>Hint of romance between protag and the main girl(or other characters), but nothing happends, no kiss, no confession, not even a fade to black sex. Holding hands is considered almost too graphic by autistic japs
>main cast are all kids or teenagers, 21+ years being considered very old and is like a mentor of the group
>too many belts, nobody has any fashion sense
>Villain/rival/some asshole is retardedly petty and has a constant smug ass grin
>manual has every character's blood type
>weird shit
>shitty translation
>attemps at cute with animals and kids
>yes/no option appears; selecting no loops the text until you select yes
>elaborate pointless easter eggs/side quests that you need a 100 page manual for to unlock
>fantasy imperial japan counterpart somewhere in the game
>No one attacks during both the good guys and villains' overly long transformation sequences
>MC pulls a finishing move with a retarded name out of his ass to finish off the final boss
>convoluted backstory that often contradicts itself
>character turns head/looks at smth/does anything other than talking: "EEEEEEEH?"
Hint of romance between protag and the main girl(or other characters), but nothing happends, no kiss, no confession...
>it’s bad
>it's good
>signs of playing
>it's foreign to my culture
That's deep bro. Add to your list that the women don't look like goblins.
it appeals to low iq coomers who jack off to anime
>Party member 1:"We need to go to %town nam% to continue our quest!"
>Party member 2:"Yeah, lets go to %town name%!"
>Main character:"Hmmmm...%town name%..."
>game made in Unity has memory leak and high CPU usage for no reason
why cant japs optimize for shit
>painfully unfunny attempts at humor
Imagine being this offended.
>holier than thou devs
>has some really good moments with dramatic tension, emotional impact and excellent game design that most games only dream about
>those moments are 10% of the game
>90% of it is cringe as fuck dialog,
>nonsensical info dumps and filler gameplay involving grinding for hours
>You fight god
>Scene where MC sees girl in their underwear, undressing or a revealing outfut
>MC spergs out like he's never seen a woman before and gets a nosebleed
>MC is either a mopey emo asshole or child-like naive bumpkin
Oh yeah:
>Character commits a minor social blunder
>Reacts with complete overexaggeration, like he/she had just killed someone
Ok i'll bite.
>Hint of romance between protag and the main girl(or other characters), but nothing happends, no kiss, no confession, not even a fade to black sex. Holding hands is considered almost too graphic by autistic japs
At what point the lack of romance in a game defines where its made?
>main cast are all kids or teenagers, 21+ years being considered very old and is like a mentor of the group
Thats not always the case, surely you'd know that with Dark Souls alone.
>too many belts, nobody has any fashion sense
Only true in Final Fantasy
>Villain/rival/some asshole is retardedly petty and has a constant smug ass grin
Being over-the-top evil is not new and even less japanese
>manual has every character's blood type
Yes but that kinda died down didnt it?
>weird shit
Have you played ANY video game ever?
>shitty translation
only up until the 90s
>attemps at cute with animals and kids
All games do that one way or another
>yes/no option appears; selecting no loops the text until you select yes
Every RPG ever.
>elaborate pointless easter eggs/side quests that you need a 100 page manual for to unlock
You mean the same ones your favorite Western RPG has?
>fantasy imperial japan counterpart somewhere in the game
Western games have those too.
>No one attacks during both the good guys and villains' overly long transformation sequences
I'd say this is a universal thing, like when someone gets shot and everyone is all shocked and/or confused?
>MC pulls a finishing move with a retarded name out of his ass to finish off the final boss
>convoluted backstory that often contradicts itself
Yeah, because only japanese games do this....
>character turns head/looks at smth/does anything other than talking: "EEEEEEEH?"
People turn to point of interest surprised, more news at 11.
You're welcome to prove me wrong.
Sharp gameplay and story segregation. I.e.
>bunch of kids can fight skyscraper-sized monsters
>There are a large amount of cool characters
Fucking cringe. So this is an actual sperg meltdown we're wintessing, folks?
minorities are actually interesting character, not just padering steriotypes
>>yes/no option appears; selecting no loops the text until you select yes
>>Every RPG ever.
>he hasn't played a SMT game
>Every RPG ever.
Based retard.
Whats "cringe" is how you're so afraid of the weeb boogeyman, relax user, we can both like japanese media and not be weebs.
Actually you're right, i havent. i guess my point stands from most RPGs i played one way or another. By that i mean they both had multiple choices but sometimes you were locked into one.
I was quoting
>moves have absolutely retarded hitboxes that do not visually match the move the character is doing in any way
>you can be attacked in the sword mid swing and your character will fly backwards
>without fail, one of the male characters in the game will be mistaken for a female by your girlfriend
>names of every move are called out constantly
>the cutie girl character is always the best with the best frame advantage and the gruff, big male character is always the bottom tier with extremely terrible moves
>You're welcome to prove me wrong.
No, dude. I'm not even going to read your post. I think the worst part about it was that image you saved from 9gag that you intentionally tried to rename so that it would fit a Yas Forums filename, but you came up about 5 numbers short.
>Male character is oblivious to everything
>main character is a shota
>ends up with 20-something woman
Wow dude, you got me good, the burden of being exposed unbearable.
Don't ever sarcastically agree with the dude roasting you. Always say something back. In this case, just tell me to seethe or dilate. Sarcasm is a good way to destroy your spine and turn yourself into a jellyfish. Remember that.
Right, i forgot where we are. Lemme just repost the same forced catchphrases and wojak edits for the billionth time that will get my message across.
Constant unsubdued strained grunts and sighs in cutscenes. AKA anime grunts.
