
Honeslty, its pretty shitty by Vavle to release a new half life game that a lot of people have been waiting for - as a VR exlusive.

>Woah dude you can acually close car doors with your hands woah so cool

>Dude reload with your hands!!!!!!!!!

>Click here to move over here

Attached: 9379_11_half-life-alyx-buyers-guide-pc-hardware-vr-headset-recommendations.jpg (1280x720, 111.82K)

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>still wanting anything-Valve after this much time of them screwing over their community and acting like total grabblers with microtrannies and DLC and lootcrates

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Well it's the next valve tortanic after artifact, Gabe doesn't give a fuck he will retire soon, this will kill valve ;)

See, from my point of view it's pretty shitty for Valve to make the Vive a complete piece of shit, release a brand new shitty system that solves problems they created, and then only release a single fucking game for the poor bastards who spent a grand on this shit.

Valve aren't doing enough for VR, because they're lazy cunts and making hats is worth more.

They don't even make hats anymore, they get them from specwork.


there's plenty of other FPS's that do the half-life formula better than valve did. The only reason anyone cares about this game is because it's an AAA VR game made by valve.

imagine what you couldve accomplished if it werent for the estrogen

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Hope it tanks.

yeah i dont want to play it I just want to know the ending. apparently an image of the ending has been being passed around, anyone have it?

The game exists only because of VR
Valve is interested in pushing technology, story is a secondary concern
They anticipated retards like you, which is why they didn't name this HL3 and were incredibly understocked for the actual demand

>understocked for the actual demand
They weren't understocked, they were creating and inflating demand

Whatever you want to believe, poorfag

Gabe just released a video where he says he wants to do this for another 10 years.

>Half life games are supposed to solve interesting problems, and Alyx represents the collection of interesting problems and solutions we can use.
>like you know, we don't just crank out half life titles because it helps us make the quarterly numbers - Gaben

What interesting problems could they have solved in flat screen?

something involving Source 2

>Honeslty, its pretty shitty by Vavle to release a new half life game that a lot of people have been waiting for - as a VR exlusive.
I wouldn't give a shit if it weren't VR.
What can they do with FPS? No way they top BF4, Titanfall 2, countless other games. VR is their only chance to do more with less.

Lack of h-scenes in AAA FPS.

Buying VR for this, but first I must wait for new CPUs and GPUs.

Index just keeps on selling out, oculus rift s has sold out globally

Keep coping fags, alyx is going to sell at least 100k copies easy

>What can they do with FPS?
What can they do with VR? Companies have already proved that long form experiences in VR suck dick. I don't want to spend 10 hours straight in any VR game, but that's the expectation from a turd like this.

This is going to be the first HL title without any form of transport. Imagine, games that opened up with tram rides, that all had drivable vehicles, gutted because of "CAN'T MOVE THE PLAYER!" retardation from Valve who are absolutely terrified of little Timmy unboxing his Index in 2 days and throwing up after 5 minutes of gameplay.

This game exists because someone at Valve realised they had to release SOMETHING for people to play in VR, because after years of just sitting around waiting for everyone else to do the work, there's nothing to show for it. They killed VR before it even started by releasing garbage hardware with a garbage interface, garbage controls, and a garbage selection of games.

Is this game even available for that SteamOS shit they did some years ago?

SteamOS is just a different steam client/launcher, all games work for it.

HL1 innovated by forcing people to buy actual GPUs and dumb fucks cried
>b-but why can't i play in software rendering mode? fucking valve
HL2 came out requiring a beefy GPU to deal with graphics and physics, so dumb fucks cried
>b-but why can't my Geforce 3 play it? IT SUPPORTS DX8.1!!
and now dumb fucks are crying about HL:A taking gameplay and immersion to a whole new level while requiring cutting-edge technology

the cycle continues

>What can they do with VR?
Everything, especially if they intend to do a VR focused SDK like HL1 and HL2 did.
All VRFPS suck dick for one reason or another - mostly because they're made by amateurs and offer zero mod support. People are stockholm'd into saying Pavlov is good when it's trash made by a literal autist that hates his community. Same with H3VR.

It's too early to bash the game though I do share your worries about it being neutered. I refuse to believe it has a strider with a platform and you won't get to mount it. People usually don't get motion sickness from vehicles so I hope for the best even though I realize that I might not get it. They didn't reveal much of the game at all so I hope they have good reasons for that.

Based Valve dabbing on seething poorfags like back in the day.
If you can't afford a $1000 setup you just don't deserve to play the last HL game OP, simple as.

I'd agree with you, but from what we've seen of the weapons so far, they look like dumb garbage with quirky reload systems to give the game an excuse for massive reload hitboxes.

I really, really like the holo sight, though. That's the kind of shit that should've already been in every game, it's so obviously designed entirely to eradicate the issues of aiming in VR with just one focal plane. Instead games have fucking iron sights you can barely use or tiny red-dots that are a nightmare to align because controllers aren't weighted like guns.

