Noooooooooo sonybros

Noooooooooo sonybros....

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rip Dreams.

Why the fuck? You can’t make money off it at all

Sony can't stop losing.

Nice. No more Wario meme levels that shit up the trending section.

look what Corbett has to say about copyright

Dreams was yet another sony abortion that looked too good to be true, because it was too good to be true.
How do sonybros manage? Are they just used to the disappointment? Or do they just hype shit up without actually buying anything, then as soon as whatever flop finally gets released, they're already hyping the next thing?
As for Nintendo going after Nintendo IPs in Dreams, what a waste of company money that they should be using to make the next gen console crush the ps5 and bone to embarrass Microsoft and Sony and snap up all the 3rd parties

how do they even do that? they're made in a non-nintendo game published on a non-nintendo console

But the developers are. Nintendo thinks that people are buying dreams because they can play yahoo bing bang on a ps4.

But you said "they didnt go after lbp levels"
But you said "there's no point nothings gonna get dmca'd everythings gonna stay up mediamolecule doesn't give a shit"
Prepare for a lot more of this you retards. We don't live in 2010 anymore. Companies will send a C&D at every chance they can and this is prime picking for them.

lmao get fucked cucksole users. imagine playing wit a creative tool and being limited by californiacucks, patents, trademarks, heavy censoring etc etc etc

pic related, a snoylet after being banned by sony for posting bad comments in dreams

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just because it is out of your own environment doesn't mean you can't stop others from using your characters. As for how they do this: Of course they bought multiple playstations and are nor going through everything manually.

Pretty standard and everyone expected it. Where's the news?

lmao Nintendo will lose.


nintendo are literally the worst company out there

based nintendo, fuck fan creations and fuck dreams

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fuck those cunts

>hur dur it's not on your machine
>ip law just magically stops working
>this is somehow different than fan made pc projects
You're retarded faggot. If pc fan games get removed why wouldn't these? You really think Sony is going to protect the users who are violating ip laws?
>inb4 ip laws are gay
Not the point.

>Nintendo has the power to invade your sleeping mind

Holy shit, they must be stopped.

this - fuck corporations, fuck forced narrative and fuck censorship

kek. Nintendo are such lawful-evil cockends. It's amazing that people literally love them.

but most importantly


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Some Obama law that fucks over American rights

I saw this coming a mile away

I-is that shit?

Its fine. The mario levels are far from the best games in Dreams.

based ozen poster, i love you have a nice day

>But you said "they didnt go after lbp levels"
No they did delete some levels from LBP as well.
But it doesn't matter. 2000 will replace them.

no shit - that's a "free of charge" competition stifling card (thanks to vehement overreach of digital copyright protection laws and their enforcing organizations)

nah it's just freshly spilled cacao-flavored snoylent goop

Nintendo literally going out of their way to stop people from playing a game they bought however they want.
Jesus Christ.

Why do sonygros pretend to not want that nintendodick? The first thing they do with a creation tool is spam fucking nintendo copyrighted material all over the trending sections lmao.
Just ask your mo to buy you a switch.

nice, fuck snoy

>Obama invented copyright

>noooo why wont they let a competitor make money from their IPs

I'll be honest, I sorta like those. They make me laugh.

And wolla Dreams is dead

>Ninten-trannies once again celebrating that their bing bing pimp is taking down fan made content again

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He's a retarded anarchist who wants to live in Mad Max and believes that Mad Max will somehow magically fix itself because humans are so nice when left to their own devices

Holy fucking shit I hate nintendo

they are not making money from those and absolutely no one is buying dreams for bing bing wahos

>fan made content
It is fan made but it is being sold in a 60 bucks package

fan made content that you paid for to either access or create for an entry fee

This is a bullshit justification for it and you know it you dumb tendie.

How many generations of exoduses will it take before everyone stops buying their garbage? They haven't had a worthwhile console since the N64, and even then, there are only a handful of games.

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>absolutely no one is buying dreams for bing bing wahos
Absolutely everyone is buying dreams for fan made content and like 50% of it is based on existing IPs that Sony doesn't own. How they thought it wouldn't be a legal disaster, I have no idea

Copyright law should exist but it has to have limits. If you are not profiting for it whatsoever they can fuck off. If I want to draw mario sucking dick, and put it online I should be able to

why is Nintendo so hostile like this? if Nintendo had their way, every ROM pre Wii era would be deleted off the internet, forcing you to pay hundreds of dollars for used ROMs that are 10-20+ years old, dirty, and the original hardware as well, and Nintendo doesn't even see a cent of it. What is their problem? People literally are stealing your current gen consoles games, even the new Animal Crossing game was leaked to pirates 4 days early, AND they can play online as well and hack the game and ruin it for legit players. Why not focus on that for fuck sake.

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Shreck wins again.

It obviously isn't you retard. If you sell a collection of mini-games and some of those mini-games feature Mario, guess what happens next user.

it's been DOA for a while now. An entire gen, as it were.

Sony is selling the tools. Not the actual creations. The creations are shared for free. What a retard you are. Keep suck that Nintendo cock though.

why should sony and Dreams dev make profits from people using Nintendo copyrighted and trademarked content? All those mario levels literally record the musics and sound effects from nintendo sources. This alone makes all that shit illegal.

Is this why Nintenfags have had a hateboner for Dreams since its release? Explains a lot.

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probably the same way lbp wasn't a legal disaster, no one gives a fuck about the bing bing wahos, the best levels have nothing to do with existing ips

Why are you defending Nintendo taking content away from you? Do you work at NoA?

good. fuck sonybros

>If you are not profiting for it whatsoever they can fuck off
But Sony is profiting from it. It's selling dreams and the major selling point are the fan made games and most of those violate copyright laws.
>Sony is selling the tools. Not the actual creations
So I can play those creations for free without paying for Dreams?

>just proceeds to shit himself where he stands
That guy has to be either mentally ill or drunk and high as hell

>Engine designed to make games
>Fans choose to make copyrighted characters using that engine
Momma Mia! That's not how game sales a work, Pisan.

>probably the same way lbp wasn't a legal disaster
It didn't allow you to literally remake other games. Just like MM you can only do so far, you won't recreate Uncharted 3 in Mario Maker or LBP, but you can do it in Dreams.

Kiketendo. First the ROMs, now this.

>Sony: yeah you can use some Sony ironic characters for Smash
Reminder, eternally, Sony only exists today because of Nintendo. Sony offered to partner with the MUCH larger Nintendo and make CD based games. Nintendo refused. You know the rest.

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weird how they didn't care about it in LBP1, 2, 3, or karting

>Left was published by Sony, right was developed by Nintendo
Come on, user. Know the difference

I can't believe that Yas Forums defends this
congratulations nintendofags
now you guys are worse than sonyfags by far

Legally Sony owns everything you make in Dreams. That's the difference, Epic doesn't own every game made in Unreal.

No it shouldn't go suck Disney's cock.

>Why don't you let me steal your shit?
The weed dealers are so fragile I swear, every time you talk copyright you end up in those threads with your shitty leftard hobo logic that only work in your head.

>Sony fans:Why would I ever want to play that kiddie trash lol
>Also sony fans: Nooooo you cant take my bing bing wahooos!@@!