Honest Doom Eternal opinions

Let's hear those honest Doom Eternal opinions.
To filter out those filthy Bethesda shills every post must contain the word "nigger" to be certified as not paid.
Opinion on ammo, difficulty and general design?

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It is way to videogamey
Bright colors, constant movement, extra lifes, secrets marked by floating "?", platforming segments...it doesn't take it self serious enough for wanting to tell a story about demons killing 70% of all humans.
It just seems to make fun of a massive cost of life while also having the protagonist be some 80s action hero who is silent and brooding, something we left behind 40 years ago for a good reason

Maybe I'm just a scrub but the game feels way more balanced at HMP

Low ammo cap is bullshit. Having to do glory kills every 5 secs for weapon juice gets annoying quick. Game also feels consolized to shit although I'm playing on pc. I pirated it though so whatever.


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>punching zombies no longer works which is bullshit
>purple goo sections can suck my dick
That's it.
Anyone that doesn't play on nightmare is a little bitch, the game is perfectly balanced on nightmare if you actually make use of all your weapons.

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you people are pitiable

have fun with your yearly CoD games retard

Completed 3 missions
It surpassed my expectations
I dont understand the outrage

>Swimming sections

It's great. The settings look amazing. Enemy AI is brutal. Every weapon feels more unique in that each serves a specific purpose

Kind of reminds me of Sekiro in that there is a specific way you need to play the game to be successful. Switching between weapons and managing resources make it really interesting. definitely haven't played a shooter like this before.

beating some of the slayer gates on nightmare was some of the hardest shit I've ever done. Being a good shot is less important than having legitimate tactics to the encounters

Only real opinion so far.

>It surpassed my expectations
Must suck having such low expectations that a shitty zoomer game will surpass them.

Funny when doom eternal tries so much to be like CoD with QTEs every 10 sec

I like it, but the levels are too long which makes the pacing seem weird. Currently on the fifth level btw
I think it would have been better to have shorter, but more numerous levels

Your life must really suck if that's what you actually think

>Hayden:You can't just blast a hole into the surface of mars
>Mission Objective:Blast a hole into the surface of mars
game is great, I wish the environmental designs would be a bit more like 2016, and that uncharged melee wasn't just a teeny little slap

I'm not too far into it but I'm loving it. It took a few levels to get used to the mechanical changes from 2016 but I like most of the changes made. It's just an adjustment you need to make. If you have trouble letting go of 2016's approach to things you might not like it. A lot of people are butthurt about the more limited ammo apparently but I've had no issue with it so far.

I refunded it but might pirate it or get it when it's cheaper at some point.

It feels like very much just more of the same from 2016, and the few changes it does make are for the worse, and I only thought 2016 was a solid base to build on and really wanted this to do something more.

Far from terrible but not something I'm willing to pay £50 for.


What the fuck are you even on about lol

Shut the fuck up
My expectations were lowered because of faggots on this board
Ori 2 for example is very overrated imo
Its 7/10 max, but faggots give it 9 and 10
Doom 2 is at least on Doom 16 level, but I think that its better in some parts
The only thing I dont like rn is strange lack of connection between Doom 16 and 20

Ammo is fine for the most part but the shotgun needs more.

It's one of the most intense shooters I've ever played. On Nightmare I actually welcome the glory kills because it gives me a break from fucking flying and shooting everywhere. Currently enjoying it more than 2016 because it promotes the weapon switching gameplay. In 2016 I weapon switch for fun and style points but in Eternal I weapon switch to survive AND look cool at the same time.

Did you kill the revenant drone?

Why do you give a fuck about story in a doom game though.

Not him but I actually found the story pretty interesting in 2016. Just wish there was more of a link between the two.

too complex to be fun.too much hud and things to click that all need to be used if you want to succed on higher difficulties.you would think skill is required to utilize all of them,but you just end up mashing all of the buttons because you cant keep track of every cd during an intense fight.being dry of ammo and using chainsaw multiple times during one fight gets really boring really fast.dont have a problem with colors and platforming,will probably finish it anyways cuz im a big fan of ip

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do you need to make an account to play the game offline?

