Game is braindead easy

>Game is braindead easy
>But has an easygoing and fun artstyle

What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:

OVA when?

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Running the world, a new age!

>not posting portia best girl

BD rips when?

Imagine having a sexy mom that every man lusts after, even your friends, what hell.

The Advance Campaign in Advance Wars


I didn't have to imagine that. Fucking hell that was a horrible teenhood.

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pregnant mamako

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Really does sound like hell

Show pics

Wait a minute. This is not video games!

did you fuck her tho


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Is this cunny general?

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What's this from?


Why contain it?

>fucking all your childhood friends on the course to finding your true love
VNs are fucking stupid what's new?

am*rican retard




>Mom was 17 when i was born
>So she was only 32 when I started high school
>Have to hear shit about her all the time

Oh but to answer the OP, Blue Reflection.

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Don't use "cunny" when talking about old 3DPD hags "kudasai"

Americans are smarter and better educated than you are. We don't learn your language because it's useless and stupid. Why do I need to tell you how useless you are in your language. You're already typing in mine.

>not flat
that's gonna be a yikes from me my dude

I supposedly had it but my mum was fucking fat, couldn't see how she was hot in the slightest.

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Valkyria Chronicles

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Know how adults use simple words when talking to a retarded child so it understands?
That's why we use a simple language so retarded mutts understand

Dude you literally have a pedo mom. She could be your cousin lmao


I hope your not unders- get the hell out of here denton!

breath of the wild

I got this with my sister but not my mom.

Do you sniff her panties at least?

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My mom had me at 16 and my entire childhood/teens consisted entirely of all my male friends wanting to fuck my 28 year old mom and my chad dad openly lusting after and verbally sexually harassing my female school friends. The rest was being torn whether I should tell my parents they are cheating on each other (the cashier, my English tutor, my highschool teacher, my dad's employees) and destroy what little stability my home had or remain quiet as a dumb early teen. Decades later they have the fucking gall to ask me why I don't have any friends or why I'm a sociopathic mess.

moms aren't sexy.

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They knew they were cheating on each other.


Sorry user, couldn't find naked 5 year old girls that you like. It seems that's illegal.

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Big spoiler: Amante is actually a mother, did you miss the part where she has a broken ability like other moms? She wanted to get rod of them because she considers herself a failure.

no, savage

>Shub-Niggurath will never be your sister
why live?

Attached: feels bad man.png (285x276, 66.57K)

>draw a generic anime girl who can pass for any age 16-29
>call her a 40 year old mom

Stop doing this shit Japan.

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The OVA better show her nips or else it's dogshit, we already got cucked when they only showed that dumb redhead gorilla's nips.
Why the FUCK would I ever watch a series about mommies other than for seeing them get lewded?

pregnant mamako

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The Lingua Franca is that much of an insult to use for you? Watch out everyone, we have some “purebred” noble wishing to spread his class to us commoners through the gift of elitism.

I want breed mom

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>our language
You mean the Queen's language.

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why is she sperging out like that
does she have autism?

>Uses latin to say common language

Did you know you're telling me this in my language?

You mad white boy?

The UK has butchered the English language more than all other English speaking countries combined, cope.

I knew it. Also, I want to make Amante feel like a real mother.


>We don't learn your language
Yet you're quite quick on taking up hispanic language.

We utterly perfected it.
Everybody knows what you're saying everywhere here unless you're creole and we just silently kill them out of the way.

Not at all.
We pretend we know what that means for no reason.

You can't call yourself a human if you don't know at least one rune language.

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oh nonono hahahaha you just proved his point

>they only showed that dumb redhead gorilla's nips

>More euro/murrican/hispanic language autism
Why is this so addictive to you? You don't see nips or russians argue about how superior their language is to others.

You can laugh and fuck your mother all you want. Points proven are like dogs fucked in conversation.

Ha ha ha

God I wish I caused that.

>nips or russians
Because they know their language is shit.

I'm seeing more of this autism lately, literally any thread can be derailed into muh mutts muh bongs muh islams muh niggers for no reason. I'm thinking it's motivated shitposters.
Hopefully Corona-chan can reduce such faggotry.

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>kana instead of kanji
Why is that shit so much more difficult to read.


hentai art from

I know norse runes. Am i human?

Brutal. Sorry about your mom user.
> at least one of your friends hit that.

That's the election tourists. They fall for every single bait and sperg for hours after that.


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It's people who don't want a good old fuck-around in mental rules of queensbury. If I told you I fucked your mother, and you didn't hear it, did it happen?

Why are we not being simple annoying straight men pretending to be gay men while gay men are here pretending to be straight men and being annoying as fuck? I miss the old days.

This LN and manga really hits the spot.

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Studies have shown that even legally retarded people with IQ as far as down to 65 can easily learn and speak English.
Whereas for romantic languages like french or spanish, the limit is at around 80. German, nordic and asian languages need a minimum of 110 IQ to learn and speak fluently.
Think about it.

>snownigger runes
At best that makes you a subhuman pagan LARPer.

I only learned it because it's easy as fuck yet decent enough to write coded messages when i was a young lad.