Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

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Because it changes literally nothing and only triggers a small subset of people?

fagtendo cultists will defend that

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> We should have the freedom to do whatever we want, people are just way to sensitive

yes, why are other languages allowed to keep those obsolete identifiers? this is transist!

Trannies are their primary consumer, its just a sensible decision

>we're just rewriting your language goyim why do you care?
please fucking kill yourself

>op keeps trying to push his agenda of forcing gender identifiers

get out of my board op

Free publicity

nobody ever defends treehouse

>way to sensitive
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.

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Kys oneangryfaggot

>All this to cater to a small, mentally ill subset of people.
Coronavirus is not strong enough.

Man, I love garlic bread

It's not that big of a deal sperg, languages have been constantly changing since the dawn of communication


Then just play it in any other language if this offends you so much.

Sometimes I start playing as a dude and then changing right at the end because the female clothes look cute. I'm glad AC just does away with the system all together, now I won't feel like a tranny

Ok then explain why it wasn’t changed in any other language other then to appeal to amerifat trannies in the English

>stop caring already! just let us change your language reeeeeeeeeeeeee!
catch aids and die faggot

Is that not what is the case here? Them removing gender identifiers changes basically nothing to Animal Crossing's playstyle. It should bother a sensible person. Yet everyone freaks out about it because it 'gives a victory to those dastardly SJWs'. If they added a tranny option or all the crazy stupid shit genders i'de understand a bit more, but this is literally nothing.

>rewriting your language
jesus christ how pathetic are you? i'm assuming you're american, right? its fucking dawn why are you awake getting angry on Yas Forums right now go the fuck to bed you quarantined idiot

why don't you marry it

I see you like to eat shit

right back at you


Kill yourself, libtard

German here, it was changed in german too, you whiny faggot with a victim-complex.

Because the game lets you swap genders mid-playthrough, and this means less work.

thank god I'm not pathetic enough to get heated up over which synonym people use for gender

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>there's literally nothing wrong with kowtowing to militant satanic tranny sex pervert sodomites

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Yeah, but germans are mudslime-cocksucking cucks so who cares

that's fucked up

>we're not rewriting your language, but also stop caring that we are!
keep trying kike

germans are known bootlickers ever since they failed their ultimate duty

You can't marry bread

t. homo

>playing tranny games

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>changes literally nothing
>removing pronouns
are you retarded?
never in the history of the world has there been such denial of the basic existence of biological sex

>pass the screen
>gets mentioned nowhere else
are you retarded?

>Because it changes literally nothing
>Genders are literally nothing
Then why remove them?

t. triggered faggot with no quarantine gf

Yeah just keep being the "cool" guy who never gets mad or pushes back on anything what so ever. So how that ends up for you.

>denial of the basic existence of biological sex
Because they can. Why are the villagers animals? Why isn't the village a floating sky island?

>people sperg out because they use style instead of sex
What seems to be the problem? You fags act like the mentally ill did with ogay

Daily reminder that trannies >>>>> females. They are significantly less cancerous.

I think your dipping a bit too hardcore with your personal beliefs into a harmless kids game friend

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>It should bother a sensible person.
Agreed. Thus, I am bothered. It goes against the original vision of the game creators and is unnecessary.

Some people argue "oh, it does not change anything." If so, then why change it from the original in the first place? Obviously, there is a reason and Treehouse has a history of shoving their politics and memes in games.


jesus christ, what blatant propaganda.
These people need to die.

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>user why are you learning japanese?
>all the stuff that's worth is already translated!

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Yeah, your nation is also peak-cuck country you arab cock sucking mongoloid.

>It goes against the original vision of the game creators
Yeah the creators of AC are so mad about it.

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>frog posting

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It's okay when Nintendo puts tranny normalising propaganda in a game designed for and marketed primarily to CHILDREN. Stop complaining goy, it's comfy!!!

then why change it in the first place lmao?
potato potato

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>dude just shut your brain off and consoom
Typical Nintardo defense.


>denying there's a denial of biological sex
so now you're pretending trannies have nothing to do with this? your tactic is just going to play dumb every response isn't it?

Push back when it matters not when someone cooks your chicken tendies the wrong way you fucking beta

you know what would change literally nothing and only triggers a small subset of people?

keeping the pronouns

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>pushing tranny propaganda into a kid's game is harmless
Yeah, because kids like "desmond" really chose to dance for fags in a gay bar and they weren't brainwashed into it in their theta brainwave state.

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Wether it does nothing or not is irrelevant they could’ve just added both genders and make the clothings interchangeable. The language they use is just so blatant tranny pandering. The fact they didn’t do this for every language speaks boundaries.

I'm sure you asked them, dumbass.

>lets just ignore the other screeching anons

You can if you first become bread yourself.

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>denying there isnt a denial of biological sex
so now you're pretending trannies have something to do with this? your tactic is just going to play dumb every response isn't it?
see how retarded you sound?
Too bad, they went with this option. You can cope or you can seethe.

well english isn't a gendered language
germans have die and das, french have le and les

is that the reason?

Imagine getting mad at Animal Crossing for anything other than putting out a bad entry.

Fuck you, City Folk.

>Because it changes literally nothing and only triggers a small subset of people?

So put them in, trannies are a small subset and who cares if they're triggered right?

Thats my point, idiot.
Neither of us asked them.

