Nioh 2

God, why do Hatchets suck so much fucking ass. The only way to make them even remotely good is by spamming High Stance throw with Perfect Timing Mystic Art.

I just wanna hack monsters to death and not be forced to spend three hours playing absolutely perfectly for a single fucking kill or spam throw all day long.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Hatchets take considerably more stamina to use than 2kat but don't do that kind of damage
>they're also slower
>their Ki recovers slower as well (the ki pulse phase) which is really awkward if you've got your ki pulse time down to muscle memory
>throws are all largely shit unless you do nothing but spam high stance throws and the only way to make those good are with the Mystic Art for perfect timing which is fucking awful when you're in a tough fight
>the stationary spinning axe skill doesn't apply status effects as easily as it should and usually doesn't even do it in a single throw making it a pointless skill since it does no damage, doesn't stagger or do any Ki damage
It's such a shame because it's such a interesting weapon.

But there is absolutely no way I'm gonna bother doing nothing but Timed High Stance throws or hell, even bother getting the timing down.


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They're both bottom of the barrel, but so far the hatchets are beating out the kusa in terms of popularity, according to this shitty poll I started up the other day, which is surprising

I feel your pain, I really do. Alas it was not meant to be.

>stand-still slashing not infinite like 2kat, gama and even glaive
>recovery out the ass on everything
>throws have a downward angle and crab spin has terrible tracking
feet throw to break guards feels nice though
and the mid stance quick combo is good

The thing is, Hatchets are really fun. If you go to maps where you're significantly stronger than the enemies, maybe by about 20 or 30 levels, Hatchets feel really fucking good to use. They're not overpowered, you can apply status really nicely. It feels good to throw out ranged attacks mid combo and finish off people with a heavy throw.

It's a solid weapon. But when you take it to your own level bracket, you do like 30% of the damage of any other weapon. It's essentially the Tonfa of Nioh 1.

You also forgot;
>absolutely most annoying Secret Skill to get
>all other weapons have easy to fight duels
>2Axe has to fight his way to a boss before fighting the boss making the time to farm it considerably more

the multiple paths you can take in this game is wild, holy fuck they really listened to the level design complaints. Just did that Sohaya village level and its like 2 Nioh1 levels combined, and you have the option of doubling back when they reconnect and checking out the other path for loot and collectables

>still summoned for tatara

What are some actual good skills to use for 2kat? I have the unsheathe attack but everything else seems like useless anime shit

Does the game track how many times you died per boss?

I want to make the most overpowered build ever.

What weapon should I go?

>mfw I roll into a boss with Odachi, full heavy armor, 300+ toughness, quick scroll, steel/prot/barrier/purification onmyouji and 3k+ health

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>have to get 180k proficiency in 2kat to unlock a dojo mission which then lets you unlock mitsuhide's sub mission "Master of the Three Evils"

this sucks, nothing wrong with 2kat but are there any other sub missions locked behind proficiency reqs?

Water Sword for destroying bosses from 100 to 0 and I personally like the parries and Cherry Blossom for human opponents.

is he actually playing it?

Yes. It actually tracks how many times you've died to every enemy.

God of Wind absolutely shits on human enemies. If you do it with perfect timing you can loop them into ki breaks all day and never give them a chance to fight.

>it's a boss wont drop a weapon skill episode

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What does +1 mean next to my gear?

dsp? of course he is
he's mid stance glaive now

Yep, I glanced at it
It's incredibly boring right up until he hits a minor inconvenience, when the usual bitching comes out. Took him a dozen tries to take out the first boss, and he spends 90% of his time in only mid-stance, while simultaneously complaining about not being able to dodge the flurry of sweeps it does

>put Charge Attack Up, Rage and the Self-Damage augument on lumber chop
>take out like 1/4th of the HP bar of an appropriately-leveled boss in a single golfswing
>while almost leaving myself with 1 hp
My dick can't get harder from this gambling.

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Ninja and that means kusa since it scales with the ninja stat.

>Mid-stance glaive only
So he's like every other glaive user?

>tfw being a DPS fag and maining 2kat

fuck brehs i am MELTING these cunts so fast

do any of the maps from the first game appear in this?

It means its beyond the cap, a higher level than what would otherwise be able to be created.

I think all the sub-mission maps except for the bridge
bridge was really cool though

>Tokichiro cheering Hidddy up during Otakemaru battle
>that moment when Otakemaru goes full BONE OF MY SWORD with absolutely insane moveset
The game is a god damn masterpiece

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Low stance spear is the most fun but I hate how after so far into your combo you do the long spin attack that lasts too long and you can't finish or dodge.

oh, and the graveyard
graveyard was cool too

>Self-Damage augument
where did you find that?

No, there's no onmyo mage den or a bandit ship.

A few, they're mostly relegated to sub-missions with the sole exception of Honojima.

Neat, where can I see this?

I think its the upper part of Shifting tree, 20% more damage on the skill but it deals part of it to yourself too.
I blow away like almost half of my HP in a single hammer golfswing but it is too satisfying, I use Life Leech talisman beforehand sometimes too and get like all of it back half a second later.
Really cool gimmick, I love how customizable the game is and the fact that it lets me play with my HP like a resource.