It's not about that. This is shit that is important outside of this place. You can say anything here and get away with it; I will never have any idea who you are. When you sarcastically agree with a bully, everyone realizes you have nothing to say. Don't let that person be you.
>it's shit
Heh, try again in 10 years, kiddo...
If main character looks like a Tommy Wiseau fashion sensed twink: There's a cringe attempt at a romance between him and a woman his age, late teens to early 20s. Most of the side characters in the game are much more interesting than the couple we are forced to spend the most time with.
If the main character looks like an anorexic four eyed shut-in: Surrounded by adolescent/young adult women, each who fits into a clearly defined stereotype, and he's forced to choose between them, a task of more importance than the b-plot of saving the world.
>Handholds you and/or railroads your playstyle for hours and hours of gameplay, if not the majority of the game.
>Text box character dialogues that go on for pages and pages with the most boring, trite conversations possible and cannot be skipped.
>No dialogue choices during conversations, especially in "rpgs".
>Bunch of interactive NPCs standing around a town that will have one line of irrelevant and/or copy+pasted dialogue.
>Dialogue cutscenes that go on for several minutes.
>Unskippable cutscene right before a boss fight.
>Utterly abysmal UI and/or inventory system.
>System options hidden behind a dozen menus
>Extremely low skill gameplay e.g. menu based rpg or 1 button action combat.
>protag uses sword and is a fuccboi
>angels, crosses, christian god, chorals
>holy is (strongest) element or has some significance in story
>hidden foreign village
>bosses have multiple phases with complete transformations into something else
>23 years old is "I've seen it all" old veteran
>villain wants to destroy everything, including himself
Trying to change people's minds is pointless. Some people are just too stuck-up with their opinions they will die with them, what i wish is that at least they'd make valid arguement instead of nitpicking irrelevant stuff to sound like they are right.
Wow user it should be illegal to pwn niggers this hard.
>main character has sex with children
High school students
>fade to black sex
mutt's law
>21+ years being considered very old and is like a mentor of the group
It's not the fault of Japanese entertainment that you are still a child at 21.
>antagonist has "evil" or "dark" on it's name
>has shitty artstyle called anime
>characters rook da same except their hair colors
>thief can only steal during combat
>has shitty story
>chosen one faggotry
>magic circles with star of david inside
>choices doesn't affect the story
>deep as puddle story
>stupidly annoying voice acting
>factions are all the same with just different names
but telling them to go suck a dick as your only retort is better?
I appreciate you giving life tips but this one seems kinda misguided
This is more accurate for anime than games
but still accurate
>magic circles with star of david inside
I always just assumed it was a pentagram without bothering to look any further... are they really david stars?
It is better. Shut up, dipshit. You see how hard that hit? Instantaneous.
>You see how hard that hit?
It didn't though
eat a dick faggot
>triggered because i didn't whip my dick out and join the circlejerk
>the game is actually well made and has very few, if none, performance issues
>story goes beyond cliches and stereotypes
>good level design and good art direction
Thinking about playing some JRPG since Trails of Cold Steel 3 is apparently coming to PC. What are some recommendations this season? I've played almost all the Persona games, and I'm not really interested in games like the Atelier series.
That’s Ori 2
Horrible UX. The West has never produced interfaces as monumentally terrible as the ones you see in many Japanese games, with such features as:
> That goddamn spreadsheet loadout screen
> Pressing Escape instantly quits to desktop
> Limited number of save slots
> No mouse support, just have to scroll through the options
> Keys cannot be rebound and are in some ungodly shit default mapping
It's like they're bad console ports, only they were never on consoles to begin with.
Yep, they're sure cucked since WW2, have you seen how censored their porn is?
Yet so many westerners weeb out and want to live their lifestyle.
i.e. Yas Forums
Me rikey the flied lice.
>It's an action game with actually decent gameplay
>Gameplay concepts like invulnerability frames and attack priority are a major part of bow the game is balanced.
>Has actual bosses that are actually good (though in some extreme cases, the bosses might be the ONLY good part of the experience, as all the budget was clearly put into them while neglecting everything else)
>Ranged weapons are almost be an afterthought and are far too often completely inferior to melee weapons
>A decent amount of care is put into the visual aesthetics of the gameplay, where attacking doesn't just feel good but looks good as well
Peak autism
it has a swimsuit DLC
>>too many belts, nobody has any fashion sense
>Only true in Final Fantasy
Have you seen Velvet from Tales of Berseria?
Strong Points: RPG, FPS
Weak Points: Action, gameplay balance, level design, monotonous repetition
Strong Points: Action, cinematics, strong baseline fundamentals
Weak Points: Linearity, first-person, PC, player agency
South Korea:
Strong Points: MMOs
Weakpoints: Singleminded as fuck
You mistakenly put “monotonous repetition” under West instead of Japan.
Otherwise very accurate.
>fishing minigame
>hundreds of dollars' worth of cosmetic DLC as well as random potions, fishing lures, and gold packs clogging up the search results on any storefront you look the game up on
>middle aged woman is either the hottest one in the game or one of them, but isn't romanceable for no reason at all
>every female character in the game is thirsty for MC upon meeting him, but he can't go full harem lord despite plot contrivances that make him the ultimate lifeform on the planet
>soundtrack is orchestra whose director keeps inviting his guitarist friend to add a metal twist to
>out of place cutesy character that clashes especially with the setting
>random English and German names to sound cool
>try to disprove OP and defend grorious Nippon
>end up looking like the biggest autistic faggot in the thread
This is your brain on weebshit.