>Too many upgrades
After leveling ammo a few times it feels a lot better than in the beginning with like 16 shotgun shells. Should've started way higher.
Suit upgrades and the perks are shit or mandatory.
Normal walking speed feels slow, you should maintain some momentum from dash
I may just suck but avoiding projectiles seems pretty hard, which leads to an overuse of glory kills
worst part of the game, holy shit. Extremely intrusive tutorials and pop ups and notifications and everything is just an overdesigned mess.


My favourite game of all time is Bayonetta. I like video game ass video games, I've never been into Doom or shooters for that matter but I know Doom isn't a 'traditional shooter'. Will I have a great time with this game?

don't listen to Yas Forums negativity spam
it's usually one unhinged autist with a hateboner for a particular game shitting on it all day long

Does anyone even know what the hell(hm) happened between the games?

Name a better fps in last 10 years.

Doomguy's punch being a pussy bitchslap that can't even kill possessed corpses really makes him feel like a bitch. It baffle me why they made this change that makes your ebin power fantasy avatar feel so weak.

Also removing the pistol is faggot tier.

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Only real complaints are that it's too damn easy on anything less than Nightmare (especially if you get the collectables) and there's way too many puzzles. They aren't hard just annoying to have to do
Enemies are pretty well balanced as far as I can tell but the marauder gave me more trouble than any of the bosses. Speaking of which the Angel boss was much, much more annoyingly difficult than the final boss.

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DOOM 2016

basically its shit and i played halo 1 campaign today and had lots more fun

Yes. I'm on the same boat. Doom is the only shooter I'm interested in exactly because it's more arcade-y, fun and fast paced, not the usual brown realistic guns omg headshot with gameplay focused on le ebin multiplayer pvp.
It's actually CRAZY dmc-like game where you jump 30 feet into the ear shitting out rockets and chainsawing demons in half, masquerading as a first person shooter.

Pistol always get made irrelevant in every Doom game after you get the other weapons, you never go back to it, you're constantly going back to the Shotgun in this

Bethesda's marketing is totally unhinged right now. I'm glad they let you guys WFH.

It’s much better than 2016

In 2016 it was good for thinning the herd before going in with the charged shot, or dealing with fodder in between arenas. It served a useful purpose that is glaringly missing in this game; being able to kill weak enemies without wasting resources.

>majority are people hating on the game

>bethesda's marketing
That's MY meme image you fucking nonce.

They made some things better but made a lot of things even worse.

Still better than bottom tier trash like nuwolf but I'd rather play DUSK2.

Besides melee and platoforming what got worse?

>dude what if instead of having to think which weapon to use on a given enemy in each situation we made some of them instantly die if you use a certain one lmao
>dude remember to chainsaw a zombie halfway through each fight lmao
>dude what if we added some gay darkstalkers (which was already a ripoff of a bunch of 90's comics) ripoff story lmao
>dude lets add like five redundant cooldown abilities lmao

I'm having a lot of fun with it. Once you get adapted to the playstyle, the game really opens up. Making this many changes to the feel and forcing you to play this way is quite ballsy of id.

All I can ask if this is still a doom game. It feels way more like something that would fit as a Duke Nukem game in terms of tone. That's one up for debate.

Fuck purple goo sections


The slayer gate fights are the best part of the game by far.
Melee not dealing damage is stupid.
Low starting max ammo mixed with the chainsaw refilling one pip automatically makes the starting ammo redundant.
Marauders are frustrating to fight, mainly because there's next to no way to actually hit the bastard unless the obvious tell happens and you better hope the gun you have out can stagger him.
"Balance" is even more fucked than it was in 2016 at least on UV although being able to get full air control first is a big step up.

Getting "how to" instructions before the new enemy spawns in, or the boss even took a step and getting another set of instructions once the second phase started really hurts the game.
The only enemy this didn't pop up for was the archvile and I didn't even notice he was there until I was about 4 spawn waves through.

It's fine, it's just more doom2016 which is what I expected. Probably gonna forget about it in a week.
I never want to hear BFG division again.

I like it. It's way, way harder than the previous game, maybe a bit too hard. You don't feel like some kind of big dick unstoppable killing-machine anymore, at least on UV. Some enemies just hit way too fucking hard and melt you within miliseconds

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Well, to be honest OP. My opinion is I just dont like niggers in general.

