9/10 from Edge
Half-Life: Alyx First Review from Edge
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Alyxs face.. yuck
>More than 10 years for a 9/10
why do western devs love making the women in their games masculine and ugly?
>El futuro del entretenimiento interactivo.
Valve does it again.
Because weeb samefaces are for low testosterone virgins.
>9/10 means it's a flop
What are you, an IGN reviewer?
I like both anime "same faces" and western game women "ugly faces"
What does that make me?
in the other promo art her face is fine, but in this she looks hideous
>turned her into don cheadle with hair
>Voice is actually pretty okay
>Then that monkey face that makes her look 20 years older
>not even 10
Legit blunder considering
>it costs 1000 dollars to play
>waited well over a decade
only a moron has infinitely high expectations that can never be met
I legit feel sorry for people that were forced to pay $1000 to play half-life Alyx. Half-life fans deserve better
No, only a chad does. They don’t settle for shit and aren’t afraid to be constantly disappointed. In their brave souls they are willing to take let down after let down because they don’t lie to themselves about not wanting a perfect game, which everyone does. You think compromise is a mark of intellect, it’s really a mark of weakness
>forced to pay $1000
>when others work
By Gaben whipping fans behind their back?
real chads don't call themselves chads
Only lamers do that
Those of you waiting for Half-Life Alyx to unlock, what games are you playing while you're waiting?
Me? I'm marathoning through as many half life and portal games as I can so I can get a refresher
Although I'm getting sidetracked by Portal 1 mods
Honestly your fucking retarded arguments are so stupid to me. It's like saying shopping trips cost £10,000 because you need to buy a car to go to the fucking place.
There are more uses for VR than just HL:A
Is it just me or do the actual VR tech demos (not the priced games seething poorfags call tech demos), particularly The Lab, give me the sort of vibe of a Disney or Universal ride?
My to bro, I'm really happy i'm not a huge half life fan, the only thing we can hope for is that valve starts making real games again soon.
its worse then the TF2 fans though, sure us poor TF2 fans don't get any fucking updates but at least our game is free. Not 1000$ + tip
>I'm getting sidetracked by Portal 1 mods
Which ones?
Half-life fans waited over a decade for the next half-life game and this how Valve treats them? Nothing in the gameplay videos suggests anything innovating that couldn't be done on PC or consoles, so it's a greedy as fuck cash grab by Valve.
Aperture Deja Vu, ERROR, and the one that makes the game look and act like it did in 2006
I considered trying Blue Portals but it sounds too simple
look at this faggit
Oh God, not every major valve subreddit and discord!
Thanks, I'll check them out.
Thanks lapdog.
>you will never suck Valve's dick as much as this guy
Feels good
this post is why humans are retarded and delusional
What's the ending? I won't buy that game.
Why does she look like a dude now?
Can't wait for valve to focus all their efforts on revamping artifact 2 instead of giving any attention to team fortress.
Being cute is really problematic sweetie.
Can we like spam Tyler McNigger's shit with the spoilers?
>inb4 not your personnel army
>There are more uses for VR than just HL:A
No, there aren't. VR is pretty much exclusively a tool for trannies to ERP in VRchat. None of the games are worth playing.
Faggot Campo Santo niggers in charge.
Does he know you can make alt accounts on discord and Reddit very easily
big living room sold separately
ummm this is what the future looks like sweetie (and it's beautiful)
bisexual fag
i think she is cute. fuck am i gay bros or what
no, she looks like a trap and traps aren't gay, we're cool bro
>Couldn't even manage a 10/10
If old Valve were developing it this would have been a guaranteed GotY
Because they are all controlled by the Eye and the Eye wants everything upside-down.
link is not working. can someone reupload pls?
The ending is Gman waking up Gordon and putting Alyx to sleep on a train from HL2. The Alyx in this game is a different Alyx than in HL2. That's the le epic twist.
>*pokes fingers in ears* ALALALALALALA
thank you for your contributions to this thread. people like you make Yas Forums the worst board on Yas Forums. you (and many others) deserve a nice fat globalban. you also don't deserve girlfriends (and you won't be getting any in the year 2020)
What a fucking cocksucker
Gonna spam his Twitter replies with spoilers
You don't belong on this site, kid. Fuck off back where you came from.
why? because im not a cool le jaded cynic like you? or because im not a seething poorfag that can't afford a nice computer and a vr headset?
seethe, faggot. LOL you're soooo mad and jealous.
Yep. She was so cute and there was a coy sexual tension that was context-appropriate and in no way egregious. Fuck the global satanic power network. They made Alyx a fucking dude. I call it the inversion matrix.
You know you can be a jaded cynic and still play games, right? I'm refunding this turd after an hour, and then cracking it to finish it for free.
>it's a greedy as fuck cash grab by Valve.
it's a $50 game that works just as well on non valve vr devices, so.......you look fucking dumb right now.
>>it costs 1000 dollars to play
yeah about that...
you can't be a jaded cynic and have sex. maybe that's just not a priority for you.
and by the way, assuming you're serious and that is your actual screenshot, what you're doing is just downright retarded.
$50 game that is gated behind a $1000 (plus another $500 - $1000 pc upgrade). Get the outta here with your nonsense
>behind a $1000 (plus another $500 - $1000 pc upgrade).
NEETs, 3rd worlders and underage seething
this is kind of comfy
I bet all the neighbors are friends
That's some fallout 4 shit
I hope you got the game for "free" because you wasted a grand, buddy. It'd be fucking embarrassing if you actually gave Valve money for software.
fuck off dobson
not your personal army
Using SteamVR with a supported device is a massive fucking hassle, using it with bodged together phone shit and wiimotes is purely an exercise in masochism.
i bought an oculus rift january 2019. i purchased half life alyx a few weeks ago, before buying an rtx 2070 super
>being a casual
making the game work is part of the chalenge
like the guy above said, that's like saying driving to the store costs $10,000 because you have to buy a car to do it.
Edge doesn't give scores to games
That might be true if you don't have shit strapped to your face, but when I'm playing VR, being forced to take off the headset and do something at the computer because Valve don't know how to code makes me want to die. Now imagine doing that every 10 minutes when your bodge job stops responding, and I doubt you'd get through more than one session.
I'm all for creating your own stuff, but it just doesn't work with the hideously closed off SteamOS ecosystem.
>Motion Controls
Are literally inside everything nowadays, you dumb fuck.
Including PS4 controller, the Shitch, tablets, smartphones, etc.
NWO-VR however.....
the only scenario of a trap not being gay is if it's having straight sex with an actual woman(that doesn't look like a man in the least). If you disagree with this then refer to the image on the side
That analogy would make sense if driving to the store was the only thing you could do with your car. Because there's nothing else in VR worth playing, and there's a pretty big chance that Alyx is going to be a turd too.
>Zoomers don't remember what Alyx looked in concept art for Half-Life 2
so if you're aroused by a trap you're not gay as long as he's fucking a woman?