You get analog movement instead of either being at 100% speed or at a dead stop

>you get analog movement instead of either being at 100% speed or at a dead stop
>pulling a trigger is a better analog for firing a gun than clicking a mouse like some nerd
>you have force feedback so you to feel the game
>every shooter made in the past 20 years is too easy with m/kb anyway
it's not about "which is the better input method", of course a mouse is better, but which one is the most fun, and a controller is just more fun. You wouldn't play a lightgun game with a mouse just because it gives you a cursor and make the game easier, would you? No, you'd play with a light gun because it's more fun. And a controller wont give you carpal tunnel either.

Attached: 1200px-Microsoft-Xbox-One-controller.jpg (1200x1089, 164.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>And a controller wont give you carpal tunnel either

>And a controller wont give you carpal tunnel either
The only time I ever use a gamepad is to play Melee and its clones so thats a load of horseshit if I ever heard it

I'm turning 30 so and my wrists are absolutely fucked from consolechadding it up since I was a kiddo

Controller triggers exist only to simulate the feeling of pulling a firearm trigger (poorly might I add)

A controller trigger is functionally the same as a click if a mouse, the only difference is you need to press the trigger farther down which in turn limits your rate of fire. It would be nice if they were pressure sensitive because some firearms such as the P90 do utilize a pressure sensitive trigger for different fire modes, but unfortunately pressure sensitive controls died off with the PS3 because most people who play games are normies who slam the buttons as hard as they can.

controller triggers are pressure sensitive you shitmong

Are you actually too dumb to know the difference between analog and digital?

>every shooter made in the past 20 years is too easy with m/kb anyway
Yeah no shit they're easy, because they're designed for controllers, so they have to be made easy so shitstains like you can play them on a controller.

>'le analog stick is better for movement' meme
Yes, an analog stick gives you finer control over your movement, but in most games you always want to be moving as fast as possible, either to dodge an attack or to get to your target/destination as fast as possible, so that added control is useless. The most important thing in a game responsiveness, and WASD + mouse to change your direction is a billion times faster than slowly dragging an analog stick.

There's a reason why PC games have faster and more skillful movement than their console counterparts. This doesn't just apply to PC FPS like Quake, but even PC 3rd person melee combat games like Jedi Academy.

They are, but go ahead and name 10 games for me that make use of the triggers being pressure sensitive.

I'll wait.

Attached: 1577390753090.jpg (619x619, 42.21K)

I don't mind playing with the mouse, but I hate keyboard inputs.

Super Mario sunshine.

>And a controller wont give you carpal tunnel either.

>have used a mouse+keyboard for 10+ hours a day for most of my life
>never had any sort of pain or discomfort, much less carpal tunnel
People who have carpal tunnel have it because it's a genetic disorder they're born with, retard. It's not something you develop solely from using a mouse and keyboard.

all racing games

sensitive triggers are pretty much useful only in racing games
same as pressure sensitive face buttons, only racing games and mgs used them
that's pretty much why they've been removed since triggers replaced them

>There's a reason why PC games have faster and more skillful movement than their console counterparts
that's nonsense though

Attached: 765976598.webm (640x480, 1.71M)

>You wouldn't play a lightgun game with a mouse
Yes, I would. Because it's the most fun and most precise. You can shift from AS to WD literally instantly, you can't do that with a joystick, certainly not with a gyro, nor a fuck awful track pad. WASD allows you to even enter varying amounts of opposing inputs for a tiny fraction of a second at the exact same time allowing for far quicker and more nuanced movement and control. WASD is literally allowing the player to interface directly with the peripheral inputs without having to physically wrestle with something as archaic as a joystick.

Because there's a trade off between the precision of analogue movement and the speed of button input, so when it comes to moving the character, WASD is better because you can snap from 0-100 as fast as you like. your hands are in a subtly different position to the position they'd be in on a controller d-pad. when you want precision movement for aiming and turning, you use the mouse.

360 analogue control isn't particularly advanced or progressive, or even accurate. for aiming, analogue control is incredibly sloppy and most games have to automatically compensate for it. the natural next step in controller precision was motion control, but nobody wanted to make use of it.

Have sex, incel.

>People who have carpal tunnel have it because it's a genetic disorder they're born with, retard. It's not something you develop solely from using a mouse and keyboard.
this isn't true at all lmao

why do you even bother replying after getting outed as a complete dipshit?

>platformer that is solely about navigation
way to miss the point. I was talking about combat-centric games.

It's absurd that movement in a PC-exclusive FPS like Quake, despite being ancient and made when 3D games were still in their infancy, is so much faster and dynamic than movement in modern first-person games (which are all designed around controllers). The shift from being designed primarily around mouse and keyboard to being designed primarily around controllers is the worst thing to happen to first-person games.

>People who have carpal tunnel have it because it's a genetic disorder they're born with, retard
well sure, you're either susceptible to it or you aren't. That doesn't mean using a mouse all day still isn't a contributing cause. Is it really worth gambling on whether you're outside of a pretty large percentage of people who get carpal tunnel? Having your hand flat like that isn't natural and doesn't feel good for anybody regardless of carpal tunnel either.

dpads are the same thing as wasd and have a much smaller activation distance, both between buttons, and between your thumb and the pcb.

