Hey Doom fags! 2 questions:
>What difficulty are you playing at?
>How are you enjoying it?
Doom Eternal
Ultra violence.
I am roughly 3-4 hours in and so far it's great.
Playing Nightmare cause thats the difficulty I played DOOM 2016 on and holy hell, Eternal is so much more challenging, fun and smooth than its predecessor.
and although I kinda disliked the game for the first hour because of tutorials, it quickly changed to sheer awe when I found out you could turn them off.
Did my first run in one sitting. Nightmare with all secrets and challenges in 13 hours. Now I'm doing the same thing but with no HUD. Game is fucking good.
Would you say it's because of the positive feedback loops (health, ammo, armor refills), or is there something more?
>game shoves EASY MODE down your FUCKING THROAT when you die enough times
>makes you think you have no choice until you click OK
The game looks great, shame my PC can't run it and debt is fucking me over. But holy shit.
It started out challenging, then became ball bustingly hard around M3, then turned into a cakewalk around M5 when I got more goodies. It's more fun than D44M and I enjoy the lore.
You can actually turn off sentinel armor in the settings. It will never pop up. Same thing with tutorials.
started on Ultra violence but switched to nightmare after level 2 because it was too easy.
Jesus you suck
I started on Ultra Violence and just got through the second chapter with all secrets so far, including the first challenge fight.
The challenge fight and the fight earlier with the lava platforms was hard as balls and I died multiple times but I have never once been suggested to lower the difficulty.
Maybe you should gitgud
Who the fuck doesn't play video games in the hardest difficulty? How much of a faggot do you have to be?
>mfw slayer gates on nightmare
That challenge fight was tough. Took me a good 10-15 tries to get it down. But I got it done my first time through the level.
>shame my PC can't run it
How? My PC is like 10 years behind and it runs at perfect 60 fps on high.
Ultra-violence (I think it's a nice middle point but still very difficult)
Aside from a few things (not alot of ammo, some enemies taking 3 fuel to kill when they really shouldn't) I'm fucking loving it. Currently working my way towards getting the Unmakyr but god I wish fast-travel was still an option when you replay levels.
>I wish fast-travel was still an option when you replay levels
It is, I had a prompt telling me that there was fast travel in the first level.
The game is insanely well optimized.
Besides DoF (because I hate the effect) and motion blur (again, despise it) I'm running the game at 1440p Ultra Violence 100 fov at a smooth 60fps without any dips at all.
Only if you finish the level and don't leave. If you try to replay a previous level, you can't fast travel unless you get to the finish again and also don't leave.
Nightmare because that's what I used for doom 4. I die too much cause I keep forgetting to use my flamer half the time and end up net negative until I get oneshot but it's still fun.
Hurt me plenty! :-) this game is really fun
My sister is playing it on hurt me plenty.
She seems having fun.
Playing on pc. Beat 2016 on nightmare, playing Eternal for the first time on UV. This game is definitely much more challenging and frantic than 2016, which is exactly what I wanted out of it. I plan or doing another from scratch run of nightmare as soon as I finish UV.
Also, you should all turn off tutorials and sentinel armor before starting the game. I did that and it seems like I've missed a lot of complaints people here have had because of it.
fast travels purpose is just to go back and get that one collectable you missed.
Yeah the game seems more challenging.
Not him, but the AI seems a lot more aggressive. Bullets go faster, more bullets fired, and have better prediction. Enemies that melee do fuck loads of damage (even fodder zombies have a 3hit combo that takes off 70hp).
The slayer gates are also a challenge as it throws enemies you see in later levels way earlier. I've only been able to beat the first one on nightmare, the second one is placed in a brutal long ass level at the very end. By the time I got the key to it, I had no lives left from a secret challenge where it spawns 2 whiplashes and 1 mancubus in a small corridor. Ammo is way more limited in this game both in starting capacity and pickups, 2016 I beat with zero ammo upgrades on nightmare. They really incentivize the chainsaw.
Cacodemons are your best friend in nightmare. Fire a grenade/shotgun bomb and get free health.
Ultra-Violence, 8 hours in. I've beaten the super gore nest and played a bit of the multi-player.
Enjoying the fuck out of it, especially the slayer gates. Purple goo can go fuck itself though, glad I haven't really seen it since the level it was introduced in.
Hope everyone else is enjoying it too, sure would suck to not enjoy video games. But no one on Yas Forums - Video Games would be like that, right?
The slayer gates are really great, but I've done enough now to realize they're just re-used arenas which kind of sucks. The purple does return, and it gets mixed in with combat areas too. Easily their worst mistake this game. I can tell what they were going for, but slowing down the pace in this game in particular was just the worst idea.
Yeah, I kinda realised when I got to one after having messed around in the practice area that the arena was literally just the practice area, but it's still nice to have more intense fights. I think they were actually easier because you just go ultra-aggression in them desu, at least the three or so I've done.
Also forgot to say, I don't like the hub ship. Not only is it basically just a slow, unintuitive menu, but especially with his quarters I don't like the image of the Doom Slayer, who's been built up as like a being of pure rage against demons, to have somewhere to chill between quickly teleporting down to Earth to clear some small area of the massive global demonic invasion.
Just doesn't seem right. The story in general is pretty shitty, too many shitty fantasy names. I really really didn't need to know that the Doom Hunters were "Argadon Hunters from the Telos Realm", I just need to kill them.
Wait, where's Hey, Not Too Rough?
