That first girl you ever e-flirted with when you were a dumb kid on the internet

>that first girl you ever e-flirted with when you were a dumb kid on the internet
what video game did you meet them in, Yas Forums? for me it was Roblox

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yahoo chatrooms

Left 4 Dead
Now I'm the fake e-girl.

Angels online


WoW. About 2 weeks in I started getting bored of it and told my friend. The motherfucker then messaged her saying I wanted to break up. She lost her shit and never wanted to talk to me again lol

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she looks fuckable

This girl I played an old Korean MMO with in 2000.

I still have her on facebook and wank off to her routinely

San Andreas Multiplayer

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Vanilla World of Warcraft.
I remember I vaguely chatted with this one undead chick who was kinda quirky. But every time I was with her, she would ":3" or "xD" with me.
But the day I had fucking enough of WoW's shit I was writing a goodbye letter to her ingame and was going to give her a Black Rose with it. I was tearing up writing it. It was long and sincere, BUT THEN SOME LOWBIE ASKING FOR GOLD COMES AND OPENS TRADE WINDOW WITH ME AND IT CLOSES THE MAIL LETTER.

I was so pissed.

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Trickster online. Under leveled catgirl wanted to team up so they could sponge xp.

Eventually I realized that and said "I know what you're doing". Cat says "What?" and logs out.

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Warcraft 3. I "e-dated" them and then got creeped out by them calling me babe while I was playing Pokemon World and subsequently broke up with them while they cry emoted at me.

Habbo Hotel. Got married to her, had a party, adopted children, never saw her again the next day.

Too real, it's all I do now.

Why do only women and men pretending to be women do the "X3" or the "^_^" thing? Do they think it makes them look cute? Whenever I see that, I think overweight otaku girl or tranny.

Some 2d f2p mmo. Something like 2002-2004.
Eventually told me he was a 32 year old man. I said I didnt care cause I just wanted to say i had a girlfriend. I was 12-14.

Where did it all go so wrong?
>teach myself to type like a girl
>pretend that I don't have a mic
>use doctored pics from Yas Forums that aren't able to be google reverse searched
>get free gold and carries in WoW
>free everything and simps creating houses for me in minecraft
>carried in MOBAs
>never lonely
>can just make up fun shit about girl-me
Why is being a girl so much fun?

I do that and ":3" a lot and I'm a boy. And I have never pretended to be anything but that.

the better question is, if being a girl is easy mode, why do women demand "equal rights"?

Same but was in starcraft chat lobby

Some anime website when I was watching yuyuhakusho daily after school.

>be 16
>play on every. single. day.
>met my friend of now 12 years actually
>meet girl avatar who liked to shower me with gifts and compliments
>she remains my gf on there for a few months
>eventually admits he's a 46 year old man into young boys
>by this time i'd sent him many dick pics etc
>he says it's ok, he has pics of other boys as young as 10
>ask him for SB's (shoes that make you run faster) to keep quiet
>nigga paid TB50,000 for these puppies
>report him anyway

Last i heard after that he got raided and found to have 1000s of cp images etc

Still had those SB's since the day the game shut down a couple years later

How old are you? ...and how old was this girl?

Habbo Hotel

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Some random Flash browser game. I was 11, got scared and bailed out as soon as "her" questions started getting too personal.

it was on MSN. she became my GF in primary school.

Fusion Fall
God what a weird, sexual time in my life

Never did. I didn't talk with anyone back then

>tfw used to have a haram of egirls in minecraft
>they were all in their 20s and lived in Europe

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ERP'd at the top of fally castle in runescape when i was 10.
i had no idea what i was doing and i'm 90% sure it was actually a guy.
pretty hilarious when i think about it.

Unfortunately, this but never happened again

It was probably some fat Yas Forums loser pretending, user.

>tranny making retarded shit up.

Oh God, I just wanna pound Vanellope's prime cunny, maybe a cunnylingus too if she sucks dick good
I won't stop with her, I will fuck ALL the racers of Sugar Rush

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minecraft ofc
im still a simp these days and try to get heal sluts in overwatch to que with me

gears of war


>A haram
Yes, faggotry is haram

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WoW, back in 2008.
I'm still friends with her

I never was able to comprehend e-dating, so i never bothered
though i’ve never even been on a date before, so who am i to ask?

Club penguin and Halo 2


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Wanna go on a date with me?

>used to ERP with a single mom in her thirties when I was 15 years old on a Neverwinter Nights roleplaying server

Never came that much before that.
I did not develop any MILF fetishes or got serious into ERP with other people. I think it had more to do with being intimate with another person I knew for a while.

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Fucking nexon combat arms
I miss texting with her, even if she was lying about being a girl. I just miss the conversations we had.

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This. In order to act like a woman, you have to make everything about you so your orbiters will latch on and do it for you.

It was in Sacrifice.
the first online game I played I think

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>Flirted a girl in some mmo during high school
>Got a date out with her as she got dumped by her boyfriend and desperately needs a shoulder to cry on
>Shes a 6/10 with not much to offer, but hey, hoes are hoes
>Went to some karaoke place because it has everything - private, sound proofed rooms, drinks and snacks, dim lights, etc
>We ended up kissing and touching but no fourth base
>Never heard from her again after that night

Despite the internet being my only source of social interaction, I've always found the concept of game gfs repulsive as a kid. I kinda regret it now, but what's done is done.

I was 13 and met a mom and her daughter over Diablo 2 while doing Baal runs for people. We played a lot together and would video chat over MSN. Eventually one night when her daughter went to bed, I helped her mother get a new character to end game shit and she wanted to webcam again over MSN, which led to us masturbating to each other. She was 35 or something, but I remember our fling didn't last long because she eventually felt real guilty. Lost contact with her a year later or so because we just stopped talking to each other.

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but I was the one pretending to be a girl for items

My ex? Already knew her before hand but we did play some LBP3. She was the first and last

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It's also a good tell that someone is a furfag, man or woman

Same, everyone was surprisingly horny on that game, tons of whales you could be friends with too.


what the fuck, ive never even thought of flirting with women online games let alone having "relationships"

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