What games have the best animal companions?

What games have the best animal companions?

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"Dog" in Dragon Age: Origins was my favorite animal companion.

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is that a cow?

you just know

Pretty sure it's a dog

I want a cow friend like that

How is that dog so big? Or is the person just tiny? I can't tell

Cows are very much like affectionate pets if they're not in high packed feed lots. But most people are so abstractly disconnected from the food chain now they don't know anything.

Mix of both

it's manly tears with his chihuahua

That's cute and all but I wouldn't hesitate to eat that thing.

>training pitbulls to jump over kindergarten fences

I mean, you can keep one cow as pet and eat the rest.

Cows are so good and I wish we didn't treat them so badly.

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>Enemy is enhanced to ignore fences.

>2011 + 9
>manly tears jokes
you love to see it

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quick, name 1 (one) cow!

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>Cows are just big Woofers that Moo


I love cows

would be fun shooting this killing machine while it jumps.

Haunting Ground.

Stop eating them then.

Me too user. I love all the animals, but cows are special.

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They'd be extinct by now if not for the fact we breed them constantly

Yeah, same with dogs and cats.

>implying I do

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hmm interesting

>Stop eating them then.

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Go away Chang. No one likes the Chinese.

You just cow

Or the wild aurochs would still be alive if we didn't overfarm livestock and destroy environments, maybe. They survived for the first 99% of the time that humans were on the planet just fine.


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>would be fun shooting this killing machine while it jumps.

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haha look at him go

So, what disease have we obtained from cows? Cowpox, smallpox, TBC, anything else?


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If you love them, it makes them taste better.

nooooo not the dogerinos


>lifting your shoe on the seat of a car

Why do women do this?

t. pitbull owner.

Don't they also have some sort of deadly prion shit?

>.t tweaker pibblenigger owner

There's nothing wrong with breeding your own meat so long as they are treated nice and their death is humane.

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problem? cars are meant to be used, not babied.

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Phonefags need to be autobanned



A level-headed perspective? NOOOOOOO!!!

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy better known as Mad Cow Disease, yes.

Literally the only humane way to kill is by hunting.

>humane death


Blessed thread

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I'm honestly just using this thread as an excuse to dump my /an/ folder.

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Prions mostly come from cannibals. Eating brains = bad.
MCD is non-existant anymore. World culled and burned shitton of cows.

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You can entirely avoid prion 'diseases' by not eating the brainmeat of mammals.

Apparently in my father's childhood rural village townpeople took turns taking all the cows to pasture together every day, but at the end of the day every single cow returned on their own house on its own.

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Based peace keepers

After we destroy the Jews, the animals will have a much better life.

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No they arent. Just like chickens, theyre awful animals. Stupid and damgerous if you arent careful. Fuckin city slickers.

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Yeah although with modern farming practices we'll just keep propagating diseases.

>meant to be used, not babied

Same goes for a bed, so do you get your dirty shoes on your bed sheets? You know what don't answer that, I bet you do you dirty fucking swine

Not really.

I'm a country boy through and through and I've yet to meet an animal that wasn't at times stupid and dangerous, humans included. It doesn't change the fact that they are good and deserve better.

Cows are very inteligent, user. My aunt have two guernsey and when i was younger i used to play with them and shit was hilarious. Cows are like dogs if you raise them right.

>mobs ignore pathing rules

Retard, I bet you have pets running around in your apartment, bed and car.