>Yas Forums loved Doom 2016
>Eternal comes out
>Basically 2016 but better in every way
>Yas Forums hates it
Yas Forums loved Doom 2016
Correction: Yas Forums likes it besides some minor grievances like choked ammo supplies and some enemies being super tanky unless you deal with their gimmick weakpoint.
The outrage mob is just a bunch of shitposters. One of them is easy to spot because his posts are typed out like haikus.
Yas Forums is full of contrarians that dislike popular games for the sole reason that they are popular.
>Basically 2016 but better in every way
This is a lie
It plays very differently
>>Basically 2016 but better in every way
Yas Forums didn't like Doom 2016 on release either.
This game’s harder so it filtered a lot of zoomies
It's not hated here as much as we just have a rabid group of people who hate anything that isn't a Sony exclusive.
>Yas Forums didn't like Doom 2016 on release either.
Nope, I was there for the launch and Yas Forums loved it. It was only the contrarians that stated otherwise and changed the narrative.
Yas Forums didn't love 2016 until the contrarians got bored. I remember how a bunch of anons kept shitting up the threads how it wasn't anything like the classic Doom games.
4 years later now people are mad that Eternal is nothing like 2016, probably because it's casual filter - and the better game as a result.
>loved Doom 2016
>something is putting me off from liking Eternal
at least during the first hour or so, something about Eternal is just off. There's too many tutorials, and they went way to arcady on some aspects. Why are the weapon pickups just floating icons like it's 1995 or something? In 2016 you'd come across a weapon from a fallen person or what have you, and it made sense. Now you just arbitrarily come across a weapon because, why? And they have armor shards placed about in lines like they're rings from a sonic game.
One thing will seal my patronage: is it still a linear wave-shooter a là D44M or did they did they fix that and you can expect to get mogged on any time any where?
I don't partake in bandwagons.
I pirated Doom 2016 and finished it, then bough tit.
It was okay, a breath of fresh air.
Eternal feels... meh? I don't know I've been playing on Ultra-Violence and I've only died once so far, I'm in the third level. Game feels like it's choked by gimmicks.
I don't like that Cacodemons are so tanky unless you throw them a nade, and all the ammo constraints, also the game just feels uninspired to me.
I don't know how to explain it, playing the game just evokes no feelings in me, nothing.
I understand why someone wouldn't like it, I feel very neutral about it. Won't bother buying it, for sure.
>Nope, I was there for the launch and Yas Forums loved it.
>Basically 2016 but better in every way
holy shit shills are pathetic
How is it not, aside for the cringey lore?
Yas Forums doesn't like success.
I love Leafyishere too bro XDDDD
are you retarded, it's not anywhere near doom 2016. its not hot garbage, but it also feels like a different game that they put a doom coat of paint over
>walks into fight
>uses cooldown aoe freeze grenade which stuns everything for 5 seconds
>uses cooldown regular grenade which destroys all fodder instantly
>uses cooldown flamethrower which gives you practically infinite armor pickups
>uses cooldown big punch which staggers anything and gives health
>uses cooldown based dash to stay out of range of any kind of danger at all times
>uses glory kill i frames to recharge dash to escape on the rare, rare chance you actually get stuck
zoomguy is a fucking moba character
2016 is trash
Ternal is trash
Level design is a lot worse. At least D2016 tried to do something a bit more non-linear on the first stages.
In DE it'a all about linear arenas all the time.
Yas Forums are casuals that are unironically getting filtered by the ammo system
I like it. Has flaws but improvement over 16. Having fun, Yas Forums can seethe for all i care
>Yas Forums hates it
It just means Eternal is actually a good game.
>classic doom
Doom guy walks in and uses his gun to kill everyone just like a moba spell when you think about it that deals damage
thats unironically how you sound retard
its fine t
Yas Forums only likes bad games like:
- skyrim
- undertale
- sekiro
>complains about people being contrarian
>is a contrarian
you dumb fucking nigger
I don't mind the less ammo since it's there to combat the issue NuDoom had where you can basically just play the whole game using either the Railgun or SS and nothing else.
While I know people are going to respond with
>Not everyone is the same
I find it ironic how that was the biggest criticism (alongside arena levels) in NuDoom and now that the biggest complaint in this one is that now people are "forced" to mix up weapons.
>At least D2016 tried to do something a bit more non-linear on the first stages.
I replayed the game last week and all of it is linear.
huurr look at me I can repeat meme-words over and over
>his posts are typed out like haikus.
he sounds like a fucking chad
Foundry, Argent Facility?
>Basically 2016 but better in every way
nudoom was shit. are you retarded?
