I love doom eternal

If you don't like it that's ok.

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This game is fucking dogshit, played 2 missions yesterday no problems. Now every time I try to launch the game it's a 50/50 chance the game will crash at the menu, or crash when I try to continue my save.
FUCK TODD I'm refunding this piece of shit

I wish strife could get a modern remake

That isn't too pain-killer-y

post body

>still playing "early adopters" thinly veiled Early Access version
lmaoing at ur life


someone read the manual

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Try checking file integrity if you are on steam. My friend got it early with a vpn and the next day he had files missing for some reason

I'm having fun with 64 though there's not much to say about it

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whatever happen to hdoom

already tried that, same shit

I'm sure you'd know more then me.

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god i want to fuck the caco girl from behind and rock her tits

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Buoyancy for my cock.

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Every time she reminds me of Pyronica from Gravity Falls

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it's a crime how I don't have any porn of her yet.

I love cacochan!

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Dumb cookie demon poster.

>If you don't like it that's ok
This is the cuck mentality that is killing the West. Giving up without a battle.

>You have to fight to "prove" your game is good/their game is bad or you're a cuck
No, that's just the mindset of a braindead gazelle.

What makes you think a completely random and unrelated word is a good insult?

>hurr durr muh tribalism
That's the REAL cuck mindset

Actually wrong.
I chose gazelle because he's not quite a sheep cause he opts to do his own thing, but he's still moving in a herd in terms of ideas.

Dammmmmn, are those the demons from doom eternal?!

They can be, if someone would get off their lazy ass to mod it

Do how dfo I get the DRMless version of the exe to run with Steam?

Should be a crack folder in the iso. You have to copy that to the game folder

Hey look, I just want a transformation sequence of a regular woman turning into a cacobimbo. Is that so much to ask? The design is tailor made for demonic corruption and personality override shit but I never see it.

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I think I just got a MEGA link to just the EXE without the DRM in it. Mind pointing me to the download that you're talking about, friend?

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Just google Skidrow Cracks

what's the link for the crack bro?
i just have the files and want to refund this shit

Dont tell me you actually bought the game?
How gay

>Back to Saturn X
Based tastes

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he's working on an rpgmaker game about a snake boy with a big cock

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so hes given up on hdoom now in favour of something new?

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

sounds interesting

Why are you lying?

whats it called

>draw a sexy girl
>give her one eye and make her red
omg GUY I caaaaan't BELIEVE I'm ACTUALLY FAPPING to a cacodemon OMG what a crazy guy huh LOL I'll fap to ANYTHING even a cacodemon I'm LITERALLY FAPPING to a cacodemon can you IMAGINE? lol better watch out because I am fucking CRAZY!!! how TWISTED does a guy have to be to fap to something this WEIRD?? I'm extremely interesting and unique and NORMIES would NEVER understand these INSANE perversions

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>demon corruption

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Having a TON of fun, the game is fantastic. My ONLY issue is things look very very slightly blurry if they're a certain distance away. Not enough to bother me during gameplay but enough that I notice it. I have everything running on high, I'm on 1080p resolution, what setting do I need to change to fix or alleviate it?

I can't get over how silly the Cacodemons are in Eternal. I love their little cartoon gulp sound they make when you make them eat a grenade.

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You saying fucking a sexy girl body with mike Wazowski's head but red isn't weird?

This doesn't happen. Stop making shit up.

Disable depth of field

This. You'd have to be fucking INSANE to fap to OPs image.

Kek'd and based

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are you fucking retarded or something?

So you're on mission 3 and it crashes...


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>game tells you to update your drivers before launching the game
>still thinks it's a driver issue
Alright, so you are a fucking retard.

why does the game need to install VC++ redists every time i launch it

OP is fapping it to a lady poopoodemon confirmed.

>Realises he clicked cancel and is updating them right now
>Y-you're a retard!

It tells you to update but you can cancel it and still play. Why do you think so many people reported the game crashing on mission 3 and updating their drivers fixed that?
I'm playing perfectly fine on my outdated as fuck PC. Must be your system.

>lady poopoodemon
So a regular Indian woman?


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calm down nigga. No one cares about what it IS being drawn, as long as it's drawn well


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