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Bros...imagine the sex...

punching doing no damage is bullshit.

i'm not wasting a shotgun round for a zombiedemon

I just think enemies need a little bit of more unique attacks

I like it so far but Doom 2016 was better. Here's my list of gripes.

>Not enough ammo. That's a big fucking problem for a Doom game, I know they want you to use the chainsaw but it slows the action down too much. This wasn't much of a problem in in Doom 2016
>Those fucking snake demons run away and hide to much making it a pain in the ass to clear a room when you got 3 of these fucking running away from you
>The beginning felt rushed. I mean how the fucking did Doomguy end up at the fortress of doom? I know Haden wouldn't have been dumb enough to send him there after the ending of Doom.

>Zombie soldiers are way to bullet spongy now and it fucks with the combat flow.

Other then that it's good. 8.5/10 Niggers

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It's 90% exactly what i wanted. More challenge, going fast, you acquire all the fun toys early on, enemies are more aggressive, combat is more complex, can go back to locked areas near the end of the level to look for secrets, areas are less linear and looping around with shortcuts.
My problems are
>no open level like Foundry and Argent Facility
>no proper introductions of new demons and guns
>new chainsaw fuel mechanic is a bit of a mess, you can saw a fodder demon any time but stacking fuel for big demon is a huge commitment
>frag and freeze grenades aren't separate buttons
>dossier UI is mostly a downgrade
>Crash DLC probably won't happen

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Holy shit that is the most fuckin epic thing I have ever seen, i'm definitely gonna tell my redditbros about it!

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It’s not a bad game, but they expect you to juggle a lot now to the point it starts to get tedious. Now it’s not enough to just shoot certain enemies, now you have to take out weakspots with gimmick mods or else you get spammed to death. Now I’d be fine with all that if they didn’t reduce the ammo count on top of that. Now every minute or so I have to stop whatever I’m doing to go find a zombie and turn him into an ammo piñata.

An improvement over D44M in every way. The low amount of ammo per weapon was a great design decision as it makes the game noticeably harder. The weapons now feel like they serve a role for different enemies, as apposed to being just good or bad to use in any scenario.

kill urself shill

I remember back when I was young on Yas Forums and would call people shill for their opinions on new games that aren't overly cynical or just shitposts. One day you'll grow up and look back on these times too.

>Low ammo cap is bullshit. Having to do glory kills every 5 secs for weapon juice gets annoying quick.
This. I'm just constantly chaining glory kills for health and chainsaw for ammo, then engaging big guy, then back to glory kills and chainsaw.

Basically this. Can't say I'm not enjoying the game, but it's definitely not something I wished for.

Best Super Mario World remake. Nintendo really upping their game.

Out of those the only thing I don't like is the secrets being visible ? because it trivializes finding them.

But the rest? Not a bother, nigger.

Have fun with tlou2 nigger

I just beat it after binging the fuck out of it, played it 4 hours yesterday, and 9 hours today.
My fingers are fucked.
The game is really fucking hard.
And it's really fucking good.

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I don't mind shit like the colorful pickups since you can at least otne them down.
My main gripe with the game is how everything is on fucking cooldowns, you have like 4 cooldown abilities all at once. That crap isn't fun in the slightest. The way you regain ammo is fucking retarded too with the chainsaw and all. Sure, "it's just reloading bro", but those games never had reloading in the first place, so adding that shit in addition to a 3 second animation that locks you into place is pure cancer.

I was having a lot of fun until I defeated the doom hunter, returned to the fortress and found out that even though I beat the second slayer gate it didn't fucking count towards my progression to unlock the unmaker because the stupid game needs you to manually pick up the fucking key and somehow I didn't do it? So I missed out on the key and have to redo the whole stupid fucking level again. Oh btw I made my way back to the gate but I was feeling tired to I decided to save and quit and the game literally said that my progress would be saved, however it puts me back at the fucking fortress so AGAIN I have to do the god damned level. Who the FUCK designed this shit

Fuck this I'm out for a few days

There's that word again. It's the word that soiboys use because they CANNOT invisible how the world will be when it's run by a 2 meters tall Aryan white male (like myself). They think it's "unrealistic" and "too gamey" because they fear that future.
Doom Eternal is the whitest game there is. Buy one for all your Aryan children.

