Pirate game, play it and don't buy it

>pirate game, play it and don't buy it
>supposedly a "lost sale" = theft

>borrow game or buy used, don't buy a new copy
> supposedly not a "lost sale" and not theft


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Used games are objectively more harmful to developer and publisher income than piracy. Since there is obviously nothing ethically wrong with playing a used games there is nothing wrong with playing a pirated game either.

>Used games are objectively more harmful to developer and publisher income than piracy
Explain please

Used games drive down the sales and drive down the price of new games.

And pirating doesn't???? Poorfag logic

Pirating doesn't because it's a different market. If you're looking to buy a legitimate copy of the game, used games diminish the value of the new copy.

Pirating isn't a market at all, nobody gets the money. And used games become a market only when the companies long after aren't selling them anyway. New copies of Pokemon HG/SS don't exist.

Games are available used a matter of days after they are available new. Are you retarded?

You're a 100% lost sale at the point you buy a used game. Developer isn't going to see a single penny or even a statistic off the game you buy and you sure as hell are not going to buy it ever new

In the age of digital gaming and Steam/drm services used copies are dying anyway.

>give 0 shits about the moral implications and pirate anyway

Sure but that's not the point.

And how is that different from pirating? Don't get me wrong I pirate most of my games but I don't see how different it is from playing a used copy considering that, ultimately, the developers aren't getting any money either way

Games are too expensive and don't give enough playtime for it either.

I can afford to buy anything I want, I just refuse to pay $60 for a game and be completely done with it in a couple of days.

Pissing money away.

Because pirating isn't always a lost sale. You can argue about the exact rate, but it's always less than a used copy.


Don't white boy I will get my used copies and have a collection

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Buying old games used is okay and based, boy.

Sharing disks is only a one at a time thing with people close to you.
Attempting to conflate this with uploading it online to millions of strangers at once is disingenuous and just shows the brain rot gathered from social ostracizing and NEETing

if you can't afford the game or if you try it for an hour and don't like it then uninstall it then piracy is ok

but if you have the money and like the game, then buying is the good way to support the product

i bought ori : installed it, 100% it in a week and uninstalled it, best 30 bucks spend; it didn't last but the game was good and i suported the dev

for goose game or goat simulator : pirated it, played 20 minutes each, uninstalled; not worth the price.

In the case of a used game, someone bought that game new at some point and then resold it, so the developer actually saw money for it. In the case of piracy, you would only need one original sale to fuel potentially unlimited lost sales. So the damage of piracy is worse than the damage of used games.

Pirating isn't lost sale if you dont ever consider of buying it anyway

Well yes, except statistics say no. It's not a lost sale if you were never going to buy it. Infact, if you liked it and recommended it to your friends/Yas Forums, it's a gained sale from pirating.
Technically same would be true for used sales, but we don't consider those here.

Pirating scares normalfags, they think they'll get a virus and they avoid it like the plague
However they love walking into the gamestop pre-owned section, or searching on eBay for resellers, especially at a lower price

PC niggas don't even get used games anymore lmao.

>Thinking I give 2 shits about sales

Sometimes if I really like a game I will buy it after I pirate it but this is extremely rare since I only pirate AAA games usually.

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Consolefags don't even buy physical games any more.
Lockhart won't support physical games at all.

We do. If consoles don't get physical anymore I see no point in buying games anymore. I want a physical collection as it's a hobby I enjoy collection.

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>pc niggas don't even need to pay to play online

if there is no market the for the used games there's always the pirate bay,

and you can always trade "gift" used games to others thru platforms, now let's try to do the same on consoles to see how easy it is to send to a friend that used halo 5 brought online ?

You do. Statistics show that you are part of a small minority. Consolefags as a whole no longer care about physical games.

Then if it leads to that I will buy future consoles once they are hacked and the whole game library is able to pirate. I buy digital once in a while don't get me wrong but as a console player why bother having all digital I may as well just move to PC.

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>Game costs 60 bucks
>Download it 10 times
>The publishers loses 600 bucks

I agree. Consoles this generation lost most of the reasons to own them compared to previous generations, which is why I made the switch to PC. At least 9th gen appears to have a good price/performance proposition.

Because capable PC is at least... 100 dollars more than a console! Console gaming is cheaper and games.. work.. out of a box... Why is there a 32Gb update in this game before I can play it?

the law explains about second hand buying already, so i dont have to explain why
look it up yourself, which is why used car lots exist for one thing

>Console gaming is cheaper and games.. work.. out of a box...
This is such a myth. I've had plenty of console games crash on me this generation.

not based

Never built a PC but a coworker did. He made the jump and probably can't go back. I'm not ready yet.

For the most part the only games I've seen have huge updates are only focused ones like SFV or COD.

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Not gonna lie the pirates on this site became some of the most annoying faggots to ever losten to. I remember when pirates did it just cause. He knew it was wrong and did it anyway. Like fuck who cares why you pirate? And for the record, I WOULD have bought those games if I couldn't do it for free.

Doom 2016 had substantial free updates for single player.
The day 1 edition actually runs like shit.

Doom 2016 was boring as fuck but I think you're right.

Not gonna lie many console games do have these big updates now but for the most part it's pretty fast nothing really too annoying.

