Elementary schools CLOSED

>Elementary schools CLOSED
>High schools CLOSED
>Collages CLOSED
>Resturaunts CLOSED
>Movie theater CLOSED
>Some public transport CLOSED
>Stores CLOSED
>Everything CLOSED

>My job?
Pic related.

How do I get free videogame time like the rest of you?

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I feel you, Mr. Janny.
Have you tried kicking a lamppost real hard?

those things are actually essential, damn near everything else isnt.

At least you don't do it for free.

Quit and find a real job. Also, start posting about videogames, you double nigger.

You still have a job user. Lots of people don't have theirs anymore and it's nearly impossible to get one right now.

That is a real job. There is nothing wrong with labor or putting in a hard days work.

ask for a raise

Least you get to brag that you actually did something to help during the crisis, gamestopfags have to go to work and get made fun of for it. A

Congrats with having a real job instead of the clown shit where you have to pretend to work in order to not get fired.

>real job
Are you retarded? The coronavirus is illuminating what the real jobs are. If it's closed down right now, it's a bullshit job.

Eh, beats applying for jobs and being emailed within an hour, saying that the posting is closed.

Can't you ask for double pay or something?

>Mr. Janny.

I'm a security guard. I work in NYC.

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I'm sorry.

raise of quit

I'm a nurse in philly and I'm on my 8th 16hr shift in a row. Yea I feel like shit but I'm gknna be able to lay off my consumer debt and get a 77 inch oled in like 6 days.

>tfw work at hospital
Business as usual boys. Actually worse than usual because all the dumb nurses are constantly trying to get masks even though we have to ration them.

>If it's closed down right now, it's a bullshit job.
>retail and warehouse sweatshops are "real" jobs

Your asshole OPEN UP
Jirome loves it.

Meanwhile grocery stores still open and we see waves of scared people all over the place, some of which cough up and down the isle.

>meanwhile USD goes up as usual and is almost 1:1 to EUR

I dong understand this world. Fly farts on another continent and USD goes up.

Soon I won't be able to buy any games online.

Same brother stay save out there

I feel you OP. I'm a UPS driver and my new schedule is Tues-Saturday to meet the demand. At least I have the 23rd off for Alyx

we're at 1:80 here

Nice blog faggot, how do I unsub?

yes, retail, storage, and emergency services are real jobs.
All else is fairy dust.

Im a janny that work on night shift in a food factory and because we are only 7 during the night if i get the virus i still need to go to work or im fired because the chance i infect someone is low and and acceptable because we are not enough employee

I wish I was an essential employee. I'd be working extra to rake in dough right now and pay off some debts. Instead I'm stuck inside earning fucking nothing.

Don't the nurses understand that these masks don't help against Corona?

>security guard

so basically a glorified janny

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Nah. Fuck that. I can barely handle 12 hour shifts. Especially since I don't get breaks.

Is Douglas Eliman a part of Associa since they are a condominium management company? I'm also working at a condominium management company as an accountant.

Have some pride nigger. You are doing something that actually affects other peoples lives in this tough times. Nigga you a full on normie now, embrace it, get gf and fug

Do you have 3 months income saved up being a janitor? If not then be thankful all you have to do is take out the trash for gamer bucks.

>tfw first year grad student
yes, give me those online classes that will have no impact on my degree.

Try working at Costco fag. I’m working more than I ever have

Without the bored teenage retail workers you don't get to eat.

hyperinflation from all the fed printing

>Work at a warehouse distribution center moving heavy pallets of shit with a forklift all day.
Ever since this "crisis" started Ive been working overtime hours from 40hr a week to 50+

>tfw you seasonally work at a hotel
illegal construction here I come

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>tfw retail worker
>lots of old-ass people who don't know how to at least cough into their elbow
The way I see it, I'm almost guaranteed to get sick eventually, and for shitty minimum wage.

Nurse are just glorified janny

the surgical ones don't, the N95 ones are good.

iktf. bro i do customer service, everything is online you can log anywhere BUT fucking ip phones. ofc you can redirect them to mobile but noo. majority of phonecalls are retarded questions which dont are fucking unrelated to work. every other worker was ordered or had option for home office but us. they just say its "complicated" but it fucking isnt.

Im from Poland and its really bad tho. EUR gone up from 4.3 to 4.5 PLN to 1 EUR but USD gone from 3.7 to fucking 4.3 and refuse to stop.