What are you even babbling about?

all games should not use pronouns, and instead just use a picture of a dick or vagina

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>because they can
nigger please don't even try this isn't being done by or in order to appease a small subset of people

also this continue to cope and seethe that people disagree with you

japanese don't even use gender specific pronouns, blame your idiot language.

cope with what?
seethe at what?
your position is both "nothing's changed" and "fucking deal with the change"

that's cognitive dissonance friend.


Stupid as fuck argument like actually lost brain cells reading this

And who decides what matters? You? Guy who clearly takes nothing serious at all? Let me guess " I'm my god only people dying is something serious guys! Literally eveything else is fine who cares about culture!".

>nigger please don't even try this isn't being done by or in order to appease a small subset of people
try to act like*

>Too bad, they went with this option. You can cope or you can seethe.

oh don't worry thank god i'm not from america or the uk so we don't have your bullshit here yet

advertising by making this shithole Yas Forums-lite isn't allowed, in fact

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You're just mad that other English speakers have more popularity with their change in language than you. Have good ideas if you want people to take you seriously. Getting upset over two fucking words on a character select screen is the definition of first world problem.

I don't know man. Women really get my shit going and "she" is the prime denominator for determining a character's gender.

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has a mod come out to restore it yet?

>we're going to change your language because we can! we're allowed to change your language however we want because we say so!
you're so delusional it's absurd

Cope with the fact that the pronouns for the english translation's creation screen are gone.
Seethe at the fact that the pronouns for the english translation's creation screen are gone.
Nothing has changed but you think something has changed so you need to fucking deal with the perceived change.
right back at you


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>don't complain when the restaurant fucks up your food

That's not what your original post said, you autistic subhuman. Not that I should expect you to have passable writing or reading comprehension, what with being a drone.

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Ok then they only did this language change in countries where it would make people mad. There simple as that

>one angry incel
Buy a banner ad.

Not only this, it triggers people who shit on human rights, the best kind of people to trigger

trans people aren't human lol

>That's not what your original post said,
It was a sarcastic reply to your idiotic post.
You talk about the creator's view, but you dont even know what it was.

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Do people ever get tired of being offended?

By extension you're arguing it shouldn't be changed because you said so. I think you're delusional about the fact that it's an opinion and you don't get to decide it. You make your own game if you want gender options. That's what you types always said about feminists, so they did. Now listen to your own advice. Or just keep being a lazy neckbeard, complaining on the internet.

>trannies actually think the majority of the public is on their side now
you literally just make up reality however you like it in your mind don't you

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But that is not even an argument
>why are the villagers animals
Idk because it’s an artistic choice? You answered with a non argument

supremacists are generally frowned upon too

>this triggers the tranny obsessed

Why do you care? This removes nothing meaningful from the game. Why did Nintendo do it then? Who the fuck knows or cares. You’re getting worked up over a cartoon game with almost genderless animals wandering around.

No user, eating microwave shit in your room isn't eating at a restaurant

Don't push it, faggot.

Stay mad

>human rights
>mentally ill coddled trannies

>artistic choice
Or a furry agenda, you choose.

>he says as he wastes his time on Yas Forums

Trannies are triggered. Also they literally dictate how our entertainment media works now.

It's funny that a small section of mentally ill people has power over video games now. They should be killed with bombs.

Am I a boy or a girl?

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seething even harder doesn't make your arguments any more sound user

>By extension you're arguing it shouldn't be changed because you said so
it shouldn't be changed because that's how the English language works you fucking retard. You don't have to justify a language being used the way it's intended.

Does it matter? Will we ever see that character's genitals?

>just consoome and not ask questions
The Adults are talking, nintentoddler.

lurk more,bitch

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But it's not just trannies fighting for this. You cuckservatives literally just make shit up to suit your own delusions. Just admit most of the world accepts it and doesn't fucking care.

>Why did Nintendo do it then? Who the fuck knows or cares.
you can't be this naive

man, I love 2 genders

ITT out of touch zoomers and soimales not able to comprehend why it's a bad sign when even a children's game can't affirm the existence of gender and biological sex because the progressive orthodoxy won't allow it

>Everyone actually loves trannies!
It's like talking to a genuine schizo. Have fun with your delusion user, just think up whatever world makes you happy

It operating that way was an opinion of people who came before, mostly elite brits. Language is quite literally an ever evolving thing. You pretending there is only one default setting is peak delusional.

I only love one gender. Female is just a parasite.

>allowing something as meaningless as gender in an IMAGINARY video game take up this much of your thoughts
kek and rekt

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lmao @ ure lyfe Anglos

German Chads, WW@??!

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imagine being American
imagine that the first thing that comes to mind to every other nation when they think of you is
>Oh, yes, the trannie lovers!

Because I'm already married, to justice

If I was wrong then why is everything changing around you to the point that you need to cry about it here? Oh that's right...

>We get to force the language to "evolve" however we want and you don't get a say because we say so!

The future is now, old man.

humble had a sale recently about "strong womyn in video games"
I guess gender matters when people want it to and means jack shit when they don't
go fucking figure

that french band?

>"just ignore it"
>all his games are getting fucked with tranny propagana afterwards

shouldnt you be shooting up a school?


because most people want to be moral and are afraid to get their lives destroyed and becoming unemployable because their viewpoints don't align with the woke left, this shit is going to fester until it becomes enough of a problem for the pendulum to swing back hard and then it'll be to late to preserve actual tolerance