I really don't fucking understand the gripe about ammo. Yes the starting ammo is RETARDED but at the very least you can fucking upgrade ammo capacity. I rarely have to use chainsaw anymore.

>I think it would have been better to have shorter, but more numerous levels
It's way more expensive that way.

>>punching zombies no longer works which is bullshit
But dashing through them basically staggers them into gore kill. Punching is for shitlords, just walk through them.

OP why are you samefagging again?

doesn't look interesting to be honest nigger
seems like they still have the same problems with level design and the enemy limit present in 2016
the new moves look like they allow for some hella fuckin epic brutal takedowns though, so I'm sure the zoom zooms will like it

amid evil and ion fury
Maybe dusk
I haven't finished eternal yet tho

Here's a tip for you, the chainsaw fills that purpose. It also fills up your ammo so you can dash away and keep up the fight.

its ok but lacking a punch, also the OST is so generic and boring.

'ate niggers
'ate invisible walls everywhere
'ate how it's action game and not shooter
'ate having 3 different upgrade trees
'ate those cringy hamfisted memes(rip and tear lmao, domslayer iz god, this is a weapon not teleporter.... doomguy in this iteration is drooling retard and not a badass he used to be)
'ate maruder design

luv variable enoviremetns in maps
luv new rocket luncher
luv that intiative, none of them shills will mail screenshots of their posts with niggers in it to their handler
don't even mind platformin' sections of game
6/10, would pirate again.

If you don't like this game: you're everything wrong with gamer. Dilate. Go suck off your wife's bull some more.
Doom Eternal is the solution to the rampant SJW in gaming and it's WINNING.

>ctrl + F "nigger"
>only eight honest posts

> and the enemy limit present in 2016
Never existed and was debunked by a half drunk idiot who can't even count.

i feel like i move a lot through the arenas and pick up a lot of ammo and still keep running out of it if i don't chainsaw as much as i can. then again it's gotten a lot better and i haven't even finished the game yet.
fun as fuck so far though

Get better ears incel

I keep getting pleb filtered by this nigga, I think it's just because I suck but it's pretty difficult

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just spend all your sentinel crystal upgrades on ammo then, you fucking babies

Guns sounded better in 2016, I miss the mobile chaingun

Tet better taste incel

Is there a point to finding all the exploration shit in the levels that don't give immediate rewards? Like, should I just re-do a level because I missed out a toy? Does collecting everything give you something tangible?

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Really shows how many shills and/or SJWs browse nowadays.

He's pretty easy once you get the hang of knocking out his turret.
Now the Doom Hunter, that is the one that's filtering me.

>jumping on enemy kills them
>bullet bills and fire chains

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man if you are having troubles with the spider you gon be fucked when the game introduces super heavies

Then what's up with the limited enemy counts and hallway-to-arena maps which lock you out of exploring seemingly to hide that the game can only have a small amount of enemies spawned at any time
From your reply I assume that's all still present.

>doomguy in this iteration is drooling retard and not a badass he used to be

>2016 had organic way in which you discovered your arsenal
>2020 is just a bunch of flying icons
>Extra live could have easily be renamed as reanimation
2016 was stupid but it wasn't ridiculous, this is the only thing I can't stand in this game. It just looks incredibly dumb

Saying something to prove you're totally in with the cool kids is so fucking gay and reddit I refuse to say that word for this entire thread.

Doesn't exist.


I played ion fury, it was great. It's a shame that AAA devs suck so much these days.

Doom hunter is a pretty big pushover since his actual AI is lackluster and you can calmly walk around collecting life and armor from imps and zombies

Goddamn, nigga, it's fun.

it's like the game came out yesterday

The game is fun but changes to 2016 are strange especially removing most of basic player weapons, melee doesn't do damage and there is no pistol so you have to search for ammo or wait for cooldown of grenade

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>Having to do glory kills every 5 secs for weapon juice gets annoying quick
Devs want you to constantly switch weapons and use glory kills and get mad if you don't.

>Game also feels consolized to shit although I'm playing on pc.
Devs refer to playing the game as "picking up the controller" so it was very much made with consoles in mind.


Sounds like you're a nigger then.

>It is way to videogamey

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Arachnotrons are pain the ass.

>it's less unfun if you spend the entire game removing the artifical crippling!
Cool story nigger.