Imagine being as rich as he is and still deciding to be autistic on the internet all day

Imagine being as rich as he is and still deciding to be autistic on the internet all day

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You know you would do the same.

I'd buy a house on the Spanish coast and do woodworking and have my own boat and I'd just sail around and fish and eat great food all day

shitposting for the shit of it

he should be making more games, instead of being a useless fat faggot

that's even faggier than what notch is doing lmao

Sounds pretty based to me

didn't notch become like a q user guy too
i thought he was supposed to be smart

I'd just order prostitutes all day and make them shitpost for me.
>but I did call him a

If he wasn't a genetic subhuman he wouldn't need to be coping with identity politics the way all biological failures in this site are doing.

A Chad Ubermensch would be drowning in so much pussy with this money especially, that only Facebook Google and YouTube are all that comprise of the Internet in his mind.

You can take the monkey out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the monkey, that's it.

It's like sportsmen who have a talent for it and become rich but when they retire they go bankrupt in a couple of years, because they don't know how to do manage their money, it's more or less the same.

I recommend you somewhere in Costa Blanca, it's comfy and it's more or less a rich area

He can say the truth because he has money, that's the difference between me and him.

If I had the money to live comfy until I die of old age I would go on twitter and say all the shit I want to say because I know they are true. But I have to hide my power level and give only proof to arguments that are deemed "socially acceptable".

I would also fund my own research company with 0 bias to further proof my theories about our society, and I would document everything in order to create a new standard for research transparency.

I should just go back to drawing meanwhile, maybe I'll make it with my porn VN...

>If I had the money to live comfy until I die of old age I would go on twitter and say all the shit I want to say because I know they are true.
it's ok user, you can admit you're a leninist

>living in an Iberian country


So much cope my head hurt.

Only biological failures destined to be left out of the gene pool go ranting on twitter. Doesn't count if you're a celebrity Cuz all they're doing is virtue signaling or damage control for Public Relations.

This goes for whatever in the political spectrum you one lies on. Left or right.

People with actual social value don't give a rats ass about politics or whatever nerd shit this fat sack of shit is spouting. For non-politicians, politics is an incel hobby.

This guy was an incel from the womb and will go to the tomb as one. No amount of money or cope will change this.

Holy based. You could build a business off of shitposting.

I would buy this website and enforce rules against calling people niggers until you all squealed like hogs

He bitches about VR, which is funny, because it lacks studios with budget. Why can't he hire someone?

Would you seriously?

i hate right wingers

Twitter is poison for your mind, same as this shithole. If you're a billionaire and you still lack the creativity to do anything but shitposting about politics, you need to kys for your own good.

Who doesn't?

>He can be an autistic loser with no friends who spends all day on the internet but it's somehow OK because he has more money than me
That's gonna be a cringe from me dawg.

god i love notch
>decide to make your own knockoff of infiniminer
>realize you've actually got a pretty fun concept
>shill on Yas Forums since it's a niche but passionate audience that won't lie about what sucks
>actually engage with Yas Forums for the first year or so to solicit feedback and figure out what works and what doesn't
>take vacations
>move to leddit once it becomes more popular since it's a wider audience and can help spread the word better
>ruin everything with beta 1.8.0
>get bought by microsoft and make more money than god
>take a permanent vacation
>shitpost on twitter all day
he's like my idol, the only mistake he made was involving a thott at some point

Sounds comfy, user. I'd get a boat and do some sailing too.

I hope he finds some meaning in his life again, he seems so unhappy

I would buy this website and enforce rules calling all posters niggers until normies squealed like hogs

We hate you too, user.

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the q user thread is that way ->

>'speaks the truth'
>posts qanon shit

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based. i would join your site.

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Daily reminder he was BTFO by a fucking furry on twitter.

What the fuck else would you do if you had billions of dollars?
I sure as fuck wouldn't be working.

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i'd be fucking skanky crack hoes till my dick fell off

but user you are a right winger

Why does this guy look like he wants to close my pool?

>Imagine being as rich as he is and still deciding to be autistic on the internet all day
one man can only dream

i am pretty right wing for a communist i guess

>If I had the money to live comfy until I die of old age I would go on twitter and say all the shit I want to say because I know they are true

Most of the things he says are from an echo chamber and someone who's out of touch. he's also a miserable fuck, he couldn't even buy friends is ignored in his own parties.

He's based and hilarious, he makes the usual suspects angry because he says the truth and they can't ruin his life.

it would be difficult to ruin his life more than he's already managed to do it despite being rich

Keep coping, he's happier than you'll ever be

Pretty sure that's a tranny so it'd be more like a compliment than an insult to that freak

Whats the point of being rich when you wake up alone?

that's what i would do
doing it being poor is horrible

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>he's happier than you'll ever be
>user forgot the time where notch whined about lack of real friends when he had those parties in his 70 million dollar house

that's still happier than i'll ever be

>He can say the truth
>he says the truth
what is this truth notch says

He's reaching almost insanity levels of that one Terry(CIA Niggers) dude.

Well I wouldn't buy that meme house in LA for 50 million

I'd like to just give money to other people to make their lives better. Like paying off medical bills for them

That he's more lonelier than ever before.

I'd buy a 12tb Hdd and a bag of doritos and give the rest of it to my dad

What I don't understand is why he didn't use his money to lose weight and get fit.

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The shitposting life is a good life.
I'm more annoyed at the guy for dropping minecraft development, this game had so much potential. What a fucking waste.

Maybe you should be asking himself on why he wasted 70 million dollars on a house in fucking California of all places.

>I would also fund my own research company with 0 bias to further proof my theories about our society, and I would document everything in order to create a new standard for research transparency.

LMAO you would commit suicide by shooting the back of your own head twice, the moment you found something good

Where would you live if you had his money?

Getting money won't make you not autistic.

Same country, but more closer to the Alps.

I actually would hire people to make my dream game, its a billion dollars and i really would never buy a mansion