>Someone buys a game
>Dumps it online for people to pirate
>Game can then be claimed by any number of people who want it at any given time as long as the upload stays live
>Anyone who already downloaded it can reupload it at any time
>Only one copy needs to be purchased for potentially thousands of people to get the game without another new copy being purchased

>Someone buys a game used
>Only usable by the person who currently holds that one physical copy of the game
>Others who want the game have to buy it too or ask that person to borrow it
>Can not all own the game at once from that one person's purchase
>There needs to be at least 1 new copy purchased per used copy that exists

So it's digital communism and digital totalitarianism?

if everyone pirated, then no new games would be made, you retards

investments are made for future profits, if there are no future profits investments are not made. its that simple. only reason people pirate and new games are still being made is because alot of other people do pay. effectively, by not paying for a game, you are making sure future projects will get smaller budgets. gta 5 was made because the previous games brought in money

even if games were made for fun by people, money would still need to come from somewhere to support those people. no fucking fat lard behind his computer is going to remake super mario 64 in unreal engine if he has no food to literally stay alive

obligatory picture for people that think otherwise

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There are games that cost 0 whatevercurrencyyouuse though

Who gives a fuck about pirating. Coping with the fact that you acquired a service without paying it by being an attention whore is pure faggotry.

and how much money was spent into making those games? don't tell me that because of someone made it in his free time it didnt cost money to make it.

for him to have time to make it in his free time means he gets money in his non free time. only reason i can make this post for free is because i have a job to pay for my computer and internet connection.

CTR:NF also comes to mind. It's getting a single player content update in a week.

>and how much money was spent into making those games?
That is irrelevant to your statement that "if no one pays the developer, there are no reason to make video games."

are you telling me there are games that were made without the developers needing to be supported through money in any way?

even if you get something for free, it did not mean it did not cost money INDIRECTLY to make. volunteers work for free since they are supported through money by other means

how about you respond to this theory of mine?

Butthurt norman cucks itt
>think of the developers
Fuck off, I pirate literally everything. Sometimes I support indie autists after playing pirated vidya but anything AAA can suck my hairy balls

Well yeah they're constantly adding new stuff so of course the game needs to be updated again. It's just the norm now but for the most part my games I have in my collection don't get constant updates for SP

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>console gaming is cheaper
paying extra to use the internet you already pay for, paying extra to get console approved peripherals, paying extra for video games is cheaper? i guess consolefags are actually braindead.

as long as you understand that you are hurting future budgets for games, you can go right ahead and feel like a big man!

Consolefags use literal poorfag logic. "It's cheap up front therefore it's cheap". Retards don't understand they're paying a premium on literally everything else.

>how about you respond to this theory of mine?
Why would I humour your hypotheticals?

budget =/= quality

whats the hypothecial?

are you or are you not denying that games cost money to make?

and are you or are you not that that money has to come from somewhere, either sales, donations, or a monhtly welfare check (that of course one would get from the government, that would get in through taxes, ect ect)?

not neccesarily, but i think you will agree with me that if gta 5 would have a 1 million dollar budget instead of 300 million, it would not be as good?
perhaps it would, and that 299 million was not neccesary at all, but i wonder if the people working on it would be working as hard or as long on it for a lower salary

I just enjoy the convenience and simplicity of console gaming. Knowing a title will work without any sort of outlying issue is nice, and I enjoy playing from my couch in a living room setup. My PC is also for professional work so it's in its own room.

Oh and couch co op and console exclusives. I enjoy Nintendo's and Japan Team's titles

Sure, there are still reasons to play console, but saying it's because of pricing is nigger logic. At least for this generation of consoles, the next gen looks to be pretty competitive in terms of price/performance.

Couch co-op was dead the minute a Halo game launched without it.

Piracy is just how you get Russian or Chinese spyware these days. There's no more "honorable" pirates in it for the principle... are there?

Nintendo's still the king of couch co-op

>Yas Forums- Anime & Manga: Yeah here's that TV series, it's on nyaa
>Yas Forums- Music: Oh that album's really good, here, I'll share it with you on slsk
>Yas Forums- Television and Movies: I got into PTP, I can get you any movie you want. Hit me.
>/o/- Auto: Hell yes I would.
>Yas Forums- Video Games: Noooooooooooooo you can't just illegally download that video game!

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Why do people think pirating is robbing, if I want to pirate a game and can't it's not like I will be buying it anyway

get on my level, faggots

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That's you. There are plenty of people that would other wise be inclined to buy a game they're interested in if they couldn't get it for free.

>called piracy
>but nothing is stolen or taken

I really should get a hard drive enclosure but man that's like a fuckload of money.

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Nintendo is in a world of its own, it's not really part of the console/pc "war".

probably because you're buying things you can get for free

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>pirate Nintendo game 1000 times
>Iwata preparing to hang himself because of all the lost sales


I have good reason to buy the few things I do. Notably, because I have to buy them in order to play them. Fighting Games online is a good example. It's not like I budget for games anyway though, and cutting down on the game buying that I don't really do isn't gonna help me build up the piggy bank.
No matter how you slice it, four months rent or so is a lot to pay for a hard drive enclosure.

There is a finite amount of used games. The less used games there are in circulation the more expensive the game becomes. The more expensive the used game is the less likely it will displace a new game sale.

>Game sales one million copies
>People pirate it two million times
>Publisher goes bankrupt

Moralcucks will defend faceless multi million dollar (((corporations))) that see them as nothing more than walking dollar signs. Most Vidya has no "supply". It's unlimited when uploaded digitally. Digital copies should be much cheaper if they expect us to purchase their (usually fucked at launch) products

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