Why does Japan hate first person shooters?

why does Japan hate first person shooters?

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they have good taste

They don't, it just causes them motion sickness on average.
This is information that most western nerds already knew all the way back in the '90.
How fucking new are these subhuman nu/v/ cockroaches?

Why do Americans hate soccer?

There you have it

You can't see the cute anime girl protag in a first person game.

They literally get motion sickness. They still love games like Skyrim and modern Fallout though.

>Advance Wars being a flop there
Nah they have shit taste. They prefer Waifu Emblem obviously.

is it because they have slanted eyes?

They like hentai rail shooters, which are inherently first person... And you do shoot...ergo they like first person shooters.

They like to see the character they're playing as.

This one

Soccer is getting big with all our spics though

Uhhhh you guys know typical call of duty shit has decent sales there right?
They just don't make any because it's pointless to compete with AAA shit that will outmatch you in every way regardless

>hentai rail shooters
Name at least three (3) games that belong to this genre no seriously I'm bored and I'm out of good eroge

*they want to look up the skirt of the anime girl they’re playing as


Why does this guy look like he’s been holding in a fart his whole life?

because FPS games are shit

FPSes are fucking garbage

Tucker is peak trad

>Nips don't like something
>So it's automatically shit
Typical weeaboo reaction.

>making up anything to defend your garbage genre

it is the most primitive form of gaming, basically just click on the things that appear in front of you.

Beyond the motion sickness everyone mentioned, most first person shooters made these days are dogshit filled with microtransactions.

it reminds them of WW2 and how they got neutered by the west

shooters are the lowest common denominator of gaming.

why does in most fps you can't see your chest and feet? Hell you can't even see your upper arm, as if everyone is a hunchback

Insects can't aim when their vision is so limited

Yea as if they don't love pachinko, gacha and gambling. Dumbass

I dont defend the fps genre. I've never played a single FPS game in my life.

Never heard of this, but makes sense, considering some of my relatives
I think it's more of a cultural thing in my opinion, America really is the only country that treats firearms as a right and recreation, people spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to build and accessorize their guns. Meanwhile, Japan doesn't even have a standing military.

To ask why they hat FPS, is to ask us why we hate pachinko machines.

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Single player FPS is one of the most brain dead genres in vidya. The mechanics are just way too simple for glorious nippon taste. There is very little room for creative or novel playstyle, just get the best gun possible and point and click at braindead enemies. I haven't been entertained by a single player FPS since I was 10.

why does tucker look like he's trying to hold in a fart?

>Says this while mobile coomer trash is popular there.
Not very bright are you?

They don't have the T levels to appreciate it, that's like asking why women aren't into FPS games.

Same reason why they're terrible drivers.

They need grindy garbage to spend their time with, they're soulless husks.

Shame 'Muricans don't consider Hispanic citizens....

You're overeating Nips' capabilities way too much weeb.


That's why it's popular in the first place.

all the jap exchange students i went to school with played a lot of csgo

Other than being a complaint from immersionfags, it adds nothing to gameplay. You can see your feet in most FPS games these days though.

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You're overeating way too much, mutt.

They can't see shit through their slit eyes

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why do schizos keep spamming this same thread all the time? call of duty is popular in japan and their arcades are full of fps games.

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They're boring as fuck.


They don't get to look at their character's cute girl butts.

i believe this unironically

Isn't The House of the Dead technically a first-person shooter? I mean, you shoot stuff and it has a first-person view, I think.

They hate western games period. They made a list of the best games ever and not a single western game made it. NieR Automata, BOTW, CT, Okami & OOT was their top 5

Technically, yes. It'd be more accurate to say that it's a rail shooter, specifically.

they are all incels so they only play dating simulators (jrpg) to cope. that is also the reason Yas Forumsirgins like jrpgs so much

Didn't Japs made a huge community WAD pack for Doom that is actually quite good?

user that's the same as just about every "best game ever" list

It's because western games are literally inferior to eastern games. You can't prove me wrong.

Japan has plenty of military and gun fetishists and even though they're not allowed to own real ones there's plenty of airsoft LARPing. The JSDF is also an army in all but name.

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They don’t have a standing military because they lost WW2 and the US has been occupying them for 80 years, dipshit. They are highly militant when left to their own devices.

they aren't, they're invaders

Also lightgun rail shooter games were huge in arcades and still are to this day. It's 100% motion sickness of moving around in a virtual first person perspective.

can't masturbate to the characters as easily

They don't, they actually like CoD a lot over there.