What's his name, Yas Forums?
What's his name, Yas Forums?
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Kinda soulless without the "low key".
Yakuza 3, Mine dying fucked over the tojo clan so much that daigo went full retard mode in Y4.
That's also not what "low key" means.
It's exactly what it means.
>The definition of low key is someone or something that is relatively calm, placid or not full of excitement.
Look at this ESL and laugh.
the aave scared off gamers, our most important demographic
Armstrong's speech didn't make much sense, he said that did everything for "the people", all he actually did was abduct children to make them into cyborgs.
What the fuck are you on about? He made perfect sense. At the end of the Fight Raiden doesn't even disagree with him anymore.
Le funny black man face!
>hated e-celebs and TMZ
>hated zoomers and harvested their brains
He has my vote
none because im not a reddit faggot that comes to Yas Forums just to vent their inner edge
Forseti in Valkyria Chronicles 4. He was absolutely right about the Federation.
Khergan the Terrible, Arcanum.
>none because im not a reddit faggot that comes to Yas Forums just to vent their inner edge
Instead you spout your edginess in aggressive contrarian posts for free (You)s. Pretty cringey.
His rant about wanting to enable people to make their own choices made absolutely no sense
He legit saved humanity. I find see why he could only come up with a plan that involved him dying.
>follows orders blindly and kills Solidus and Armstrong
pssh nuthin personal
touched a nerve, reddit?
called it :)
Games where both the protagonist and the villain are in the right but still fight each other?
What are you even talking about? The use of "low key" in the original meme was spot on.
I can't actually recall any that deserve much attention. I dislike the gimmick because it tricks narrative designers. When a game has a villain like that, the devs will never work towards an ending with real substance.
>people say he was evil, but everyone today hates jews
really makes you think
soulles op pic. it's like every localization of code of princess that isn't the 3ds one.
LaCroix has many epic speeches. This one is my favorite. I agree with this so much. Ruling the stupid crowd is a pain in the ass. You try to do your best, you get multiple choices which are all right, you pick one, it fails because of bad luck and all the stupid crowd blames you instead of seeing the whole scape of a choice.
I like him in star ocean. He's fun to play as.
Final Fantasy XIV.
No, it wasn't. All it meant was "actually".
arcanum's khergan
Remember kids, blind trust has consequences.
You fell for pretty words user.
>is a stand in for the player
>No, it wasn't.
Yes it was you brainlet.
Post government issued ID. Show me where you're from ESL.
>hurrr I'm from Atlanta
Porch monkey jive isn't English either.
You seem pretty obsessed with reddit and trying way too hard to fit in. I'm guessing you're tourist, underaged or autism. Maybe all 3.
>Killed his own father
>Betrayed his brothers
>Became a lucavi
Dycedarg was a huge cuck. The only one who accomplished anything significant was Delita who unfortunately did it all for a stupid bitch who couldn't accept sacrifices are necessary for a better future.
Dycedarg was a retard, and couldn't see past his own nose.
What nose?
>The only one who accomplished anything significant was Delita
Yeah, he transferred power from a corrupt noble class, to a corrupt priest class. And all it took was a river of blood to accomplish it. What a hero.
Van in Tales of the Abyss
Nah man he was just a extreme lolicon. Willing to kill millions for a whiff of cun
That's not Emet-Selch.
Armstrong had to die, Solidus however did absolutely nothing wrong.
uhh hallo, based abteilung?
Divinity original sin 2 tried to do this and ultimately made the entire game pointless because the best ending would have happened anyway if you let the villain win at the end of the first chapter.
You are literally wasting everybodies time after chapter 1.
>All it meant was "actually".
Man you being an ESL would make you save some face, but if you are not, then you are a massive retard.
COVID-19 basically proved pic related 's point.
Fuck society.
I didn't get it why he had to die when his reasoning was unironically better than the heroes.
YES he was the evil mustache-twirling mad scientist but he was STILL in the right.
>The Virgin Emet-Selch
>The Brad Solus' son (forget his name all the time)
>The CHAD Gaius van Baelsar
umm sweaty wimmin can also be villains