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Odachi is truly fantastic once you have a heavy armor set + onmyouji/ ninjutsu backing it up.
You're a wall but you're still fast as fuck and inflict retarded levels of damage.

god of wind for ki draining (pair it with Masterful Slice for ez ki shredding), The Shrike for the easiest parry available (against human enemies), Water Sword shits out damage but the range is small so you gotta learn when to use it, Earthly Flow is (one of the? I don't know if they added any in this game) the only parry in the game that can counter any move (aside from grabs) so its nice to have but the timing is hard to learn.

>A few, they're mostly relegated to sub-missions with the sole exception of Honojima.
found it thanks

Nevermind I'm a liar, just confirmed Earthly Flow works on grabs too

>started practicing ki pulse into empty air
>it feels like character just stands on the spot for a moment before suddenly doing a shit load of damage out of nowhere

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>Still with the Diablorderlands loot
>Still no single, interconnected world
>Still no PvP
>Still no jigsaw puzzle plot with lore as the pieces
>Surprised when other gameplay mechanics are shit too

>getting summoned to finish out the yokai illustrations
>person who summoned me doesn’t know how the please the wall
>doesn’t know how to please the badger
>keeps getting lost and missing kodama
>dies to a gaki

>get summoned
>summoner also summons another person
>second person runs off on their own, blitzing the level and not allowing the summoner to experience it at all

What the fuck is wrong with people

>Still with the Diablorderlands loot
It is good and adds a lot of customization.
>Still no single, interconnected world
It is a meme. Half of DaS1 is shit and DeS managed to be a great game in spite of not having one.
>Still no jigsaw puzzle plot with lore as the pieces
Now I understand that you're memeing.

>It is good and adds a lot of customization.
Not him but shut the fuck up dude. Close Combat damage makes everything else irrelevant again. There's just no point.

>tfw died more to the axe skeletons than anything else

>wants another Souls clone

Get filtered

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Someone mentioned being able to infinitely remain in that one 2kat active skill where you slash over and over in high stance. How do you do that? How do you not run out of stamina?

>Close Combat damage makes everything else irrelevant again
yeah that's why ninjutsu is broken right

probably maxed Ki Pulse stat and Momentum Mystic

Any chance of them throwing out a buff patch?

Are you being dumb on purpose

A-are you sure you want to be with me user?... even with my weird horns?

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You have a sill that reduces the stamina cost by about twenty percent.


Nothing comfier than finishing a bunch of mission and then watch good old phil struggle with the most basic shit because he keeps on spamming mid stance glaive and does no damage, while aslo obviously not using burst counters.

You know how many slots you have?

>dosan discarded his place as the worshipped top yokai-slayer-chad for THIS


And they all don't matter as long as you get Close Combat up.

literally me

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>all i care about is close combat up so that's all you care about

i can hear this webm

>what is utility
A single piece of divine gear has far far more open slots than just one.
Don't be fucking retarded.

And it's all literally irrelevant because one skill just gives you a straight up damage boost.

Oh he already insulted team ninja a dozen times, calling the game unbalanced and sadistic.

You can care about whatever you want. If you really think Ki damage up against poisoned enemies is better than raw damage, that's on you

Alright, so we can apply the same type of retarded fuckwit logic to the souls/bloodborne ring/rune system.
They're all irrelevant because there is Ring of Blades/Clutch Ring. Or something else that gives you a damage/HP boost.
Even if you have another fucking goddamn slot which can be filled with a variety of defensive or utility options.
That is how retarded you sound.

I didn't say it was better nigga. Every weapon is allowed to have more than just close combat up.

shame you cant get okuni's armor

I've been farming this archer faggot for 3 hours and he still hasn't dropped his smithing text, god dammit. I'd be close to done with the main story at this point if I stopped getting distracted with gear autism like this.

I've spent 99% of this game in either mid or high stance. What does low stance even do?

I gave up farming skills after almost a whole day trying

>Being a fucking dumbass and comparing one thing with certain options to something else with a completely different set of options
Actually, It was Ring of Blades and Flynn's ring that literally every melee build used, along with the Dragon ring, because they were the best and made everything else irrelevant. That's what happens when you put something so much better than everything else in a sea of useless shit

Nothing unless you're playing Odachi.

is your dodge stance.

You dont make any sense.
How 1 thing invalidates the others if the others are still present and you cannot, CANNOT factually replace all of them with the 1st thing?
You have several effects on your gear.

If a weapon doesn't have Close Combat up, it's gonna be way worse than something that doesn't have it. Every other bonus is just extra shit.

Lol who the fuck is this asian demon axel bitch.

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>It is good and adds a lot of customization.
Stopped reading there, not reading actual trannyshit

chain dodging

Better dodges and quicker attacks with very low commitment. I haven't played Nioh 2 yet, but if it's as similar to the first as I've heard then you should be switching between all stances pretty frequently.

>You have several effects on your gear.
Holy fuck you have to be fucking stupid. I didn't know you arguing that you could replace everything with one skill, I thought you were a bit smarter than that. My point is every other bonus on a weapon doesn't matter as long as you get close combat up.

>Nurikabe with no graves around it
alright lads, roll for me. Even number determine my first Gesture alignment. If that fails, Odd number determines my second.

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>My point is every other bonus on a weapon doesn't matter as long as you get close combat up.
You are a brainlet if you legitimately think that. You just hate optimization and having additional options, it is okay.

Fight it