I'm constantly baffled by people who don't find modern versions of old characters more attractive. Lara Croft, Tifa, Jill, etc, they look like actual humans now, which one would hope equals more attrative in people's eyes. Or maybe they are just attracted to people with absurd body proportions and nonsense attire?
I'm constantly baffled by people who don't find modern versions of old characters more attractive. Lara Croft, Tifa...
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>It's yet another thread of a ResetEra tranny that has taken over this industry gloating about it
Can we start banning these freaks? It's bad enough that they own the industry, must we give them a voice in Yas Forums too?
Yas Forums hates every new game, remakes especially.
If you want actual opinions you've come to the wrong place
She looks really cute.
Yas Forums isn't your right wing hugbox, sweaty
Nu-Tifa is ugly. It’s not hard to understand.
as a 90s kid I developed a fetish for pyramid tits and that's all that gets me hard now
Tif ais ugly in general. Hell, look at her og artwork lmao
Uhh... Hello? Based department?
What a gay opinion
can we ban Yas Forumstards instead?
You are on the wrong side of history and nobody will miss you
Well duh, games used to be fantasy why on earth would people want realistic looking wahmen exploitation films exist literally for that kinda thing
A lot of Yas Forums has this deluded view that gaming was a super secret hobby back in the 90s (it wasn't) and now it's ruined because normies do it (they always did)
To be honest, Tifa looks absolute stunning.
>those knockers
Imagine believing in "progress" so that anything that comes next is automagically better in your mind (especially when it isn't).
I think Aerith has looks better
>they look like actual humans now
The others looks good but Tifa doesn't look realistic
>they look like actual humans now
Ha good one
Aeriths body is a huge disappointment to me, like her face looks really mature and sexy and than you see her body and it's just a sticc in a dress. The mix is so crass that it really kills her design for me. I wish they had gave her, her ff7 hips back
I just don't like how they put way more effort into Aerith's face and model than Tifa's.
Cute > Sexy
This. Tifa looks overall just much more appealing. The body of a woman is just as important as her face is. Tifa is the perfect mix between cute and hot
Tifa has a fat face, that isn't attractive and never will be.
So Tifa it is.
Literally best girl.
Lol you faggots are too easy to please, big unrealistic boobs and thic thighs that don't match the rest of her body is so sexy
Both look stunning
>nu-Yas Forums thinks this is ugly
meanwhile i'm over here all HNNNNNNNNNNNNG
According to Nomura
Tifa means to be cute & sexy. Aerith is the beauty but her dress always turns me off.
What can I say? I see big tits nice hips, and delicious abs and I'm sold on a design
>e. Lara Croft, Tifa, Jill, etc, they look like actual humans now
Why in the actual fuck would you think people who enjoy fictional characters would want them to look more "realistic"?
If I wanted reality, I'd buy a mirror. I'm PAYING for something out of the ordinary.
I feel like Tifas 10/10 body is stretching reality a bit. Like no woman has tits that big but is also so slender.
Have sex
Googled that delicious slut and not bad at all, but Tifas waist is a lot smaller and her tits are bigger.I still fap to her tho
good thing she has neither? she's probably a bit too slender tho. better than having zero body like aerith anyway
>they look like actual humans
>if a woman has anything above a B or a C-cup, she's not a real human bean
I wish faggots would GTFO of the vidya industry and stop pushing their homo tastes on the rest of the male population whose brain hormones are still functioning normally.
Yes, I do tend to sexualise the more realistically detailed versions of these characters, but at the same time I don't think that's how the devs hoped I would react. Except for the people behind the Tomb Raider reboot, those guys are undeniable perverts and I salute them for daring to put guro porn into their game.
I like new Tifa. I also like older anime Tifa. It's just a matter of art style. If we're talking strictly character models then obviously the new one is objectively better. But in terms of design, or just comparing the original art to the new one, I can understand how somebody might like one version over the other.
Only plus size women have breasts that big
Tifa is a turbo cutie, literally pure comfyness.
Google Daddario true detective next
>they look like actual humans now, which one would hope equals more attrative in people's eyes.
I can't even imagine how fat and ugly you must be to say this.
Only trannies and soÿ drink lovers will like this all new Resident Evil 3 Demake. Jill is no longer a sexy woman (she looks like a mentally ill tranny freak), Nemesis is a joke, and the game has zero soul. Can't wait to NOT buy it.
I've had it.
That doesn't mean I want games with "fantasy" in the title to conform to reality, dumbass.
Enough of them exist you sexist pig.
>I feel like Tifas 10/10 body is stretching reality a bit.
Stretching reality would be the point, since the game is called Final "FANTASY".
You know, as in fantastical, and not of the ordinary?
Honestly I don't think they're unattractive, they're just boring depictions in video games. With video games you can create these fantastical, surreal, otherworldly, and unrealistically perfect characters and yet they settle on something mundane as realism. It just goes to show how little they take advantage of the possibilities they got. I generally, don't have an issue with games that go for a realistic visual style, but those significantly outweigh the stylised by the a far margin today. Its just boring.
You just put words where they feel right, huh?
Tell that to Billie Eilish
I find NuLara ugly af. Rest is fine
Never seen any JAV actress, have you, sunshine?
You'd enjoy the 1950s for "the look."
Anyone have that webm of her talking?
>Like no woman has tits that big but is also so slender.
While I'm glad they seemingly have been improving her, nu-tifa looks noticeably different in like every other screenshot of her I've seen since her E3 reveal. Also, her outfit still looks absurd.
But her tits are bigger than nu-Tifa's, user.
shes fatter
She even looks like nu-Tifa, yet retards are still in denial that Tifa is Asian.
I wouldn't say it's ugly, but that example in particular is really uncanny