Bullshit, at least in the forge level you search for keys going all around the level multiple times
I like 2016. I still like 2016. The only thing Eternal has on it is the unlockable skins and the face being displayed
>Yas Forums loved Doom 2016
you mistook Yas Forums for a bunch of shills, nigga
>giving a fuck what Yas Forums likes
I barely come here anymore
4-5 depressed autists with no life perspective shitposting 24/7 are not Yas Forums user
I'm all in for uncensored and unregulated forums but Yas Forums is proof that only works when you kill the 1% worse users
feel free to kys
This may come as a surprise, but Yas Forums is mostly kids and a lot of them are autistic or just plain brainlets.
Yas Forums are faggots, I like it; just like 2016 I get to fuck shit up only this time they bring a bit more challenge.
saying eternal is better than 2016 isn't contrarian, it's a fact
why are you lying?
>bing bing
>it's a me - domguy
fuck you, shill
To be fair I only used the railgun in Doom 2016 to pick off cacos, since that was one of few things it was actually good for.
This thread is proof nobody actually read peoples complaints.
Low ammo
>use the chainsaw duh
Yeah but its annoying id rather just have more ammo instead of basically adding a reload button to doom.
Too many cutscenes and tutorials
>just skip the entire story bro! Just turn off all tutorials so you dont know how new mechanics work.
No i want context on whats happening and why i should care in a quick and effective way like dialogue between combat sections or environmental story telling. The tutorials need to have a "new shit only" option and showing you exactly how to kill new enemy types is so lame like they either dont trust the player to not be retarded or the gimmicks are essential and there is no room to experiment
It's pretty repetitive. Fun for the first few hours of the first game, but even the first game gets old after a while. Now to make a sequel with exactly the same repetitive gameplay, well that sucks.
OP, this entire board is and always has been the "this is why your favorite game sucks" board, if you want actual opinions and not retards and shitposts go to /vg/.
>hurr durr I'm not a bethesda salesman
go peddle your shit somewhere else
I think that is where the problem lies, you think it is an improvement, while many fans disagree.
>better in every way
Your basic punch not being able to take down zombies is a fucking retarded change, as is not having a pistol. This forces you to waste resources on fodder enemies.
Eternal isn't hard. Extra lives trivializes the first four stages until you're properly geared up.
yeah, better in every way, except having no ammo ever
>this thing that isnt based on cooldowns is JUST LIKE cooldowns!
>better then Doom 4
>Forces you to do a gay cooldown dance for the first 5-6 levels before you have enough ammo counts/guns to not be chainsawing a worthless mook every other second.
The flame thrower also just doesn't feel like it flows with the combat well. I spent the first few levels constantly killing zombies before i realized half the arenas just spawn them forever until you kill the designated open the door monsters. It feels so stupid and pointless just have respawning ammo crates if you wanna be that way.
Chainsaw, dumb nigger. It automatically regenerates up to 1 charge.
The infinite zombie spawns also suck shit because part of DOOM combat has always been thinning the herd to manage bigger guys better.
With endless peon minions flooding in it feels like some COD shit.
>just do the QTE regen cooldown chainsaw that isnt a real weapon!
picture of man with scruffy facial hair and black glasses holding his mouth wide open
Then play without ammo, be my guest.
If they don't let me pilot one of those giant robots by the end then I fucking QUIT!
>just stop the gameplay by activating a miniature cutscene to get more ammo bro!
If i repeat a mission can i come back more powerful or will it reset me to how stacked i was for that mission specifically life and all? I did the first Slayer room on UV and lost like 3-4 lives because those flame dudes two shot me and everything was on my ass constantly well Revenants shot at me. So can i do them after i unlock then elsewhere? Or just comeback stronger?
The game seems promising but I still want to wait so it’s not some sort of “honeymoon period”. It’s also a bit more obnoxious than NuDoom and I definitely don’t want to pay a full $60 for all of that.
Worst part is people will try and claim 4 was the same. But in reality i always saved the chainsaw to cheese a Baron and ammo on the map was pretty generous and fine. Doom 4 has very weak pick ups and forces the chainsaw on you. This makes harder encounters with the sped up enemies even more annoying because they're moving around during a chainsaw kill you feel forced to do. I just don't like it so far the bosses feel weaker then 4 too which is sad since those 3 were pretty mediocre.
I'm telling you to punch things for 20 minutes until you get to the next area and hope there's some ammo drops though. Or refund the game, whichever you prefer.
It is not like 2016 and it is worse in every single way.
I'm annoyed they still haven't changed the platforming>arena>platforming>arena>platforming>arena map design, it seems worse than ever in DE
Yas Forums bitches about every new game. it fucking whined and cried about 2016 as well when it came out
>I loved Doom 2016
>Eternal comes out
>Basically 2016 but worse in every way
>I don't hate it but I am disappointed
A lot of the criticism is perfectly valid and not just shitters. I enjoyed 2016 from the get go but am disappointed by a lot of the design choices in Eternal which just seem like a step back, as well as the weird MOBA style special ability stuff which doesn't gel well with the gameplay at all.
>y- you just hate it cause it’s popular you’re a contrarian
Literal underage tier response
>Yas Forums loved Doom 2016
nice joke