A classic point'n click in a nutshell. I'm glad the genre died

A classic point'n click in a nutshell. I'm glad the genre died.

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I don't get it. Why does purple pencil pair with blue chair?

Imagine not being able to solve a kindergaten task of all things.

Thats the point, user

>purple pencil


>Try to solve a puzzle for ages
>Finally look up a guide
>The solution makes no sense

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>he doesn't know

>Purple is blue because blue + red
>Green book and cup are yellow because blue + yellow
>But then there's a multi colored ball and yellow bell
>A fucking pink spoon

This is fucking bullshit. I remember when matching exercises weren't artificially difficult like this shit and there was actual thought put into making a tough but fair and rewarding experience. The only way to solve this is to brute force it. The companies that make these exercises have really lost touch with their older audience.

Pair what? Color? What substance it's made of? Shape? What the fuck does it mean?

>the furry

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