DOOM Eternal is really making my 1060 6GB show its age, even on medium 1080p...

DOOM Eternal is really making my 1060 6GB show its age, even on medium 1080p. What are the best graphics cards for 1080p 120fps?

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2060 or 2070 super

RTX will be the standard next gen might aswell buy it

I can't imagine ever buying and playing a new game.
I don't get it.

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.

>Could have gotten a flagship from the previous generation that gets 144fps easily for ~$150
>instead buys half a card for the same price

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Is there any major difference from the base 2060/2070 than the super cards?
>RTX will be the standard next gen
I will continue to have it off, then.

my 3 gig 1060 cant even maintain 60fps on later levels. Altough im not complaining i got it for 80 bucks but still.


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If you get anything stronger than a regular 2060 for that performance you'll have wasted your money. The 2070 Super is a fucking 1440p/120 card.

Show it's age in what way? It gives you... OMGOMG... 60fps at 1080p?

The horror!

I think I'll grab a 2060 then, thanks user (and thanks everyone else in the thread who helped out)
It dips down to the mid 40s pretty frequently.

sub 75 is unacceptable. realistically sub 144@1080p is ridiculous.

But the 1060 can do 60fps at Ultra :^)

this is consoomer brain on corporate marketing

Nothing less then a Titan RTX will do you any good.

Titans aren't for gaming you idiot

>Is there any major difference from the base 2060/2070 than the super cards?
If you can find a Super for close to the same price, pick that instead. The 2060 Super has 2GB more of VRAM over the the regular 2060.

Alright, I'll look into it and see what I can find. I'm comfortable with second hand hardware so I should be fine.
Thanks user!

How? My 1070 never drops below 70fps at 1440p nighmare graphics

There's a pretty big performance gap between the 1060 and 1070.

>On a 1070
>Game is running at a silky smooth 60fps with nearly everything on Ultra

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Huh? Mine is running the game great on all ultra settings. Not budging from 60 fps.

No it doesn't. Are you trying to run the game at max settings or something? Either that or your CPU is the issue. I'm not having any performance dips at all on mine.

Why lie? Even a 1060 can do 1440p60FPS at high settings, you should easily be able to do 1080p Ultra 60FPS+.

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what settings are you playing on?

i agree with this, its has 0 soul (zero)

Absolutely not my experience. Runs way worse than official benchmarks state because Steam Overlay and Denuvo tanks the framerate.

All ultra at 1080p.

When I first bought the game it defaulted to high, but that didn't work out so I put it down to medium.
I doubt my CPU is the issue, I have a Ryzen 7 2700x. For some reason turning off the Steam FPS counter made the framerate more consistent? What the fuck? Whatever I guess

Basically the same - Ryzen 7 2700 and itd dips down to even the low 40's. I just said fuck it and refunded. I wasn't big on what I saw anyways.

This. Works great on my 1060.

The game has issues with the Steam overlay for some people. No idea why. Probably has to do with it running through Bethesda's launcher in the background. I haven't encountered it myself.

I have a 1060 6bg and run it on ultra with no problem, and I have no RAM. Consider upping your CPU

Attached: muh specs.png (1147x668, 173.43K)

My CPU is fine, see

>year 2020
>wants to upgrade to still play at 1080p
cringe, real ones know 1440p/144fps is the gold standard

Raytracinglets will be BTFO come November.
AMD really pulled a scam on it's own customers here.

I prioritize high framerates over larger resolutions.

Something's fucked in your system mate, the 1060 6gb is still a pretty capable card

but you can get both, 1080p has been standard long enough shit is mediocre now

I really don't care since I only upgraded to 1080p from a 1366x768 60hz HP monitor because it was a gift

>Is there any major difference from the base 2060/2070 than the super cards?
The supers are all just bigger better cards than the base models. Nvidia prices them on the typical price/performance curve though, so a 2060S is about as much better than a 2060 to around the same degree that it costs more.

They make sure never to make a super version of a card better than the card that's on the next number tier though, so it's not like a 2060S will be better than a base 2070.

That's what you get for buying cheap components
Playing DOOM Eternal at a nice 60fps/Ultra/1080p

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>He doesn't have DX12 Ultimate GPU


how many games use base DX12 again? like 30?

>RTX will be the standard next gen
no, DXR will be. Fuck off with your novidya meme tech

>That's what you get for buying cheap components
>15.87GB ram

Anyone know Gainward? Any good?

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Nvidia™ Titan RTX™, my fellow gamer.

doesnt it run 1080 60 on ps4? must be unoptimized as shit lazy ass id

what if i told you, u can turn off steam overlay

amazing read and strong arguments, how's animal crossing?

Attached: wowo.jpg (846x1024, 99.61K)

>paying for any game that doesn't work right out of the box
"but you can change-"
"Go into an .INI and switch-"

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based but at the same time cringe, so perfectly neutral

t. installs bloatware and geforce experience

imagine being u, bet your console dashboards are a mess too with no folders, running on a hdr tv with HDR off

>buzzwords and inanities.
Like your post?

>4.5 ghz
>1060 3gb
>all low
>50% resolution scale
>dips to 45-50 fps in intense scenes
I was hoping it would last to 2021 bros...

Ive got a 1060 2gb and Im having no issues

sounds like bullshit if ur running it at literally 540p, unless it really just needs more than 4 threads, but i doubt it since its targeting 60 fps on base consoles...

Play on 30fps like the poorfag you are

This is gonna sound silly but did you update your drivers? They dropped a Doom driver a couple days ago

Yeah I did, but I solved the problem just by disabling the Steam FPS counter.
Really don't understand how that made a difference but, hey, it worked.

What? I have a 6gb SSC and it works like a charm.
Easily constant 120 fps. not even stutters.
Pirated version btw. if you are buyfag cuck you deserve your frames ripped off from you.

might as well buy a console.

>buy a pc or console
>gotta create an acco--
>log i--
>install stea--
>go the the PS Store to buy some ga--