How do I become more like Kiryu bros?

How do I become more like Kiryu bros?

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Just bee yourself

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Sooooo what was the point of bringing him back in 7 again?

Get a gun. You can beat most people in Yakuza franchise by just firing a few rounds

I think you're already there, user.

crazy how much these graphics downgrade from game to game, they really didn't think out this engine

You're virgin so you're doing great so far

Can you not virgin shame please

Yeah, kind of a shame. It also doesn't help that these games are being made in such a short amount of time.

Just follow these simple steps

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reject the myth of masculinity

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Its a shame too since 6 and Kiwami 2 looked great. Judgment looked nice too but I dont know if it ran at a stable framerate like the other Dragon Engine games.

you say trans rights

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Be and incel, Lift

Austically devote yourself to any hobby you decide to dabble in and do any task given to you by a stranger.

Raise other men's children at every opportunity and never have sex yourself

He's not back in 7. That wouldn't make any sense and also ruin what little good there was about 6. 6 was bad but at least it ended Kiryu's story and now the series can do something new.

>He's not back in 7
You're a straight up liar, dude

he literally beats the shit out of a trans person trying to con people and says "i don't care what gender you are, stealing is wrong"

if anything he doesn't give a shit

How do I become more like Majima bros?

Follow one specific person around and assault them every chance you get

he beats the shit out of a trans person who is breaking the law

if you want to be like kiryu you would live and let live and not come to a videogame board to fume about other people's genitalia

Walk the street and do literally everything that anyone asks of you. You must solve everyone's problem.

jesus christ this looks awful

You beat the shit out of trannies and subscribe to right wing vloggers and "skeptics" on youtube. You also care deeply about "videogame censorship" but don't care about any form of censorship beyond waifus having less cleavage or having to be aged up for western releases.



You can begin by ignoring sex on your own volition and become the chad volcel

>design new engine specifically to make games for the PS4
>it runs like shit on the PS4
>the combat is now unresponsive and slow
>ragdoll looks like an early 2000s tech demo
>if it goes above 30 fps on PC, the physics start freaking out
what's wrong with sega

Suck massive amounts of cock and kill your own men for no reason

>Honorable fight
>Brings his entire group to fight one person
Why even call this Yakuza?

This series lost its senses after 0.

But user, I have sex

Fuck this year is killing my wallet.

Kiryu wouldn't say this

He's an honorable man so you're going to have to stop browsing this shithole for starters.

I got the fitgirl version of 0, K1 and K2. You should consider it.

couldn't they just keep using the ps3 games engine with more polygons? what the fuck are those physics even for in a game with unrealistic combat and barely any physics interaction with the world it's not fucking gta with cars and shit

Then you're too deep into the rabbit hole. You will forever be the slave of what's between a woman's legs. Pity.

I want to clear some things up about Yakuza 7 since there is some misinformation going around:
>Kiryu is only back in a side story, and it's a dream sequence. The real Kiryu does not show up.
>there is no "day one DLC" for Yakuza 7, and no DLC planned.
>the soundtrack is made up of 100% new tracks.
>all the character models, locations and animations have been build up from scratch. there is 0 asset flipping.
>the turn based combat has been described as the deepest and most satisfying turn based combat SEGA has ever made. boss fights are better than they ever have been.
>over 30 of the most popular JAV artists have been included in the game.
>Han Joon Gi is back but Yokoyama came up with a really clever way of making it work.
>there is so much to do in Yokohama most players still haven't been able to complete it all and are still finding new areas to enter and things to do there.

Well you’re already a virgin user

>goes into adult DVD shop
>knows the titles of obscure videos when he talks to the cashier

Why is literally EVERYONE Korean in Yakuza 2?

fuck off

There's nothing dishonorable about porn.

I’ll let you in on a secret user, if you do it right they’re the ones who come to you.

Why has Yas Forums forgotten this classic?

I have 0 and 1, how long are they?

same reason why everyone is chinese in 6

be a cuck and let strangers fuck your gf and daughter

When the fuck are we getting a release date for 7 in english

I "rushed" through 0 (did some side missions but didn't bother with the main sidequests) and finished the story in 40 hours
you can easily hit 100 hours

I know for a fact that at least 3 of those are wrong, why bother spreading lies?

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Then you have already failed.

So why dont you have Yakuza 7?

Release day can't come soon enough. 7 is shaping up to be the best in the series. Any word yet on when it will be out?

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Man I was okay with 7 being a turn based rpg but seeing this Kiryu fight just feels wrong as fuck
It doesn't do him any justice
They should have just left him out of the game

Raise another man's daughter

I've played it about 60 hours now, Yakuza 7 is unironically one of the greatest JRPG's ever made. It's clear that the guys behind Persona have influenced RGG Studio to make a solid turn based RPG. It's characters and story are interesting, Ichiban has an air of likability, he isn't Kiryu or Majima but he doesn't need to be those characters. What I love is that he's a unique new character that has his own personality. The mini-games are quite good too Dragon Kart, Can Collecting and Movie Theater are all fun to play and the Job system (different classes) adds a lot to the turn based combat and make your party work in different ways. There's also Summons, "Limit Breaks", etc. this game is 150% an RPG, and if you're jaded about that that's unfortunate but mechanically speaking Yakuza 7 is phenomenal. I'm glad the sales picked up (#1 last week in Japan beating Pokemon) as it really deserves to sell well. I think the western release will be more successful as it's almost like a fresh beginning for the series despite it being the "7th Yakuza game" (more like 14th or something now), they'll probably return to the beat em up style next year but I'm glad this exists as it's genuinely a fantastic RPG in its own right.

Never, under any circumstances, have sex.

No, I'm fine with it playing like this but Kiryu's fight just feels underwhelming like that after playing all the other games and knowing what he can do
Just wish he wasn't in the game at all

stop it user I can't get any more hype
without a doubt Y7 will be by GOTY

*hits pipe*

In Yakuza 4 the Kiryu fight is the hypest part of the entire game