>Genetic factors are believed to be the most important determinants of who develops carpal tunnel syndrome. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of carpal tunnel syndrome identified 16 genomic loci significantly associated with the disease, including several loci previously known to be associated with human height.

Attached: 1555183439631.png (431x428, 21.6K)

>I was talking about combat-centric games.
devil may cry works infinitely better on a controller with kb/m, same with dark souls, etc.

literally any game where you drive

>dpads are the same
Now find me a controller with a mouse.

>no source
>doesn't acknowledge that 99% of RSI injuries from pc and controller use aren't carpal tunnel anyway

Attached: goalposts.jpg (500x400, 165.76K)

>And a controller wont give you carpal tunnel either.
Strongly disagree with this point in particular. Both my thumbs and index fingers have hurt after long controller sessions in the past, regularly. Meanwhile I haven't had any pain in my mouse hand in over 5 years of playing arena shooters daily.

>I was talking about combat-centric games.
then why in the fuck did you say "movement" instead of "combat"?

learn to grip a mouse correctly. people fuck themselves up with bad form, just like any exercise.

>not all games are quake
Not every shooter benefits from having quick "on off switch" movement. If you're playing a story driven fps, moving at either full speed or not moving is immersion breaking. And if you have to follow someone they're always moving too slow. So you end up moving forward ahead of them, stopping, waiting till they catch up a bit, moving forward again, stopping...

>no source

>Lozano-Calderón, S; Anthony, S; Ring, D (April 2008). "The quality and strength of evidence for etiology: example of carpal tunnel syndrome". The Journal of Hand Surgery

>Wiberg, A; Ng, M; Schmid, AB; Smillie, RW; Baskozos, G; Holmes, MV; Künnapuu, K; Mägi, R; Bennett, DL; Furniss, D (4 March 2019). "A genome-wide association analysis identifies 16 novel susceptibility loci for carpal tunnel syndrome"

>doesn't acknowledge that 99% of RSI injuries from pc and controller use aren't carpal tunnel anyway
Injuries sustained by people who don't know how to have proper posture or don't know how to hold a mouse properly. 99.99% of those injuries are sustained by office workers. I have never heard of a gamer sustaining such an injury from gaming.

I'll give you this: controllers are better for fighters, racers, platformers, and sneaky games.

>I have never heard of a gamer sustaining such an injury from gaming.
please tell me you're kidding. RSI is absolutely rampant in the esports world, they literally have doctors and physiotherapists on site at most major tournaments.

>Not every shooter benefits from having quick "on off switch" movement. If you're playing a story driven fps, moving at either full speed or not moving is immersion breaking. And if you have to follow someone they're always moving too slow. So you end up moving forward ahead of them, stopping, waiting till they catch up a bit, moving forward again, stopping...
Sounds like you don't want to play a game, you want to watch a movie.

Perhaps one of those 'move at a snail's pace while characters clunkily deliver exposition' Sony movies might be more your speed?

Attached: 1520775075876.png (831x824, 934.08K)

>I'll give you this: controllers are better for sneaky games.

Attached: 1749819833.jpg (650x519, 55.01K)

Splinter Cell had an ingenious solution to let you use the scroll wheel to adjust movement speed, but it still wasn't better than simply varying how much you want to tilt the analog stick.

>they literally have doctors and physiotherapists on site at most major tournaments.
So do professional athletes, doesn't mean I'm going to strain my ankle everytime I run to the bus stop or carry groceries.

Based retard.

You sound like you don't know how to use mouse and keyboard. As another user mentioned, you can shift from AS to WD literally instantly, you can't do that with a joystick, certainly not with a gyro, nor a fuck awful track pad. WASD allows you to even enter varying amounts of opposing inputs for a tiny fraction of a second at the exact same time allowing for far quicker and more nuanced movement and control. WASD is literally allowing the player to interface directly with the peripheral inputs without having to physically wrestle with something as archaic as a joystick.
Because there's a trade off between the precision of analogue movement and the speed of button input, so when it comes to moving the character, WASD is better because you can snap from 0-100 as fast as you like. your hands are in a subtly different position to the position they'd be in on a controller d-pad. when you want precision movement for aiming and turning, you use the mouse.

Regardless, the point stands, 99.99% of stealth mechanics as we know them today come from PC games using mouse and keyboard, not console games designed around controllers.

>I have never heard of people getting RSI from playing games EVER
>well okay, they exist, but it won't happen to me when I play baby games slowly

racing games aren't even fun without them

The scroll wheel movement speed works wonderfully well actually, way better than playing on a controller, in fact. And I like MGS3 more than any Splinter cell.

