectoids devoid of creativity and a soul
you can still smell the roast beef from whoever drew that
For the past half century, Japanese artists have conditioned themselves to think a good female design comes from having overly detailed attire and a face so simple you can easily mold it on a $50 figurine.
I wish I could draw so I can draw some meme pictures as well
western rpgs have gone to shit, witcher is probably the only decent one left
lmao I remember that
"modern men no longer want big breasts" or some other simp shit copypasta
I wish I could draw tits and lolis.
That's pretty funny. Out of all the things shilled here this artist is the most acceptable.
I see what you did there
here's the full version
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he/she made it in gimp.
Not that I know of, thank god.
ha ha
imagine if the japanese dwarf was raped by cyclopses and minotaurs
ha ha
This is even worse then the translation that let to kobolds being dogmen.
is she jomon?
>having preference in males
Imagine being gay like you
here's the backdrop
they are giants user
The turn-based combat in all RPGs nowadays is made for lobotomized babies.
plenty of time to practice in quarantine
She's from Kazakhstan iirc
Stop sucking minotaur cock and fap to normal porn like yuri.
Here's some REAL Japanese dwarfs
like poetry
i need a Kazakhstanian girlfriend
Kazakh-chan is cute. CUTE!
Tuck off polnigger
I spat out my tea when I realized that post was written by a Britbong slag. British women are some of the ugliest creatures on Earth.
What the hell kinda dwarf is
>Hates knife ears
Carry on then.