Any games where i can dance??

any games where i can dance??

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dumb gook whores


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I come here for upskirts and you guys always dissapoint me

Sauce for the love of God

yakuza 5

get help

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Built for BWC

gook shit lmao

If I'm tall and white but with a little chub, can I still get asian women?

Wow an Actual semi thick kpop girl

>on Yas Forums so fucking much that he notices random OPs that get deleted quick anyway
Get a life, faggot.

This is what thick is user, you've been brainwashed by niggerfied mutt porn.

star wars kinect

any boards where jannies actually do their job?

Not thick enough my Irish friend

t. The mentally ill yellowfever poster

I fucking hate dance, I never get the point, it just feels silly

First kpop girl I find hot, that skirt helps a lot. Gimme a link to the full vid

I've seen the jannies get accused of a lot of things, but never before of doing their job in a timely manner.

No, you don't deserve it faggot.


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fuck off to /jp/ and stop posting qt asians on Yas Forums that are gonna derail the thread you could have easily posted an image of a dance dance revolution pad but you use this same webm EVERY FUCKING TIME

there is offtopic shit that stays for hours at times. jannies are clearly playing favorites

Containment threads user, you delete one and three more will pop up.

Just wait until they start wearing safety-shorts like JPOP-girls

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She's Cheng Xiao, a Chinese girl in KPop band Cosmic Girls

even so, there is a guy avatarfagging as som VN character and he still isnt banned

It's a tribal thing.

She looks like she fucks her balding fat ugly producer

Why do you care so much?

Can someone turn this into a gif? Thank you.

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Attached: VTMB dance.webm (1240x698, 2.87M)

because actual vidya shit gets deleted, meanwhile neither this faggots posts or threads do

No it doesn't. Vidya shit that gets derailed into cunnyposting and wokakposting do.

>K-poop drones

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Fuck you

>Actual man thighs capable of crushing watermelons
Imagine getting turned on by this shit. Next please

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Vampire masquerade has some dancing. Got dudeweedlmao'd and just sat in front of my computer watching everyone dance for awhile the other day

Han solo is epic, not gonna lie, probably the best thing to come out of Kinect

This is a ジャニーズ board... Fuck off...

Can someone explain the obsession with kpop? Shit genuinely feels like a cult.

It is. The fans are literally brainwashed. Sme effect that happens with most yellowfever faggots here.

Hey roastie

legs too ugly. show the one on the right

imagine how much Corona is inside the little body

First post based post


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i hate whiteys with yellow fever

Put a number on "a little chub."

gib snu snu

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she looks like her mom drank a little too much

That's not how snu snu works, dumb frogposter

isn't Kpop basically slavery?

yeah. based, right?


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Alright, seething faggot. I bet you can't even watch the video



wtf I love Korea now
i watched it though, girl looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome


kpop is a psyop.

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Why do wh*te ""girls"" always have this fucking man chin? It's disgusting

retarded newfag

You just know each one of those girls had to suck a lot of dicks in a suit to get there

American genetics, you can tell because people are wearing baseball caps

fuck these mods

just dance and beat saber

fpbp as usual

GTA San Andreas
Shantae games in general, Shantae 1 has a dancing minigame
DMC 5 with some taunts
Yakuza 0
I saw a webm of FF7 Remake with a dancing minigame
Persona 4 DAN and its associates, though if the dancing is not affected by the inputs and just fails you after a point then I wouldn't count it.
Uhh Fortnite

>jealous anti-white seethes at beauty

Attached: Girls-with-Natural-Beauty-9.jpg (700x700, 78.44K)

>Those pink cheeks
>again with the man chin
Fucking christ, talk about god awful taste

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>5 kilograms of makeup
>natural beauty
LMAO guess it's natural when the west does it

>That fucking fat pig
Are you blind?