Why are there no good tank games?

why are there no good tank games?

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ring of red

Omg when it peter was the eye he said hey sandy it pulled up Siri??

Doesn't answer the question user

anime was a mistake

he said good

it does actually, by proving the question to be founded on falsehoods.

i know. you seem to have misread "Warthunder" as "w|World of Tanks"
i understand not everyone in 2020 has 20/20 vision. im sorry and i hope your sight improves.

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No, Warthunder is fucking garbage too.

that is a mecha game not a tank game
i think you guys are in the wrong thread
too grindy

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get bodied by actual good players?
play tanks in post scriptum or squad then.

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looks neat. i'll check it out

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kys nigger

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>actual good players?
What a joke, really.

you can try and justify your losses all you want buddy.

This is 4channel you retard

>Give a inch to normalfags
>Suddenly they act like the weebsite was never weeb
Every time, just like furries.

>/f/ non-weeaboo
>Yas Forums non-weeaboo
shit chart kys

>i think you guys are in the wrong thread
ziqazagababoopididzagiboobabdap ghost dad.

Normalfags? More like normalchads. Bullying the weeb.
Last actually enjoyable tank games i played were on Genesis surprisingly.
Super Battle Tank: War in the Gulf and M-1 Abrams Battle Tank.

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>It's an anime video game.
user: Nooooo! My system I drew with boxes in ms paint. RAAAAAAGHHGHghgh


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bro, have you been to Yas Forums in the last decade?

i don't like power ups and i don't have a N64

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Emulate it.

>site started with Yas Forums-anime and Yas Forums-random (still mostly anime)
>not an anime site
It's like a mutt coming to a foreign tourist trap and complaining people aren't speaking english

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bro, do you even know what Yas Forums was like pre 2012?
yes have gone to Yas Forums this morning

The GuP game is pretty fun.

Steel Beasts is still a thing, if you're into modern armor

2:30 I wish both his shoes fell. Yes I'm a weirdo, I love seeing Stewie and his little barefeet

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Because tank controls are garbage.

dunno. Tanks are awesome and way better than ships.

4channel is a furry website

this art is retarded

GuP? whats that?
150$? pass
found it at 2:54 of youtube.com/watch?v=7gCNhJ7GZEA
buzz buzz buzz
make a better pic or go back to /ic/

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Yes and this is my wife.

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furfags get the rope

So we could have party hardy.


can't hide from me

Ten bucks days this dimwitted faggot probably refers to Yotsuba as "Yas Forums girl"

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advance wars 2

Sause for images. I need them for...research.

I miss old simulator mode in tank beta.

Can you still play captured tanks in the current version? I quit playing when that shit started happening.

It's worse than ever. Only way to have actual historical battles is to make custom games.

Well that's depressing.

these pics are like the ultimate humiliation for hitlers national socialists. Imagine they could be brought back to life, shown this thread, see those pics. Their legacy, their life's work amounts to this, the world is in tatters, people are suffering and people aren't reading Mein Kampf, studying what Hitler really meant, no.

Instead they are fetishizing and sexualizing his tools. Holy shit this world is so fucking sick and disgusting.

From what? The Infinity War coming outside.


dream tank match exists

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>axis tanks

Arcade vehicle combat, like Vigilante 8, Twisted Metal, Battletax, that subgenre just fucking died. Shit like World of Tanks and such are more into realism than crazyness with powerups and insane shit like tanks sending map-wide nukes

no sauce
here are a few more that i found porn.reactor.cc/post/3860004?next=random

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More of a cyberpunk mech/tank game though.

There's always the older 2000 version which was fantastic.

name: Erebus

nonsense, their tech has been inproved
the tanks no longer have transmissions to break

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not that user, but i support his claim
warthunder is shit, WoT is decent but is filled with bots
>if you dont like my game you are bad at it
warthunder is shit and so is your opinion

War of The Human Tanks.

ugly Czech oppi loli is ugly

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war thunder isnt a bad video game, thats a very dumb claim, you can say its too grindy for you, or you think you die to fast if you arent paying attentionl, but war thunder, as a game with tanks (and planes and ships), is not bad.

>shit thunder
enjoy your malware I guess

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Jesus fucking Christ, this is horrific. Absolutely zero effort put into making the armour worn by the girl look remotely like parts of the tank. Not only that but the gun on her shoulder indicates that it's not even the same mark of Churchill as the picture the artist included as a 'reference'.