Same thing happened to Doom Eternal that's sitting at a 7.5. It's just underaged retards spamming the page with 0s and 1s. This along with Astral Chain is why I don't trust metacritic anymore.
I think I'm done with Yas Forums
>a fucking 91
ok retard
He's talking about the 7.4 user score, zoomer.
I gave it a 2 because of the tranny localization. this will be the last AC for me, thanks treehouse shit stains.
>tranny localization
Wait what happened?
excuse me?
>reviews say its either fucking amazing or just ok
ok. retard.
i don't understand the appeal of this series but i'm glad people are enjoying it
Literally nothing.
>reviews on completely irrelevant website
>having anything to do with a game not being a massive financial success (it is)
It's nothing but doomsayers all fucking day, no one is allowed to like anything anymore.
I don't blame you.
you mean the paid reviews, zoomer?
I wonder how many of those have 10s to Sony games or are spic accounts.
Let me guess, Persona 5 Royal's reviews are legitimate though.
If you ever gave a shit about critics and scores you are a mentally retarded shallow imbecile.
>they said 'style' instead of 'gender'
>you can change 'style' mid way
It says "Choose your style" rather than "Choose your gender" on character creation.
For some reason, this makes people mad.
How one gets mad over it is a mystery, but I guess some people feel uncomfortable unless they can confirm that they indeed are a man by the game.
liking animal crossing is the least zoomer thing you buzzword spouting retard. go play doom eternal and down a bottle of adderal
>Using metacritic
Well im afraid you might need a checkup to see if you have any mental disablities op.
The only game i use metacritic for is warcraft 3 reforged because its funny.
>click on user score
>scroll down
>nothing but fucking zeros and people telling me to sell my switch for a PS4
ah yes, truly honest reviews
The best part is that they're all
As if that wasn't a thing since the inception of the series.
Animal Crossing is exclusively for little girls and housewives, even moreso than Pokemon, and neither of those are the kind that would go on an obscure website to leave their input on it.
they removed boy/girl to make the game seem 'gender neutral' in the localization.
trannies like lie about it even though a simple picture shows it
>check user reviews
When will this shit end? It's just fucking childish.
You could say the same thing about series like Harvest Moon or whatever. They´re boredom for most people.
What did the Japanese game say?
>they removed boy/girl
That's literally the very first option.
What's even the point of that console war? It's not like PS4 or any game on it is even competing of same customers. Which is a bit strange to be honest, you'd think that Sony (and Microsoft) would love to have money of women who want to play house.
Nah, that's what you zoomers do. Just like all the zoomers playing FF7 for the first time. Go be a tranny somewhere else.
Probably never. At this point it's less a review bomb and more an organised raid on Non Sony titles.
holy buzzwords
So it's pretty much the same shit.
Makes you wonder why they even bothered, since the game uses words like lad/lass later on.
>Game all about doing tedious chores has a 91
Okay you cannot, CANNOT tell me the Nintendo bonus isn't real. You can't be fucking serious
user, you just confirmed that they don't refer to it as gender or even sex.
Yas Forums will hear about this, there will be blood... I myself have made already over 50 accounts spamming 1 star reviews and I havent even started yet. They are literally killing the white race with this pandering shit
to be fair it's mostly people boycotting the single island limit
which I can understand, imagine hopping on after somebody else and all the resources on the island are already gone
>check reviews
>it's people giving 0s because of the switch limitation
People know fuck all about how to review something
No and? He asks something. I answered.
user, there's another game about doing tedious chores that's sitting on a 96.
It doesn't exist.
>they said 'style' instead of 'sex'
Fixed that for you.
"gender" is a Euro-American disease.
so it's literally nothing? nice to know.
It's a discord raid user. Happens with every Nintendo game.
maybe it's because the game isn't all about doing tedious chores
...you ever thought that?
/v is not a good source of actual video game discussion dumbfuck.
its all meme and taxes in here.
yes brother... they have NO IDEA what theyve started... the Yas Forums army WILL bring their reckoning
You can blame the ps4 for that. Until its reveal in 2013 we could actually talk about games.
I confirmed it says boy/girl. dilate
tranny samefag
What game? I like tedious chores.
