Why does this get so much hate? As someone who hated 2016, this game has everything I wanted from a Doom reboot
Doom Eternal
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They didn't fix the glory kill animations and the graphic style still looks like ass.
It's fun but I can only play the first level and battlemode tutorials without this shit popping up, I wish I bought physical because I'd have had it a few days earlier bc coronachan
>Why does this get so much hate?
Because it's console shooter
Mars Core is the best fps level I have ever played
Because it's popular of course
Who gives a fuck about glory kills? That was the one thing I had least issue with in 2016
>and the graphic style still looks like ass
It looks great, fuck off
>Because it's console shooter
It's not, try beating it on nightmare with a controller
For me it's ARC complex
>Why does this get so much hate?
It doesn't but it should. Doomguy is a jew who fights Demons and I'm pretty sure there is more anti Pagan propaganda there.
>Who gives a fuck about glory kills?
>It looks great, fuck off
Nope it doesn't fuck off shill
>It's not
>smaller arenas
.RPG system
>10 active abilities
yes it is
>Why does this get so much hate?
It's actually good and people like it.
Doom 2016 is quite mediocre. So, why would I like this one?
That fucking music is so good.
More cut-scenes
because Yas Forums is full of hipster faggots.
Because it's not a waifu harem game and that makes Yas Forumsirgins seethe
>mfw when in slayer gate
>Think I am close to done
>Marauder spawns in
>This starts playing youtu.be
The only thing console about it is no separate buttons for grenade and ice grenade, it's clearly built for mouse and keyboard.
>it's clearly built for mouse and keyboard.
>small levels and arenas
>low numbers of enemies
>RPG system
t. Easy mode baby
You're delusional. Play on nightmare and come back.
zoomers dont know what a pc fps is user. They were raised on console ports
>RPG system
You can't just discredit things you dislike by trying to associate them with consolefags.
And no the game is not slow,you barely have time to open fire on a pinkie before it turns around, doomguys movement might not be as fast as you would like but fast aiming is vital.
>t. Easy mode baby
Not an argument
The new features are throwing me a curve ball. I hardly used the chainsaw at all last game, but this time its practically a requirement given how scare ammo can be. Combine that with the shoulder launcher, and the game really wants you to prioritize when you get ammo, armor, and health from kills. It's not bad per se, but certainly something I'll need to adjust to.
Glory kills are optional you braindead fucking retard
>Nope it doesn't fuck off shill
Yes it does, anti-shill
>>smaller arenas
>.RPG system
Yet it's far harder with far more enemies, again, beat it on nightmare with a controller
Fuck off, zoomer plebs.
I know I was having a rough go of it until I realized that I always need to be dashing. Once you embrace the speed it all comes together
>And no the game is not slow
Yes it slow
>Glory kills are optional you braindead fucking retard
No they don't since game very restrictive to ammo
>Yet it's far harder with far more enemies,
It's still small
Retards can't play for once properly made shooter
while it has some issues
The gameplay loop is fucking kino
>magnetic melee
>teleporting takedowns
>big ass gun model
>not designed for consoles
It's not a shooter
Teleporting takedowns is to open up more movement options
REAL movement options, not that arbitrary inputs to increase speed garbage Yas Forums loves so much.
>Teleporting takedowns is to open up more movement options
Yeah sure, I sure it has nothing to do with controllers being unable to aim properly at things up close.
That's also why HR had teleporting takedowns.
Also if you are going to reply to me, put the word NIGGER somewhere in your post to prove that you aren't a paid shill.
This is literally the only game released in the last 5 years that is a shooter, you fucking retard
Do you fight Heaven in DE?
>Yas Forums loved 2016 and is S E E T H I G about Eternal
it's because this one is good and Yas Forums shitters got filtered hard by rudimentary resource management
An equivalent, yes.
Play on PC nightmare, everything is spamming at you constantly.
I think the thing that killed new Doom for me is that Doom guy became the Doom slayer. The ultimate power fantasy was being just some random asshole who rose to the adventure and became incredibly badass. Now your some sort of special boy chosen one with a space castle. This shift makes all the difference in presentation and tone.
>chosen one
Doomguy literally got his bullshit powers because he was so badass even without them, though. The Fortress of Doom itself is stated to just be an old half-wrecked sentinel battlestation too.
1. Harder than 2016
2. Toasterfags cant even boot up the game
3. PvPfags got shat on
>Yas Forums is everyone
This board is full of fags screaming for another tortanic so they can have another forgettable reaction thread.
Killing a God analogue is pretty par for the course in any game that involves religious imagery.
>The gameplay loop is fucking kino
this is a man with no life other than Yas Forums and memes
I think I'm gonna have to go down to Hurt Me Plenty lads
Literally fedora tipper tier take
I wish they learned from 2016 that the centered mode needed to be adjusted otherwise it's bothersome because the weapons are way too fucking big
My ideal difficulty would be Nightmare, limit of one extra life but you keep the extra life if you fuck up an area. I either get filtered on one fight for half an hour on UV or end up with 6-7 extra lives in HMP.
I wanna add some friends for boosters but I play on the Bethesda client.
Does anyone else play on the Bethesda launcher want to add me so we can add each other for exp boosters?
There are 10 demons. 9 demons enter a location while the remaining one waits. The waiting demon hears his fellow demons scream and shit and none of them returns back. How does the single demon react to that? Would he be scared and flee or stay and fight?
yea im having issues with that too
still better then "realistic" right sided because its way too static and close to the screen
It's just a tranny-led psyop
>this game has everything I wanted from a Doom reboot
It’s the same character though.
