Valve's digital card game Artifact "reboot" is so large, it's internally

being called Artifact 2, says Gabe Newell


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what about it's internally, op?

Valve just can't accept the only game they've made in years has been a massive flop. Disgustingly so. Yeah, wow Artifact 2, amazing! How excited is everyone for a SECOND ARTIFACT?!

Hype train Choo Choo !!!!

Yeah I'm hyped as fuvk

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Where's this magical image at? I wanna know how Valve planned to end this now that the lead writer for Half-Life left long ago.

But they made Dota 3. They don't call it Dota 3, but they can't escape the fact that it's now Dota 3.

i wonder what they can do to unfuck the game. make it free to play but grind-filled like HS, MTGA, Shadowverse, and billions of others? make it fully free like Dota is, where the only paid content is alt skins and hats and foil gold trim?

it takes a low tier human to spoil things but he's just begging for it with that attitude of speech

Kill yourself incel.

God damn it, Valve. Stop fucking around with card games.

>end this
it's a soft reboot, the lead dev has said valve wants to (and will) make more half life

when you just can't hold the L

i think they're holding it pretty nicely
>this shit didn't work, we're gonna do it better and bigger this time

i haven't given a shit about half-life in a decade

Who the fuck cares about the story? The game is an experience and the gameplay is the only reason to play it.
I don't care about being spoiled but I also don't care about watching a lets play of it.

Who the fuck plays CARD GAMES

Reminder that TF2fags are the biggest laughing stock on the Internet. Point at these shitters and laugh.


not sure if you can put a hat on a card, but maybe they'll take the YGO route and make some sort of powercreep to keep selling cards

>valve was surprised by artifact's failure
>despite the fact that literally everyone told them it was 5 years too late and not worth pulling almost all available resources from their other titles to push out of the door

Gabe literally just said that Artifact was their biggest mistake

>Valve just can't accept the only game they've made in years has been a massive flop.
I prefer them trying again to maybe salvage my $20 than taking it and running.

>Name the game artifact
>It's already dead and buried

>not sure if you can put a hat on a card
you most definitely can. see also: Hearthstone gold cards, MtG:A parallax cards, etc.

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>Getting rid of the flavor text
But why?

>Bottom right trades flavor text for waifus

not that guy but
somewhere at 24 minutes he says they made mistakes, like Steam Machine, Artifact, etc.
the whole interview is interesting

literally who cares even fucking hearthstone is on the way out jezus

Mistake, but not biggest. The mistake was in trying to copy physical TCG pricing systems instead of lootbox cardpacks.

making existing cards into special gold foils and making normal cards free would be the best way to salvage this. i still probably wouldn't play it though unless they rework the game entirely. the 3-lane gameplay and simple "deal 2 damage to 2 creatures" gameplay just doesn't look fun. that said i'm an anomaly since i mostly just play EDH with interesting interactions if i want to play card games

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because secret lair is WotC's experiments in how much they can jew their players.
the latest lair is $160+ for 5 cards (one-ofs of fetchlands), and unlike other lairs it's not print-to-demand, each Local Game Store will get 10 boxes and free right to make a mark-up on the price

fair enough, different strokes for different folks

what a fucking faggot

>selling a paid card game
>to cardfags of all "people"
can't think of any other crowd that loves grind, f2p mechanics and being fucked in the ass with a machete



Remember when they announced Artifact (1) and everyone boo'd? They should definitely make a sequel reboot to that!

Even if it turns out to be good I'm still not going to be interested since it's Dota, same reason why I don't give a shit about Underlords.

Whats the problem with dota?

spoilers spoil the experience and might not even be related to story

anything to not work on tf2 i guess

I don't find the world/character/designs interesting. It's just generic fantasy elements. You could show me a random mobile game character and you could tell me it's from Dota, I'd believe you.
Why they keep insisting that Dota is somehow worth two spinoffs, maybe more in the future, I have no idea.

Fair enough, if it isn't for you then there's nothing we can do
then again i really like some of the stories they have

are you wondering if it's possible to excessively monetize a TCG, which has been doing nothing but printing money for wizards since the day it started?

I've tried to give it a chance since Valve's writing was at one point top of the industry but I still couldn't care. Better than most writing, I'll give it that much, but not even close to some of their other hits.

>lets double down on a shit game
>instead of making real games

i think valve's problem is they are run by a fat jew while the numales and trannies don't have the balls to tell gabe jew that its a bad idea

everyone worth their salt left valve a long time ago

who plays multiplayer games for the "writing"

can't really blame you for that, a lot of the dota lore is divided into 3 sodding games and to try and solve the story without knowing where to start and where to go can be taxing, shit most people dont even know the fuck went down on Rosewood or who was Mama Ebb and those are supposed to be big events

>lets waste more time and money on this shitty card game that no one wants

No one gives a fuck about Dota lore because none of the characters are interesting

>using anything but Rebecca Guay art

Nobody cares about this
Why they keep throwing money at it

Atleast he cares

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Rebecca Guay's interpretation is the best, it demonstrates how it's an aura and not a creature card. The fourth one puts more emphasis on the black creation aspect, but still fails.

What are 'real' games?

but a miserable pile of Lootboxes and DLC?

>get booed by your target audience at reveal
>wtf it flopped?

It's still kind of shit since it has a faerie front and center. See this card for a good example of how to frame a token creation effect.

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This is funny. As a matter of fact, a few days ago I was thinking about Artifact randomly and looked at the card prices on the market. Axe, the most expensive card, was $1.18 and every other card was below a dollar with several pages of cards being as low as 3cents. Now Axe is up to nearly $5, there are a few cards over a dollar, and the lowest price cards are 4cents.

I should've just bought it and a complete set of cards when I had the chance to get them for nothing, now I'm not going to bother.

I didn't even know they released a card game.
That said I tried Hearthstone and it's the biggest skinner box/P2W mix I've ever tried in my life. Evil shit to the core.

Didn't valve used to make good games?
Is there "no boss" office system an actual meme that fucked over the company?

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