Vote briganding is common in metacritic and has made user scores worthless.
Why do zoomers call other people zoomer?
Doesn't that make the JP version worse, then?
>NA version
>choose your style! you can change it later
>you can change how you dress
>JP version
>Pick one (boy or girl)! you can change it later
>you can change your gender
you retarded or something?
to fit in
Its a $60 mobile game in an era where most people are sick and tried of timegated crap and daily logins. What did you expect?
You actually can get some decent conversations going sometimes when it's a thread that's inclusive or specific that keeps all the shitposters away since most people tend to ignore them.
I've noticed this too. PS4 just garnered the worst faggots that infest the board from third worlders and niggers.
haha oh my god you're so fucking triggerd lmao
the idiot who thinks review bombs are an accurate representation of a games quality and uses buzzwords. I am just waiting for idiots like you to choke on glue or something already
the zero bombing isn't console wars, it's people boycotting the one island per-console limit
Yeah it does, but the irony is lost on them.
>muh tranny boogeyman!
Fuck off. Surely you can find actual things to complain about in the game like the one island per switch bullshit instead of this worthless tripe?
>I confirmed it says boy/girl
It also doesn't refer to them as genders. But I guess a tranny like you wouldn't know what that word means huh.
Wasn't it one village/console before too?
Pretty sure it will sell more than Death Stranding :^)
Well per cart/memory card etc. same diff.
Either way you had to buy one more of something if you wanted a second island.
Instead of picking gender it says pick your style. The changing sex halfway through isn’t anything new because you can do that in splatoon and many other Nintendy games. I do think it’s a retarded localization but on the list of things that are annoying me it’s probably about number 1271 so I don’t care.
yes but the inclusion of separate accounts on a switch would lead you to believe that each account would have it's own save data + island
also sharing an island means whoever jumps on first gets first pick of the island crafting resources and everyone else gets cucked
both games are good
t. own both games
Is it another Pokemon boycott where it sells almost 20 million?
Is that not one per account?
boy and girl are genders you delusional tranny
It doesn't say pick your gender in the Japanese version.
>we could have had a thread about the actual issue that caused so many people to give the game a zero, which is the one island limit
>instead autists choose to fight over some fucking word they used in the gender selection screen
jesus christ
sounds like you when you look in the mirror
Good argument bro do you want to try again
It wasn’t though. You could have multiple memory cards on the GameCube for multiple villages. You could buy multiple copies of wild world/new leaf for multiple villages. (I can’t remember how city folk handled it because that game was a piece of shit I barely played)
If you’re not a giant virgin and you have a wife/kids limiting the game to 1 island PER CONSOLE is in fact complete fucking bullshit. If you could put away your blond fanboyism for even half a second you would be able to admit it.
It’s literally DRM solely made for the purpose of Nintendo trying to jew people into buying multiple consoles and it’s disgusting.
>but the inclusion of separate accounts on a switch would lead you to believe
Which it wouldn't.
>Literally nothing
Then I don’t care.
I don't get it. It isn't better when 2 people play one character?
I get it. It's HL2, isn't it?
We couldn't have a thread about that because it's not an issue really.
>giving a shit about the proven to be permanently raided "user"scores
You also think all smt games are 4 and lower score?
Get a fucking life. Or at least play some videogames.
>You could have multiple memory cards on the GameCube for multiple villages. You could buy multiple copies of wild world/new leaf for multiple villages
See > and you have a wife/kids limiting the game to 1 island
Let's be real, no one giving the zeros have those otherwise it wouldn't be reviewbombed so hard.
>add pointless woke gendershit
>don’t let me have sex with the femboy squirrel
>It’s literally DRM
Do you even know what DRM is?
Seems like a really dump design choice but, I haven't seen the implementation (and the trailer hinted at more thought-out progression system).
My guess is that people are expecting it to be 200% perfect, didn't get what they dreamed up and now are looking for reasons to trash it somehow.
In any case 0/100 because you don't have separate save slots is stupid.
Oh yeah, I forgot how Nintendo GameCube memory cards cost $360 each. That was fucking nuts. Imbecile.