I'm waiting on my 1k trumpbux, I paid taxes last year god dammit

>work overnights at an airport hotel
>everyone down to 0 or 1 shift except me and management who work full time
>mfw I have a decent chunk saved up and actually wouldn't mind the time off + partial unemployment everyone else is getting
I'm sure it sounds ungrateful but damn I need a vacation.

Go to school and get a real job. My company told everyone to work from home starting this week. I've been playing vidya, watching movies, and jerking off since Monday. All I have to do is answer emails a couple times a day. Now Trump is going to send me $1200 for doing jack shit.

Life is good.

This. If it's so essential they surely should reward it somehow, right? It would really be a shame if OP called in sick, if it's so essential that nobody else would be willing to work now.

>dialysis RN
>someone fucked up and a presumptive was discovered a day late
>everyone on duty at the time gets 2 weeks paid off

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But inflation would be opposite - decrease of value, not increase.

When's Bernie gonna endorse Biden? I'd bet later this week.

so being a teacher is a bullshit job?
you're retarded, better stick to your retard proof job

I'm from spicland
you'll live, and if things get too bad mommy Germany will bail you out

Given their performance, absolutely. If I was in an emergency, hearing someone I was relying on say "I'm a teacher" is one of the scariest things I can imagine.

What would you do? Everything thats fun is closed. You dont need to go to palm beach to play video games.
I took two days off this week and wanted to kill myself at the end of it out of sheer boredom.

Im surprised you aew upset over having a job. Literally 8 friends of mine lost theirs and may never get it back.

New recession for lots of people. Im just glad i picked an industry thats eternal and essential.

never mind it's due to the ECB's relief program

Video games????

t. homeschooled

I would do what I always do: stay home and play video games. I was once unemployed for 6 months, I only left the house to get food and it was the best time of my life.

I wish.

Anyone who is saying they are enjoying the quarantine to stay home and play vidya are underage or college students only. As someone with a job and bills I can say I wish I was able to work. I don't know if I am going to get unemployment and I only have enough in my savings for this month and April. But oh no you have to work and feel productive while having money.

Retail is suffering for a literal sperg like me
My legs also aren't good since I was hit by a car in January so standing in place for more than a couple of hours gets painful

You posted this on another board too. Stop trying to get people to feel bad for you.

t. Extrovert

>get a real job
>doesn't do anything
>real job
the irony

>tfw essential but nothing really feels different besides a handful of people in my lab having their schedules staggered to start earlier or later
>no differences in pay or anything like that either

Teaching is unironically the most bullshit "professional" job in existence. Fucking blue collar is more respectable than teaching.

>what is paid time off

maybe you can learn to invest now. Stocks are at an all time low

I already got laid off from my hotel job yesterday so I hope my condo job lays me off too as being a doorman is useless now.

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Hopefully never. He should just found or promote a real left-wing party in America to see if the country finally gets some real opposition towards the neo-liberal majority.

Im surprised a super overlooked essential industry that no one ever talks about is water/wastewater operations/compliance/management. Pays great, usually union, have a job till you retire

tie a rope around your neck

Spoken like a true unionlet.

>>Collages CLOSED
we still have fucking online classes

>finally watch American Psycho
>go to discuss it on Yas Forums
>immediately turns into a get thread

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Have the feds freezed rent and mortgages yet? They're going to need to unless they want an explosion in homelessness, which would make the plague spread even faster.

>Have the feds freezed rent and mortgages yet?
That would be anti-semetic

if its make you feel better its been like this for ages

>the plague
lol, drama class shut down, or what?

My job (security and service guard for Nokas norway) started demanding I'd put 80 hours in a week, every week, with no overtime before after 80 hours, and many days with no breaks, not even for lunch so I quit 2 months later.
And then of course corona hits and sink the economy so no new jobs for possibly months, nor paid sick leave.

My job was going to shut down this week, but the boss decided that he made too much money last week.

>What is an independent contractor
Investing in stocks now is akin to gambling. Any major company wouldn't be selling stocks since only morons wouldn't wait out the panic and recover. The rest of the stocks that are affordable wouldn't yield any real gains. Basically you would have to be a day trader and that is a fancy word for gambler. Now the companies I would invest in are any new enterprises that would take advantage for a market need during this time, but again that is gambling.

They have, and property taxes and utilities on top of that. I'm a lead though.

Haha there's no capacity for that. Besides actually securing social democracy in America would have to mean a new constitution, good luck really. I fucking wish we had a Charles De Gaulle figure to just come and make politics work for once.