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Based, now Iceborne is the best MH game of all time.
They couldn’t have added a better monster. If this is the last one then I’m satisfied
There's more monsters.
Sweet. I hope they are brand new and not Oroshi Kirin or Rusted Kushala but either way I’m happy. Wish they found a way to make Lagiacrus work but it’s kinda lame without water anyway
I would prefer if they added original monsters and not just recycle the old ones I've already hunted hundreds of times.
Worlds version of monsters are pretty rad though. Ala looks the craziest I've ever seen from the trailer (though I personally only hunted him in Tri). His lance and hammer were fucking awesome
I haven’t watched the trailer yet, will layered weapons be released over time like the armor or will you be able to make any layered weapon?
>Black Dragons have actual icons now
Doesn't mean Safi is a black dragon still
Oh boy. I wonder if my weapon will only do good damage to this nigger when he's on the ground or in the air.
What he is then. Still don't know why everyone stopped calling him that just because he's red.
>not gore magalah
a red dragon
Don't care. Alatreon was nerfed into the ground after Tri and has been a shell of his former self ever since. His iteration in Tri still remains one of the top 5 hardest monsters in the history of the franchise. Getting his skypiercers required perfect coordination, a smokebomb and at least two hammers with HGE just to have a CHANCE at getting them. Don't even get me started on the webbings, goddamn.
I remember it was mentioned that you shouldn't throw away your HR Kulve weapons but what the fuck why would they just bring her directly into MR instead of just having a better way to upgrade them
I don’t have ps plus right now, can I kill those siege monsters solo as an average SnS player or is it impossible due to the nature of the fight?
Pretty sure that’s impossible especially with SnS
We can record:
>Raging Brachydios lazy
>moves his arm an inch and there magically appears an entire-zone-covering grid of slime splatters
>actually removed Rajang's tail, which means the fight is unplayable for SnS, DB, etc. and boring hit-and-run GS is encouraged even more, making the gameplay of Iceborne generally less diverse yet again
>looks like they will really bring back AT just for Elders again, which will render all non-Elders even easier and more pointless yet again
>skills and defense even more bloated and overpowered, making especially non-Elders even easier
>absolute trash like Kulve returning
>shit happens to people who don't have their Kulve weapons anymore
>more $$$ DLCs
Slow down, Capcom shill.
Every monster will be rehashed from now on. Final monster will be Fatalis.
You're welcome.
that sucks, I hate when part of the content is locked behind multiplayer like this
That's droprates being made more lenient, which is a fact across all monsters. You can literally even carve tails now or get horns without even destroying them + them being easy as fuck to destroy.
>removed golden Rajang's tail
He never had a tail, newfag.
please do not reply to bait
Based Valkyboi working overtime to seethe across several boards
Alatreon seems to be getting a major update, just from the trailer he has a flame attack that finishes in shattering ice, and an electrified flamethrower. They're going all out with combination moves. Looks nuts
you are my favorite seething poster on Yas Forums
It's actually a normal quest now, and not a siege anymore. It starts from phase 2 and you can slay her.
I pray to god Alatreon isn't a siege.
Wait, layered weapons?
then why is crimson fatty a black dragon
seems to be a straight no-BS fight
Ala has the Kush skeleton so he's easy to develop
And it's not as if returning monsters don't get updated. I'm a tribabby but from what I hear Lunastra was easy in her debut and now she's vilified
black dragons are cataclysmic and uncomprendable monsters. safi can barely break a few rocks with his super attack
>people on the twitter trailer defending bone weapons
Lunastra used to be a straight copy of Teostra, for all intents and purposes World Luna is a new monsters
Should be the standard 4 man slaying quest.
Luna is a weird monster who never had a single gimmick of her own
>was litteraly just a sligthly weaker blue teo in gen 2
>was given a moveset of her own in Frontier but they also made her have very little hp and became one of the fastest monster in the entire serie for some reason
>got tons of AoE and DoT in World
Meh, black fztalis isn't that impressive.
Me too man. Kulve kinda just sucks in general
Seething harder than Bazel right now.
What’s that?
enraged brachy armor
Raging Bracchy's weapons.
Wait for MR Kulve for the normal quest
Safi is doable solo if you can do 40k+ in 20 minutes.
Non-BONED Brachy weapons
>just realized you can use MR Kulve materials to meld new weps
It will be several magnitudes of less efficient than doing the siege, but that's pretty nice
Lol, kill yourself.
What? Anyway you can already use Kulve mats to craft Kulve weapons on PC.
He's still going?
Is there any footage of Ala?
Holds true right up until you find yourself in need of a tenderplate, then you're fucked
Just ran Shara solo with PB3, it's easier and often faster than doing it with randoms and you're absolutely guaranteed to get at the very least one tenderplate.
Safi's HP of 40k is a lie.
He recovers HP and he also ignores all damage at certain points during the fight.
>you can pcheat on pc
thanks for relevant input
I couldn't get into MH
Why exactly is there such compassion for specific monsters?
They're just monsters with no personalities, only thing to like is the fight, right?
Because crimson fatty is just born fatty. All the fatties are just different stages of matureness. This is clear if you play 4u.
Starting in World if you follow a monster around in the map, you might see it doing natural behaviors: nothing too fancy, scratching some rocks, bodying an herbivore, or just chilling looking at the sunset
>Why exactly is there such compassion for specific monsters?
They cute.
you need to follow anja and fulgur anja for a while to see them reveal their soul and you will understand
>bruh you don't understand you have to farm this easy monster again and again to get what you want
Do what you want but i'll have fun in the meantime.
whatever helps you cope with being a pcheater I guess