>playing UV
>that Slayer Gate that drops several Cyber Demons on you right off the bat
ultra violence, I'm not great at fps games so I don't think I'd be able to handle nightmare. I'm having fun, it's fairly challenging at times but it feels nice to finally pull through.
>turn off sentinel armour in settings before i even start the game
>didn't even realize how obnoxious the message for it is
this shit should not be in the game. id are such cowards for being too afraid to stand behind their difficulty and adding this stupid shit in
What are you talking about, it's great.
>hey guy you seem to be shit at the game, want a crutch?
Games pointing out how shit you are and mocking you for it are always fun. Watching people get mad at it is even better.
What's sentinel armor.
it doesn't do it in a mocking way though. its an obnoxious pop up that goes out of its way to say you won't be penalized for using it
too easy even on ultra nightmare
i literally play on stock-clocked 2200g with no external gpu.
Immensely, it’s way more engaging than 2016 and requires a brain on nightmare
Anything but nightmare is boring.
That and specific enemies have specific counters or mechanics you need to do to weaken them otherwise they’ll stomp all over you
They added way more mobility with the tracer-dashes and meathook but in exchange made all enemies faster
casual here, played UV then switched to hurt me plenty
the latter feels almost like '16's UV in big arenas
> some enemies taking 3 fuel to kill when they really shouldn't)
It’s because the crucible takes up this niche of being the panic glory kill button, they just don’t tell you that until 3/4ths of the way through the game
Sentinel armor is turned off by default on higher difficulties
Ultra violence.
It's a good challenge + adrenaline rush but doesn't kill the momentum by having to die 10x over.
I only finished the first mission so far but it was fucking legit and already better than anything in 2016 Doom.
Played on nightmare until the second slayer gate and switched to UV. I'm not masochist. I know if I try more and just run around spamming stickies I'll eventual mow them down but I did that on the first gate and It didn't feel fulfilling, more like I cheesed it. UV seems to easy in comparison, you don't die in 3 hits so that's that.
I started a nightmare playthrough on file 2 after beating doom hunter base on UV and holy fuck I'm getting raped hard, you really can't afford to forget about flame belch
playing on "hurt me plenty" and unironically considering dropping to easiest.
Initially I managed to enjoy it but as time goes on it starts being annoying and at that point I just want to be done with it.
En UV with a mouse, It's harder than Sekiro. I played all day yesterday and it was so intense my arm hurt.
I trained with super hard fast FPS for months before this and I can still easily die. Game is fucking amazing.
Dying in one hit is never fun.
>Dying in one hit is never fun.
But you don't die in one hit.
The fuck are you talking about.
I didn't try Nightmare in Eternal but 2016's Nightmare has you dying in 2 imp balls. It's bullshit (meanwhile UV was a joke)
>it seeks challenge in videogames
get a load of this faggot.
for challenge I go to ghetto and backtalk biggest nigger I manage to find, from bidyia I want more interaction than tv but at similar level of mental effort.
Well you don't die like that in this one.
I also don't remember dying like that in 2016 but whatever you say.
>take a look at the milestones
>one is beating the game on Ultra Nightmare
>Well you don't die like that in this one.
Yeah, you die in three. Literally being grased by gargoyle projectile takes 50 hp.
There is no room for a mistake, you stop for second if some fuck blocks you are dead.
Yo did doomguy legit leave VEGA in Urdyk? Why did he just leave him like that?
am i... The Father? Dr.Hayden?
What did he mean by this?
>There is no room for a mistake
Yes and? You can just admit you are bad at video games, no would care.
>There's a milestone for punching a closed Slayer Gate
>That animation when you find the Doomguy toy
>All the references in the hub ship
Eternal isn't just a great game, it's charming as fuck too.
How can you support a dev that mocks the differently-abled and LGBT community with their sarcasm?
Nightmare for my first time.
It's a lot harder than Doom 2016, but most of the trouble I was having with it was just not realising the game wanted me to always be using the chainsaw to get ammo as well as dropping an icebomb on an enemy then setting them on fire and popping them for fat health and armour. Once I learned the systems a bit I'd say it's still harder than 2016 but it's not as hard as it feels at the very beginning.
I thought the super shotty was shit at first because it doesn't have the double shot, but the chain + the fire upgrade makes it amazing for chaining movement together and sustaining yourself with the armour enemies drop because of the fire. If there's flying enemies and monkey bars you don't have to spend any time on the ground for most of the fight, which I like.
I kinda don't like how the mobs are constantly spawning, it forces you to just burst the big boys down rather than take out the smalls then the bigs, I get that it's part of making sure you have a constant source of ammo and health and to keep things pumping but I personally dislike it.
Overall cool game though, by modern standards a 10/10 and sets the bar for future shooters high.
If you play every game at the hardest difficulty, you probably don't play that many games
Cause it's funny.
lol retard. Nightmare is perfect. It forces you to git gud. You'll die a lot, but its going to be satisfying once you beat it and have skills better than noobs on ultra violence
Hurt me plenty.
I'm still getting my ass kicked a number of times.
Playing on nightmare and it doesn't feel like hardest difficulty. Enemies die really quick and if you move a lot and don't get cornered you won't die.
this. With mouse and keyboard it feels like either normal or hard difficulty
Anyone else feel kinda disappointed? I'm just not having as much fun as I did in 2016.
This shit is 2x harder than Doom 2016 on Nightmare, which I just finished last month. What the fuck, man.
Also, the Doom Hunter fight was such a hilarious "fuck you" when they went "Yeah, nah, thought you were done with the boss fight? Here's two more, scrub. No checkpoints."