At what point did vidya lose its soul?
At what point did vidya lose its soul?
At what point did you start being a nigger?
Soul is when you put in your best with what you got. Art from adversity. Simple as that.
i generally dont like "soul" versus "souless" comparison meme because it discounts the hard work and creativity of people in the industry today, many of whom also worked on the games with "soul"
one of those guys i know who has been working since the famicom days and he said that games used to require a special creativity because of the strict hardware limitations, and games have lost some of that charm now that you can do so much
this would literally be fine if there wasnt the stupid ass cap animation
>it discounts the hard work and creativity of people in the industry
No, it brings into question why game companies have given up on having a serious look at what makes the past so appealling. Instead of going "you just have nostalgia" despite tons of people now loving ps1/n64 aesthetic when they werent even born yet when those consoles were kicking
This. Barrier of entry is dramatically lower now. You wont see devs putting constraints on themselves to make the next Green Eggs and Ham.
At 60 frames he turns into jelly
July 18, 2011
>it discounts the hard work and creativity of people in the industry today
Remasters don't require any creativity, that's why they're constantly trashed for having no 'soul'. They only need to imitate what's already been done, only this time with a vastly larger budget, better tools and no worries about hardware limitations.
When graphics began to matter more than gameplay
It never did, simp
i dont think you know what that word means
So... about 1987?
>Remasters don't require any creativity
i wouldnt say that, escpecially with 2d to 3d where there is a lot of space that needs filling in
i think the problem is similar to making a novel into a movie where everyone has their own vision of what it should look like but you can only deliver on one of those visions
Why is the hat bouncing off his fucking head, that's not how caps work.
Exaggeration of motion, it's a core tenant of cartoon animation, it brings life to an otherwise lifeless animation, had that been the original you'd consider questioning like this sacrilegious.
>the hard work and creativity of people in the industry today
good meme. Watch "thief vs aaa gaming" on jewtube.
why is the hat made of fucking rubber?
>spend thousands of hours learning a skill purely out of passion
>work yourself to the bone putting in as much effort as possible to create the greatest thing you can
>present your work after hundreds or thousands of more hours put in over several years
>"lol you didn't try at all because you didn't do it with more primitive tools when i was ten years old"
Good thing nobody would be silly enough to believe that, right?
You're making no sense at all. Modern content can be soulful. This has nothing to do with the passing of time.
mostly was responding to the general trend of the "soul" vs "soulless" meme where it compares an older and newer game, often a remake
>The Smurfs: Dance Party came out July 19, 2011
The way I see it, the loss of game's identity mostly comes from lack of attention for detail and passion that was prevalent in older games in more aspects than one. They became more superficial and unified, both in aesthetics and mechanics. Games are made to sell first and foremost and marketers will use anything they can to appeal to the widest audience possible.
Profit matters more than making a good product with long term value, especially when the sequels are released on annual basis. I've noticed this trend with movies too. Nowadays they try their hardest to impress and awe at first sight, but sacrifice lasting appeal in return.
take away that stupid cap animation and then we have us an agreement
>games used to require a special creativity because of the strict hardware limitations
This is it. This is the true meaning of soul. By your own arguments, games have lost their soul.
What most Yas Forumsirgins call 'soul' is abstraction dictated by technical limitations, similar to what
said. Mark Wolf has a whole book about it for the few of you who are actually interested in game studies. The tl;dr is that most mediums and traditional art have had to evolve and push towards abstraction as a sort of end goal whereas video games are the opposite, starting off as incredibly abstract and evolving into the sort of photorealistic, filmic visuals we see today.
Heads don't move like that unless you don't have a neck.
I should note that there is a case for the idea that traditional art (and arguably other mediums) began as abstract, with the earliest cave paintings being better analysed through semiotic lenses than traditional art critique, which eventually developed into more representational images before a move back towards abstraction in the 20th century - suggesting that this is a cyclical process.
when overdesign became a thing in the entertainment industry
when everything became pipelined by industry standards
when vidya became mainstream instead of niche
The idiot that made this shit could've saved himself a lot of effort by just using subpixels instead of adding more frames.
the only thing wrong in the other one is the fucking cap bouncing
hands or legs don't move like that either nor does people look like that
>it discounts the hard work
Only in the list 6 months of the project
There is pretty much 0 creativity beyond concept art, and even then a lot of designs are pretty unispired and generic.
90% of a game's design comes from metrics alone, which is the very same reason why a lot of games feel samey and uninteresting to play.
this actually would've been great if it weren't for the gay hat bounce
The problem is that the exaggeration doesn't work because the sprite simply wasn't made for that. If Mario was holding his cap down while he was running, then it would be exaggerated. But the sprite literally can't do that, the artist knows this, so the end result is just him flailing his arms more smoothly while the hat bounces up and down. It's half-assed and shitty when exaggeration requires going all out.
>that sprite
The hat flopping about like that is kinda obnoxious.
Vidya loses its soul 4 years after it is made. If you still play games from before 2017 you should unironically kill yourself.
looks like something from the scott pilgrim game
look how they massacred my girl
>fullbright: on
The lighting is actually better now, it just looks brighter because the textures themselves use brighter colors.
in this situation, newer is better
Somebody need to fix that cap animation
I just don't like how everything looks oversaturated and like it's made of silly putty.
It looked better when everything looked like painted cardboard box dioramas.
shut up
When people continued doing the same 110+ reposts with the same fucking images.
from generic moeblob to distinct art looks like an upgrade to me
Around the PS360 generation when diminishing returns truly kicked in.
Went too far, now artist have to waste months setting realistic pores on a model's ass. The level of detail prevents variety and scale.
Exactly - right around the time devs started focusing less on creativity/originality and more on fancy lighting and making sure hair looks realistic as possible