Had 10 finger

here just use your thumb bro, smashing button with thumb is fun bro

>you can shift from AS to WD literally instantly, you can't do that with a joystick, certainly not with a gyro, nor a fuck awful track pad
you can do it with a dpad. your thumb covers all 4 buttons at once and you just have to tilt it 1 millimeter to press a different button.

it works wonderfully given the constraints of the system, but it's absolutely not more intuitive than simply pushing the analog stick further to go faster. MGS3 doesn't even make use of analog movement, the game wants you to use the dpad to walk. Chaos Theory has dozens of movement states between standing still and walking full speed.

>you can do it with a dpad.
A wasd is used in conjunction with a mouse to change your direction and give you full freeedom of movement. That's not possible with a controller.

You honestly sound like you've never even played a game with mouse and keyboard.

>it works wonderfully given the constraints of the system, but it's absolutely not more intuitive than simply pushing the analog stick further to go faster.
It's literally the same thing: you just push the mouse wheel to go faster.

Why don't we have rumble mice yet?

>You honestly sound like you've never even played a game with mouse and keyboard.
I've played games extensively with both input methods and the difference literally doesn't matter unless you're playing something at a competitive level. Until that point it's entirely preference and arguing about it is autistic.

*push the mouse wheel further to go faster.

because those game input where design for controller

meanwhile in fps
controller get aimbot, ironsight focus game so both player barely move so easy to shot

Analog keyboards exist my dude
Literally makes controllers pointless

>It's literally the same thing
Are you retarded?

people dont actually move like this in real life. literally every game that isn't quake or a competitive arena shooter benefits from analog movement. Maybe you dont care about your character spazzing out like a retard just to move properly because all you want is "the most accurate movement possible", but presentation and ease of movement are more important to me in 99% of games i play.

analog keyboards are absolutely aids to use and controllers are much more comfortable.

>I've played games extensively with both input methods and the difference literally doesn't matter
So why are console FPS still so slow compared to PC FPS?

why did you cut out the rest of that sentence in your greentext? i already conceded to the difference being important on a competitive level. no need to be disingenuous.


Except we are talking about videogames, not slightly interactive movies

>no need to be disingenuous.
how would that be disingenous? your post is still there for all to see. I cut it out because I thought what I quoted was enough to convey the gist of your post, not for any malicious reason

>i already conceded to the difference being important on a competitive level
that's not what I'm talking about. the speed of movement and gameplay in PC FPS is higher than console FPS, both in single-player campaign and multi-player. Again, you have yet to address that.

I never owned a console, but enjoy playing with controller since its only mode that allows to truly relax. That said, Xbox dpad is complete shit for fighting games and such, thinking of buying arcade Hitbox.

Never would play a game actually requiring mouse aime with gamepad though.

>the speed of movement and gameplay in PC FPS is higher than console FPS
when i play doom i move exactly as fast on console as i do on pc, so i'm not sure what the fuck your point is.

but yes, if you prefer slow console games over fast pc games, that is your preference. are you new to the concept of preferences?

>Mashing the auto aim button instead of aiming is fun.
OP are you the controller player in this video?
And also, does he look like he's having more fun than the KB+M player?
>people don't actually move like this in real life
Some other things that people don't do in real life:
>heal from a gunshot wound from sitting behind cover for 5 seconds
>instantaneously be able to lock onto a target with a gun by raising it
>fire a gun accurately with one hand while running

it's actually about what feels better and doesn't give you carpal tunnel/.

>but yes, if you prefer slow console games over fast pc games, that is your preference. are you new to the concept of preferences?
what does preference have to do with it, retard? almost all the fps released in the last 15 years are slow, because they are designed around controllers.

up until the mid-2000's, pc was the primarily platform for fps, and they were all fast-paced affairs

from the mid-2000's onward, console became the lead platform for fps. that lead to a drastic reduction in not just movement speed, but everything gameplay-related, even aiming due to the use of iron sights

Outside of a handful of indie games, there havent been any "PC FPS" for the last 15 years or so.

>posts video of a game being played in a competitive context
you're illiterate, aren't you?

>what does preference have to do with it, retard?
are you just pretending to be stupid?
>almost all the fps released in the last 15 years are slow, because they are designed around controllers.
because people like using controllers. that is their preference.


>are you just pretending to be stupid?
I would ask you the same, except you don't seem to be pretending, you seem to be genuinely stupid. why do you keep dancing around the points I raised? You are acting as if designing an fps around controller vs m/kb has no inpact on the design game. why would you be in denial about this when you can just look at the hundreds of games released in the last 15 years since console became the lead platform for fps.

Shit like Halo and Call of Duty aren't some hardcore tactical shooters, retard. They're pure arcade shooters, so their sluggish movement is a detriment, yes.

having a method of control that is less accurate is frustrating and as such not fun, so I'll take m+kb any day.

>You are acting as if designing an fps around controller vs m/kb has no inpact on the design game.
no I'm not. FPS games are designed more slowly for controllers. what the fuck does that have anything to do with the point i made?
>Shit like Halo and Call of Duty aren't some hardcore tactical shooters, retard
yes, which is why i explained in exceedingly clear terms that whether or not you use a controller is preference outside of playing games in a competitive context. if you think you can't beat single player doom or quake with a controller you're a fucking troglodyte lmao.