If they were releasing this with a MP mode, I'd be interested. As is, it feels like a very small baby step towards what people actually want.

Strider piloting is something i can't see happening at all, it's the most unlikely movement option. Not only would it fuck up the tiny map sizes, but the movement isn't steady, you rock up and down like a mad cunt. Striders have pilots so they now have an obvious weakpoint you can disable with a single shot, instead of shooting a dozen rockets into them.

I love how all the third world faggots are crying because they can't afford VR.

I also love the crying Amerifats because they can't stand for one hour straight

>If they were releasing this with a MP mode, I'd be interested
Yeah I hope for that too. There's really no "fun" multiplayer game like that for VR. They did it with HL2DM so here's hoping.
Striders are unlikely, true.

I love salty threads like these, where people are making up bullshit because they can't afford VR

at least those new GPUs enabled you to play other games. this time around you're spending 1000 dollars for one game

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VR has more than one game

I know you guys are used to consoles getting only a single game throughout their lifespan, but there are plenty other experiences on VR. It's a godsend for car sims.

name 5 that arent just glorified "party" games like Beat Saber

Game Physics?

Budget Cuts
Apex Construct
Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
Until You Fall
A Fisherman’s Tale

like what. They're not a big company, they can only do party tricks at this point.

a WMR headset is $150
an Odyssey+ is $230
a Rift S is $400
all will allow you to play Alyx
>one game
so you're just shitposting? There's a ton of great VR games out there, both paid and free

Das rite reddit boi

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very few care cause the game is shit and valve aren't good developers anymore

Zoomers don't realize that this will be the Super Mario 64 of VR

Nice argument you got there ape to bad you faggots are easily tricked by marketing ploys.

They were scared to make half life 3 because of the backlash of the mass effect 3 ending, even though it only had a shitty ending which can be modded for something better.
Valve pussy out even if the 3rd game was not as great they can still deliever a overall good game.
For a company that wants to be innovative they shit the bed because of that one simple backlash that wasn't even towards them.
Now forward it to nowadays nu valve is the former shadow of it's self using gimmicks with little to zero competition is the reason they are pushing this but like all the others they are going to abandon it.
Anyone thinking this game will be great and not mediocre are fooling them selves.
call me back when they focus on gameplay.

>hl1 innovated.
By having a beefed up version of the quake engine thats already demanding for its time?
Hl2 same as above but much more beefier.
And even then the difference is the parts are internal and not external you are not playing it in the regular fashion way you have to use a contraption on your fucking head and play it that way which sounds tedious and lets not forget the moment the novelty wears off your bored as hell, vr is going to be a niche.

>tons of great vr games
They all look like shit and get boring pretty quickly.
Maybe you should criticize the games more instead of sucking them off and trying to justify your purpose.

>There's a ton of great VR games out there, both paid and free
No, there aren't. There are a few titles that might be fun for an hour or two on occasion.

There's nothing in VR I'd consider "great". Passable, sure. Average? Maybe. But that's it. And I've played a lot of garbage, I'm glad I pirated 99% of it.

The same could be said of the Nintendo Switch.

Literally, unironically entitled. No memes, this is the actual dictionary meaning of the actual word entitlement, and you actually are an entitled shit.

Attached: meme.png (690x670, 122.33K)

WAHH why are they putting it on a platform that I don't own!?

Seriously fuck off. Its not "shitty" of them, it's utilising a platform that lacks of AAA exclusive games.

that pic is reddit

>They all look like shit and get boring pretty quickly.
And you know this from not having played any of them.
>Maybe you should criticize the games more instead of sucking them off and trying to justify your purpose.
Maybe you should play the games before declaring you got bored of them quickly, and not just shitposting to justify your lack of purpose.
Meanwhile, I've played a couple of dozen VR games, and after criticizing all of them, I've found several I like.

Does it upset you, newfriend?

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But user, how else would they ship all those VR headsets?

>as a VR exlusive.
I don't think it would be a problem if it weren't for the epidemic and the fact that even if one wanted, they literally can't buy a VR headset because all the good ones are out of stock and China's factories are not working as intended.

What valve game had DLC again? Oh right - none of them.

Fuck off.

I think people misunderstand how making a VR game works. There's no world in which HL:A was being developed as a normal game but they then just flipped a switch and made it a VR title. They spent years working on non-VR Half-Life games that never came out, it's not like they're somehow robbing such a project of dev time or something at this point.

It's ironic that now that there's actually a demand for VR you can't buy them anywhere, even the shitty HMD stuff is out of stock.

>Click here to move over here

Thanks OP.
I suspected you were simply foolish from your first two points, not realizing how cool those VR features are.
But then with your third, you made it clear you're actually just a full-blown idiot.

>50 gygabyte preload
Oh no early SSD adopter bros, I thought 100GB is more than enough for everything.

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Are you living in 2010?

It's a singleplayer game, supposed to have a level editor - why not keep it on the HDD?