DOOM NUTERNAL nowhere near in top sellers

>DOOM NUTERNAL nowhere near in top sellers


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How big was 2016? If it wasn't, I see no reason for the OH NONONO posting. Also, why is RDR2 and GTA5 still there?

It doesn't show the games you already own you mutt

2016 sold huge, but the OP and her posting style is reverse marketing. Trying to raise awareness by pretending a game that is doing good isn't. People do this to start discussions because they can't just ask to talk about a game they want to talk about.

DE is top of charts. Anyone can look in 10 seconds.

ACTHSHUALLY it goes by region. OP is probably from a no-name eastern europe region who can't afford nu-doom. Here in a real country, it's top of the charts, higher than Football Manager.

what do you mean top sellers, it's a free game

lmao how embarrassing. OP is a third worlder.

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>it's number 1 in global top sellers

Still don't understand why there's no 'Stay inside to fight Corona-Chan' sale on Steam.
Every purchase gets you a hundred points and for a thousand you get a little funny hammer to bonk Corona-Chan on the head with.

user we have lunar new year sales now
Do you think steam doesn't appeal to the Chinese market immensely?

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user are you implying nu-valve has a brain? They hired campo santo for FUCKS sake. Valve is ded. Long live EGS!

>chef d'ouvre

What genre is that?


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>Long live EGS!

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it's the "masterpiece" tag

Because sales need to be prepared some time beforehand (and I don't mean the gimmicky shit, the drop in price itself needs to be scheduled and coordinated), and I imagine some people at Valve might not want to piss off the crowd who thinks that mentioning the corona virus is triggering for those that have to stay at home.

>3 was worth pirating for the graphics
>the others "new" dooms weren't worth playing for free
i'm so sad eternal isn't dying
fps are dying
pc is dead
what more?

Because then people would REEE at making money while normies suffer inside

there are people already making money out of this anyway

I bought it on besthesda launcher

I'm a third worlder

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Nice to see Pathfinder doing good. Wrath of the Righteous will be game of the year, no competitions.

Based aoe2de still going strong.

i know it's their own product and shameless self-promotion on your own platform is well within their rights but that "mastarpiece" tag next to hl:a is really heavyhanded.

how is gta5 still up there tho

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Que paso boludito? Viva macri.

It's a Bethesda launcher game you fucking retard

>game is already dying
Glad I didn't waste my money on this.

>bethesda launchee game

For you.

It's top seller here.
t. Pollack

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I know people who bought 3 or 4 copies of GTA V, this doesn't surprise me at all

It is on console

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no pasa nada mi amigo blanco


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I find it funny that tabletop sim is 3rd on the UK list
We had all our pubs shut down yesterday

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>I validate my opinion by looking at sales numbers, because I'm so indoctrinated by the consumerism-as-identity mentality I can't stop at just not caring for a game and leaving at that

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Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
Its the Joe Biden of games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.

Are you ok?

I'm hijacking this thread post top selling games in your country

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Reminder that this tab is highly inaccurate because it mainly draws data from your tags and your country.
Scroll a little down and click global topselelrs for actual data.

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>owning all that normalfag shit
>no ori
>no aoe

>Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
>Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
>Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
>Its the Joe Biden of games.
>It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
>Its as if a bunch of has beens gathered and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shove it into one game.

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Portugal&Spain server region, I'm surprised Outward is up there even if it's on a steep sale.

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Literal tranny

>DETECTIVE ARRIVING ON SCENE still in top sellers
Based commielarping eesti retards, can't wait for muh pregnant woman protag game.

Based retard

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>GTAV still in top 10

nigger shills spotted



>lowest common denominators ate it up, that means it's good!

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My Steam account is nearing 16 years of age, and I did not know this

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3-4M copies sold
I think the drop-off should be expected as nothing that was annoying to majority of fans (the portion of dedicated audience that keeps buying sequels) has been addressed. Glory kills are still there and still are pace-breaking annoyance after you've seen them all and had fun with it, they added more retarded shit on top of it (baby/rainbow-puke palette for UI, assassin's creed shit everybody is sick to death of)

It's fairly new.

Doom is a boring game. Its like dmc for people that cant beat enemies that fight back

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Russland reporting in - it's in the top sales, both in regional and global charts (they've added the button)

OP is a confirmed faggot from a cucked diversistan.

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