>tfw classic weapons sounds pack also adds doomguys original grunts
i'm thoroughly disappointed that i had to refund this game.
no proton support
Nothing wrong with being a (un)paid shill.
you've made the point yourself, really.
It's getting hate from the people who wanted a sequel to doom 2016, not another reinvention. This game is going to be divisive for a long time and create another pointless schism in a fanbase for something, because the people [at least on places like Yas Forums] who liked the atmosphere and presentation in 2016 and the people who liked the faster gameplay and lack of much in-your-face story in eternal will never be able to sit down, stop the screaming, stop the YOUR GAME BAD MY GAME GOOD shit, and just realise that they're games focusing on two different things and that 2016 fans are sad that what they liked 2016 for has been tossed aside in its sequel, and eternal fans didn't like 2016 because it was too far from the core DOOM formula/gameplay, or at least had too much unnecessary [to them] things on top.
Like any franchise that undergoes a creative ideals split, we're doomed to months of arguing about this until people forget and move on, only for it to reignite when the next game is announced. I'm sorry it has to be this way, man. I wish it didn't.
I’m a classic DOOMer and I love this game. Are you sure the “schism” doesn’t just exist on this gay ass board?
Well I implied it will definitely be stronger places like this, but you seem to misunderstand. I'm saying people who prefer classic DOOM will like this one more, as it's closer to that than to 2016
>Are you sure the “schism” doesn’t just exist on this gay ass board?
not him, but this is absolutely the case.
i've seen it around any sort of community that was hyping up for this, not like the ongoing bullshit you get here but little arguments from the people fucked up about it and the people who dont give a shit about the changes
This gets hate because of some Doom 3 autists, literally the worst scum of the Doom community
>Movement feels faster than 2016, which is nice, but it could do with being a little fast.
>The boost and the double jump are fun to play around with and add nice options for combat.
>I think the map design actually suffered from the movement changes as maps are now a messy congregation of ideas
>Visually the maps are a mess as well, suffering from a shotgun blast of different visual themes
>They seem to have mercifully cut down on that gore nest shit from 2016
>The linear-arena-linear-arena level model from 2016 is carried over, for better and worse
>The bulk of the new enemies are fairly well designed mechanical
>Just like in 2016, the upgrade system can fuck right off
>Tutorial shit is way more in your face this time around
>The story is a mess
>Still not really a fan of doomguy being some messianic figure instead of just a really angry normal dude.
>Eternal is much more focused on cut-scenes (or cut aways) and 'cinematic' moments
>The active enemy limit is still too low, console limitations are still kneecapping this
>Cosmetic damage on enemies is a nice touch, but is undermined by corpses disappearing almost immediately after death
>Mick Gordon does another good job with the soundtrack
The core loop is solid and fun, but I can't see myself remembering much of it in 5-10 years. There's a lot about this game that feels messy and disconnected, like there was no core vision governing development like there was with 2016.
NU-Doom Plus: fun but flawed.
These conversations will go on endlessly because people here don't know how to discuss ideas.
>it's not a real PC shooter unless you're hyperspeed running around like a nigger to popeyes
It's amazing how its more focused on cutscenes and cinematic moments but has fuck all of interesting story to tell through it, unlike 2016 which had some fairly decent storytelling for an admittedly bog-standard but motivating enough story without all that shit going on. I feel you bigtime on the upgrade system stuff, at least when it comes to health/armour upgrades and ESPECIALLY ammo. Weapon mods n' shit are fine, they're don't affect things much and let you get some fresh ways to play out of guns you've already got as the game goes.
Doom eternal is a good 7/10 game. Basically it fucks up by forcing you to play a certain way instead of offering you a choice between
>Big brain play
>Brute force stress relief
Hugo just cant get it in his head that people dont always want to think about how they play.
I find it fun how un-selfaware this makes the devs look compared to the satirical stance of 2016.
Leaen English
Cause Yas Forums is getting filtered by it and it's hilarious.
2016 was trash, this is an actual good game. This board is just filled with contrarians.
feels like a brink asset swap more then a proper fps
like someone has never played an old school fps but just heard about it
you are forced to play a certain way just to have health an ammo. The ability to freeze, chainsaw, or set something on fire should be a CHOICE not forced. You are not allowed to just run and gun if you want to.
Platforming... holy fuck! They took something that was universally hated from doom 2016 and made it worse. First person platforming is pure ass.
Levels are linear
Some textures are pure ass even with ultra nightmare settings. They literally blended hi-res textures with low res textures.(not that big of a distraction though)
While not a deal breaker, cutscenes became very fucking annoying after awhile
The music? There are only like three songs that play. Hell the fucking soundtrack is not even complete yet nor ready for release. So they released the game with less than half the music ready.
Marauders are bullshit.
They fucked the lore (i know alot of people dont care, but i do) by trying to add too much and it all came off as disjointed and cringy as fuck. The story and lore reads like it was written by some Yas Forums tard. only thing missing was "kill all non-whites" being constantly played in the background. If fucking garbage
no mod support
Made me fall in love with old school doom even more
great environments
I already beat it on nightmare and i've kinda already stopped giving a shit. As for collectibles i went as far as to get the unmaker and that was it. I've already uninstalled it.
If you’re looking for unga bunga stress relief there are a gorillion other games to play. Doom has always been about smart resource management and clutch tactical positioning. Eternal feels more like old school Doom than 2016 did.
I embrace the "speed from the glory kills"-rune, and then combine it with dashing. You are like a speed demon on steroids.
>The story and lore reads like it was written by some Yas Forums tard. only thing missing was "kill all non-whites" being constantly played in the background.
Time to buy the game then, niggerino