Why are most game models shit?

Why are most game models shit?

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This woman is well within my standards


>stomache completely different color

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>all the futa on futa catfighting/sfm porn
it's great

I actually don't think most game models are "shit", it's more so that the animations and rigging is shit.

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that's not how tans work

What is Project Utam?

a footfag VN

pic unrelated, I hope
I would start playing modernshit again if they had fewer manfaces and more of that.

What system are you playing on? The N 64?

Okinawans are god tier girls.

>japanese father
>foreign mother
every time


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Why doesn't she have an age?

Obvious winner.

how dumb are you?

>Foot size

Do they wanna footfags now?

>ostracized because of her heritage and larger physique
>shortest of the 3



Do you even go outside, bro

>See model and thinks it's going to be some modern Umemaro tier interactive animations
>It's just a VN being made by deviant art retarded footfag

Yeah, go fuck yourself for giving me hope, kiddo.

Bust: 38D

>pink toenails

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What's the issue?


Literally what's your fucking problem?

Is there any Japanese game or anime that has it the other way around? I can't even recall any

>being a fag

oh yeah because men fucking hate big breasts

They have to be white, black or some beige color. None of that vibrant shitty colors like blue, pink, violet. Natural, without polish, it's nice too.
Sorry for having good taste.

Check A Look


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There are some vicious bitches out there.
Don’t underestimate the female capacity for bullying.

I have never even HEARD of a man who cares about a woman’s nails, they literally only bother with that shit to show off to other women. This amount of homosexuality you have is unheard of.

because the human body is an incredibly complex and brilliant entity. even with references, if you don't know how or why muscles make you look a certainty, you're just copying what the skin is laying on top of. Plus everyone has a decent ideas of what a human is supposed to look like so that leaves you little margin for error. Then lastly everyone has their own idea of what they WANT a body to look like. Shit's hard, ill take whatever looks close as long as it kind looks like a woman and can gargle a dick

oh shit that guy with the feet animations is making a game? didn't he already let some other game use his feet models too

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Ok flamboyant homo

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>foot size 9
jesus christ

>foot fetish game
>can't have opinions on the women's feet

Gelbooru, Rule34.xxx, Sankaku, pretty much any website that hosts webms and shit
pixiv, japanese tag for futanari+japanese tag for shit related to catfights like "catfight, competitive intercourse, lesbian competitive intercourse"

Queer taste is more like it.

>didn't he already let some other game use his feet models too
wait what? source, source, source!

I'm not that insane man, but around here it's actually more common than you think. Just pray so that they don't find out about this thread

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what the fuck

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it's some upcoming 3d porn game. sorry i forgot the name though

>being so insecure about your repressed homosexuality that the mere sight of the color pink triggers you

We found the sasquatch.

Are you retarded?

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it's clearly a footfag thing and not a gay thing

>nose too small

reminds me of

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well, for a woman it's large
I'm guessing either she'll be bashful about them, or she'll be dominant and insist on using them

>legit faggot thinks I don't like feet
No, it's just a homosexual thing.

>NecDaz 3D VN

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