Honestly I can't remember a better single player shooter in last 10 years.
Honestly I can't remember a better single player shooter in last 10 years
Doom 2016 was better.
It's a shame so many people here hate Eternal. I'm a bit over halfway through and I'm having a blast.
Game is much more big brained than I anticipated. I'm having a great time on Nightmare
this game is simply exhausting on UV, especially in those silver gates
i often had to run away from demons because i had no idea whats going on as opposed to 16 which is a cake walk
people here dont actually play games
they saw gameplay footage, and think that having more movement means id turned it into a platforming game
they saw the hud and think it must be exactly like call of duty.
people here dont actually play games, they talk about what the general consensus on a game shoul be so that they fit in
I think we finally made it, game covers represent exactly what to expect in the game unlike the 80s and early 90s where covers were super hyped but then you press start and you get disappointed.
That was more of the 70s with atari games than anything
>mfw I first entered one of those Slayer gates for the first time
I was pretty surprised with the amount of shit they throw at you compared to the last game
Do they really
whenever you're in a pinch use the flame thrower. if you're surrounded and you light several enemies at once it can help you tank a fuckton more damage.
cringe at this troll post. have u even played it, u fucking idiot. its shit. end of story
The first couple of levels are a bit awkward because the game throws 42 new mechanics at you but holy shit Cultist Base was amazing
Can't wait for his official arranges tho
Lol u sound like the idiot
come in my officer later and we'll talk about a raise.
>tfw amazon won't ship my copy until mid April
I should probably just cancel and use the gift card on something else when this plague is over
yeah im on the third mission and im enjoying myself
kind of pissed because i did everything in the second mission, but only 9 out of the 10 weapon upgrade points
game's fun.
again, have you played the game? or are you just saying that because thats the consensus on Yas Forums?
good for you, kid.
ultra violence is a very satisfying difficulty
slayer gates feel easy though even on UV
I unironically enjoyed Dusk a fair bit more, Eternal is not a bad game by any means but they doubled down on the glory kill usage and I'm not really a fan of the control being taken from me constantly
Just get the fast glory kill rune and the speed rune. Not only do you turn into sonic but they barely pause anything, instead they give you a small window for free thought.
I havent played yet and I'm sure Titanfall 2 is better
Dusk is fucking amazing mate, no need to add unironically
No I am seriously asking. Has last 10 years been that bad for fps genre? Ethernal is good, but not 10/10 for me.
I know this is like applying a bandaid to a brain tumor, but there's a rune that speeds up glory kills. Makes it a lot snappier, if you're into that
i think they're intended to be something you come back to later
which made me feel very fucking cool for beating them all during my first playthrough of the level
unmaker was VERY handy on the final level
if it werent for glory kills giving me space to breathe i would probably have a fucking stroke in the middle of combat
I want to like it, but the art style lacks charm/originality and just simply looks like ass
Shadow Warrior 2, which nuDoom shamelessly rips off
Strictly talking about single player AAA titles it's either this, 2016 or Titanfall 2
Why are developers so lacking in imagination when it comes to posing their characters? A child would think of something more creative than this legs apart pose all vidya characters seem obsessed with doing.
that's because you're only 10 y/o
I never played it but wasn't it like a looter shooter with procedural elements? i remember fans rejecting a lot of it
FPS games have sucked since 2001. The only good games that came out during that time are HL2 and episodes, Portal 1 and 2, and the NuDooms
hell no, you are confusing it with something
to be fair this is the actual cover
Literally better than OG doom (1993).
prey was my goty 2017
given doom 2016 and prey in 2017 i was in love with bethesda for that brief period before fallout 76 came out
its not even real shooter game
To be fair, Prey was Arkane Studios, who made Dishonored and is heavily inspired by System Shock 2, and Doom/Doom Eternal are by Id. They have games published by Bethesda, but the only thing they really do for the games is get some word in at best. Bethesda is also two companies, softworks, the guys who publish stuff, and game studios, the ones who make them.
this is the stupidest post I've read since the corona outbrake.
Pray is amazing Immersive sim but mediocre fps.
I don't think you can count portal as a fps.
I use glory kills to look at my health/armor and my cooldowns. I don't even look at the animations sometimes.
Playing on utlra violence and Im always running out of fucking ammo.
It's taking a while to get used to after 2016, I've got all the old keybinds in memory. It's fun so far though, would like a touch more ammo.
>watch some videos
>tutorial message on how to fight boss and his weak points pops up before boss because apparently the distracting glowing parts aren't enough anymore
>Pray is amazing Immersive sim but mediocre fps.
i dont even know what this means, yes its an fps with concise story elements
what you meant to say is probably that it doesnt focus on gunplay as much
its still a great fps
who gives a shit about the publisher? arkane and id made those games, bethesda just footed the bill
This fucking riff MAAAAAN.
You might be too stupid even for this site.
>its still a great fps
Certainly not. Both Prey and Dishounored actually discourage you from fighting at all, since if you`d chose that path you`d discover its clunky and uninjoyable.
In Prey in particular every time you need to kill enemy there are better ways than just shooting them.
okay smart asses, i of course meant bethesda as a publisher
who the fuck is this anal?
like when you praise valve, are you actually praising the random little studio they bought?
name another publisher that id, machinegames, arkane develop games for currently?
My one complaint is that the normal melee doesn't do damage anymore. I hate having to use ammo to kill a basic zombie
i honestly can't even understand what you're talking about here
i literally asked you why you would ever praise a publisher when a good game comes out when they didn't make it
What's the best way to play Doom 1+2?
zombies are for chainsaws
In prey there are like 3 enemy types and 4 weapon. Game is mostly about finding creative solutions and exploring rather than about gunplay.
Panasonic 3DO
It's really fucking good, but also pretty damn hard.
You have to be going balls to the fuckin walls 100% of the damn time, ESPECIALLY the last 3 hours.
I just finished it and my fingers hurt like hell.
in Eternal you are *required* to chainsaw farm low level zombies or you'll run out of ammo.
>There are people playing DOOM on console
Anyone else really enjoying the bing bing wahoo side of this?
because i was praising them for being a good publisher
is this so ridiculous? i dont care about the nerd that made the skybox. without publishing the game doesnt exist.
and bethesda was pumping out gold for a two year period, their business was fucking great
I know, Im just finding it hard to remember that in the middle of the 1000mph combat, I feel it breaks up the flow somewhat.
Sure, but why even have a basic punch if it doesn't do anything?
It seems to me that people are just pleased that it doesn't slow down the gameplay all that much
Aside from wall climbing
Yeah reminds me of mirrors edge.
>bethesda was pumping out gold for a two year period
citation needed, just because zoom eternal turned out ok and not total trash doesn't mean beth has been good in any shape or form in the past