Remember when this pose upset everyone?

Remember when this pose upset everyone?

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not really

>Remember when this pose upset SJWs

tracers pathetic ass isnt even worth getting upset over, why didnt they give a shit about Widowmaker's fat fuckin latex-covered ass?

>sjws REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at this pose for being too sexy
>ass is completely fucking flat and impossible to make sexy

What's wrong with it?

>hyper offended leftists
not even real people

This. It shows just how much you can fix these situations by simply ignoring them. SJWs will find someonething else to sperge over if you just wait long enough.

it was literally one triggered person, which was enough for Blizzard to take the advantage off the situation to make a pr move

thank you, user

It doesn't fit her personality to be showing off her McNuggies. It doesn't apply to Widowmaker since she has no personality.

One person =/= everyone, and then Blizzard replaced it with an even sexier ass pose based on actual pinup art painted onto the side of bombers.

Remember when Overwatch was fun?
Yeah, me neither.

all women are whores, so it fits her "personality" perfectly to pose like a hussy

nobody in overwatch has much of a personality

Because one of them uses her assets and sexuality to her advantage, like you know, women do.

We could argue on and on about this piece of shit game but there's only like, three characters that are fun to play and read about (Zen, Hamster and THE UNIVERSE IS SINGING TO ME)

Atleast Overwatch 2 will give her a bigger ass. But it's not like anybody likes the characters outside the porn

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>cheeky tomboy
>not showing of her MgNuggies

Lmao they replaced it with this pose

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Literally flat as a board. If I didn't know better I'd think Tracer is a skinny boy.

Your mother especially is the greatest whore and an aspiration to women.

It was literally one dude on the Blizzard forums who believed Tracer was his daughter

Blizzard changed that pose to something else that doesn't make sense. They put Tracer in a different, equally as provocative, pose designed after a pin-up girl. While the pin-up girl had an object to lean her knee against, Tracer just holds her knee up in the air, standing on the tips of her foot, completely off-balance, yet stable for the duration the victory pose is shown. It's the stupidest thing, but... Blizzard cracked under the SJW pressure.

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trannies and lesbians aren't people
not that anyone gives a shit about this dead normiebait game anymore

God damn you people look for the most retarded shit to bitch about. This woman isn't leaned up against anything elther, is it triggering you? Gonna throw a bitchfit about how inept and stinky the Air Force is?

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oh for fuck's sake, moot

Remember when this kiss upset Yas Forums?

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>tracer is a skinny boy
she would be better for it


This is a better pose


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literally ONE person was upset with this. It was a forum thread with one sjw complaining about how the pose didn't match her personality. The reason them removing the pose got so widespread was because Jeff Kaplan bent the knee to ONE SINGLE FORUM CRYBABY.

they tracered that pose

remember when people played overwatch?

Not PEOPLE, but I remember when female stoners with no personality played Overwatch, moving onto it from League of Legends.

Yeah, she's off-balance, but the pose is more dynamic. Isn't that Tracer's whole deal? Never played Overwatch, only know her from porn and HotS.

She's leaning against the plane user

SJWs didn't ree about that pose. It was literally one person claiming to be a mom that found it "problematic." The reason it blew up was because she got an official response (something that is particularly difficult to accomplish with blizzard) from the game's lead dev that basically said "You know what, you're right. We're going to change it."
It wasn't until like the next day iirc that the retarded dev came out and said that they had plans to change that specific pose already in the works well before the person complained about it.

No. I'm more pissed off over that horrendous art style. Stupid ass disney looking shit. Fuck western media.

Tracer could be imagined as an ADHD sort of character. She's about moving around, yes. She has a sitting emote and victory pose where she sits cross-legged and keeps swaying slightly. But victory poses are seen at the end of matches, with the entire winning team lining up in a row. Off-balance victory poses, in general, look stupid, as they're still animated. They are still breathing and holding that pose, as if there's a photographer they're waiting on to take their picture. Tracer standing on the tips of her foot just looks off.

>waaaaah why isn't everything like my korean cartoons?!

Only ugly lesbians kissing is upsetting. Like in tlou2.

It was literally one person.

Yeah this was around the time I realized how stupid this game actually was and dropped it in its entirety

Upset who?

Am I autistic for having a mild gay crush on Sigma even though I haven't played Overwatch since that Sigma origin comic came out

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>oh my god two fake women mash pussies this triggers me so hard aauuuugh!

One guy.
One guy made one post on Blizzard's forums about the pose.

Wrong, everyone was upset and Blizzard bent over backwards to appease them, this is the narrative now and will forever be.

It encourages degeneracy you fucking faggot.
If a little girl saw this shit, they'd think it would be kinda interesting, they'd try it and realize that they like this kinda thing. They would then begin to stop breeding, sending white birth rates down. It's also a slippery slope as it can enable complete faggotry (two men) which will turn men into faggot sissy cucks.
Faggotry needs to be outlawed and any mention if it in media resulting in that becoming instantly 18+

Wasnt the controversy about giving in to sjws and changing it rather than the pose itself?

>herpa derpa woobity woo! I've got some dipshit ranting for you!
You faggots think taking showers and blowing your nose causes people to turn into rampaging rapebeasts. It's gotten so very, very tiring.

>Blizzard cracked under the SJW pressure.
And then made a pinup reference?

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>It encourages degeneracy you fucking faggot.
And playing video games as an adult doesn't?

No, the controversy was more about changing the pose when no vidya news media actually criticized it in the first place.

Remember when they replaced it with a famous playboy pinup pose?

Yes, exactly. No matter the actions or outcome Blizzard is to blame.

>leftists get upset over a pose
>reactionaries laugh and call them a bunch of sensitive dimwits who call everything problematic

>character in video game is gay
>same reactionaries have an internet wide shit storm about how SJWs/progressives/cultural marxists are ruining video games

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IQ equivalent to the last two digits of your post poster detected. I'm happy you have so few problems in your life that you actually care to seethe this much over nothing. God forbid you ever face actual hardship

They cracked AFTER this. It was some time after they decided Tracer needed to be a lesbian. Possibly to make up for slamming the whiner so hard.

>>character in video game is gay
>>same reactionaries have an internet wide shit storm about how SJWs/progressives/cultural marxists are ruining video games
But gays were the ones most mad about the Soldier 76 change, because even they knew that it was just made to shift attention.

overwatch art team can't into poses
pharah leans forward retardedly like michael jackson

>Pose upsets homos
>Turn character into homo

>preaches trad values
>is a forever alone incel
make up your mind user! so do you want a nuclear family or not?

People were upset about Blizzard changing a generic ass pose to a sexy bomber plane pinup ass pose that fits Tracer, a pilot, far better?

Faggots were responsible for ruining my family. I will forever hate faggots and wish for them to all be burned at the stake.
They stole my father from me before he gave me the sex discussion so I got stuck with (((their))) sex ed

Never heard of this.

That doesn't trigger me NEARLY as much as the god awful playerbase that plagues this game. The amount of times I was told to switch to Reinhardt when I wanted to play a Defense hero was absolutely atrocious.

Fuck that game. I'll never go back.

Yes. People that don't play the game and only use vidya for their reactionary bullshit are a ridiculous thing to have right now. I'd rather we all just go back and watch synchtube videos.

Are you sure he didn't just abandon you?

>It was some time after they decided Tracer needed to be a lesbian.
Nigger Yas Forums had already figured out the was a dyke by then, that or fucking the gorilla.
Nobody thought Tracer was straight for a second, and only started hoping when that one cosplayer who looked exactly like her started to get posted.

I certainly would have.

I am positive. My mother told me how she caught my father fucking a man when I was old enough