Take your bets, who's the fan-favorite?
30 Minutes to Monster Hunter Dev Diary 5
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Nerscylla or Gore Magala.
I wish
He's in.
It has to be an endgame level monster unless they make a new variant like Raging Brachy or Furious Rajang.
From most to least likely among monsters that are 'liked' by fans and endgame tier:
Gore/Shagaru Magala
Akantor and Ukanlos
he's in
I expect nothing, but can I expect from the worst monhun ever released
INB4 Gore, chammy or fatalis.
Please god be Shaggy/Maggy or Bubble Dragon.
Fatty's not coming this early. Alatreon maybe. Or I guess Dire Miralis too, but nobody likes that guy.
Actually, isn't Gogmazios a possibility too?
>but nobody likes that guy
>Implying in 2020 (The year of disease)
Dire Miralis isn't Shagaru Magala, you dolt.
Hello Worldbaby
reminder to watch the dev diary on youtube because you can actually hide the fucking chat
5 and half minutes lads
>dire miralis
Silly user
>See guys? I'm cool too
I was refering to fatty and i said disease 'cause gore IS IN
You can also hide the chat on twitch
I can't believe great jaggi is in
New monster will be just Chameleos since easy to rehash.
Post this on Capcom's Youtube, Twitter, Twitch, etc.:
Fix Iceborne, Capcom: Many flaws and bugs.
shoo shoo listy
where can i watch it?
It's Blangonga
Gore Magala. Calling it now
Out of the three 'Ask Best Monster Anything' edits I have saved, Shagaru's the only one not in. May as well make it happen!
Kill yourself, you tranny freak with literally no standards whatsoever
Wouldn't it be funny with the Corona virus and all we got the Gore/Shagaru Magala?
>Furious rajang
>You're gonna have a lot of fun with this monster
If it's anything like its normal counterpart, then not
The English narrator sounds like he should be doing infomercials.
>another monster ruined for short weapons like SnS and Dual blades
Thanks, Nu-Capcom. I really love my Great Sword hit and run, never gets old!!
Wow, Raging Brachydios.
More AOE spam
We clearly didn't have enough of thsoe in the game already
Why are New World Raging Brachys so stronk?
>Can't use farcasters
Really starting to hate this bullshit
>floor magically filled itselv with perfectly aligned slime splashes
Yup, we are reaching base-World laziness levels here. What a mess.
>Layered weapons
>Layered weapons
>agitator secret and artillery on a set
They've gone full retard
Oh god, please let me use a Dai-Onigashima layered weapon. I love the look of it.
you now get rewarded for carrying shitters
Just call it a Dungbomb
Mega Dungbomb
>this is all nu-fans care about
>both new monsters are dog shit, armors get even more defense for no reason and more $$$ DLCs are ok
Do people actually visit each others' rooms? I barely do it, and it's only with 2 people.
shut up listfag
>agitator 5 charm for even more powercreep
>more defense for the armor (why?)
>layered weapons, just like with the armor, drip-fed instead of immediately released
I seriously hope none of you pay real money to get room customizations
The dubbing reminds me of MXC.
>That rose eyepatch
That's some gothic lolita chuunibyou aesthetic right there
What if they add Espinas to go with the spring stuff?
What is all this retarded shiny garbage. Who cares about this?
Kill yourself, lowest common denominator and reason why MH is lazy shit today.
Why the fuck do they keep adding more and more memes to Monster Hunter? Obnoxious festivals, snowmen, snow mask with the face on it, flamboyant dresses, palicos with weird costumes...
The REAL Monster Hunter had a tribal/prehistoric aesthetic/atmosphere.
>fucking kulve
This franchise is dead
Yay, a funny looking weapon
Wow, it's shit.
whats the point of a master rank kulve
>mr kt
>arch tempered Namielle
You have my attention!
No way Kulve is the returning fan favourite, they can't be that stupid
They really lost it.
Iceborne was a mistake
>The REAL Monster Hunter had a tribal/prehistoric aesthetic/atmosphere.
The real monster hunter was tastefully designed, no matter the aesthetic it was going for.
Nu-hunter is just horrible tasteless animu trash
>not Fatalis
I always pronounced it "Ala-tree-on".
I wonder how they'll fuck up Alatreon.
Just like Brachydios, it was one of the most enjoyable fights in 3rd gen. Now it will become an AoE spam trash that never says still
That's because you are fat and dumb.
This just confirmed ATs will only be for elders again, i.e. making all non-elders even more unimportant.
Upgrade Kulve weapons to MR.
That's all? Disappointed desu. I was expecting at least one more monster.
>it was one of the most enjoyable fights in 3rd gen
You've never fought him.
Is he the fan favorite monster?
>slay kulve
The monsters
Or I just really enjoy Namielle. This'll probably be the only AT I ever bother fighting.
I've been calling it Alat-Tree-on for a decade, is that really the right pronounciation?
>t. scrub
Nah, it's Kulve.
It is now
it's fucking ugly
Unless they are announcing underwater I am not interested.
cant wait for the bigger thighs mod
Maybe don't be a retarded faggot and stop playing female characters then?
MH Frontier is nearly dead. MHW is the next MHF.
I'm still calling it uh-LAY-tree-on, I don't give a shit what the proper pronunciation is.
>no magala
I sleep
Alatreon is nice. And hes Megaman now when swapping elements
You hype-fiending motherfuckers realize how it's going to be, right?
>fight him once spamming clutch claw and mantles as always
>rage at whatever retarded gimmick they add to him to counter balance the insane amount of mobility and overall power the hunters have
>realize you don't want to suffer through it again
>realize his equipment is either irrelevant dogshit or, even better, so stupidly good it outpowercreeps safi
>never touch him ever again
*drops a cleanser booster next to you*
Rate this development diary
>frontiershit is a fan fav
That's Tri moron
The true monster in this game is online stability.
INCOMING stealth oroshi kirin /10
Yeah, unfortunately that's how World and Iceborne are. I hate it, but I manage to enjoy the good things the game does in spite of it.
kind of disappointed because i'm a gore/shagaru shitter since i know we'll never get leviathans in this game but i thought all the event stuff looked cute and layered weapons are something i want so eh
5/10. Was expecting more. Painfully average.
For layered weapons alone it's the best.
Hope the jap bastards manage to bring Behemoth and Xeno to MR now, it's getting lonely down there
>frontriershit is a fan fav
It's going to be a lavasioth but with a big SFV logo on its face, painted red and blue down the center, you can already guess what it does.
Layered weapons is great addition and Alatreon is neat.
Yeah brah the real monster hunter was farming 140 rajang for hours bro
did anyone get pictures of the full bloom fest
This, but unironically.
4U's endgame was the beginning of the end. Some of the flaws with World and Iceborne game design can be traced back to it
Nice strawman, nu-hunter filth.
>'nobody liked grinding a species to extinction in old MH wtf'
>'Gen and World made getting mats and finishing sets way too ez wtf'
What do you people want?
Anyone have a list of the changes and new things? They just dropped it on screen for 2 seconds then switched off
>yfw Alatreon gets added before you
listfag is in this very thread so exert extreme caution in engaging with anyone seriously
It's going to be a end game tier monster like Fatalis or Alatreon. Nerscylla is a mid tier monster unfortunately. All the monsters that were added since Iceborne came out have been end game monsters. Stygian, Safi, Rajang etc
found him
Damn that old ass leak is still relevant, especially with Oroshi Kirin files being found
so says a subhuman autist spamming threads every single time they pop up