>kill streamer
>$150 stolen
Streamer bans a player for killing him
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody cares.
>Streamer is a faggot
I'm shocked.
you do :)
Streamers ban people for a whole lot less... Who cares lmao
you got me
op didn't mean banned from the stream, he meant banned from the actual game
Just do a charge back on you credit card bro
I'm out of the loop when it comes to modern multiplayer.
How does a streamer have the power to get someone banned from a game for outplaying him?
happened every other day during the peak of pubg, where if a streamer ever happened to just be killed while playing they'd cry cheating or hacking and go cry to brendan to ban he. some streamers have the developers of games in their back pocket in exchange for publicity so they can do shit like this
This come comes from /eftg/
user was matched up with a streamer and he killed him rightfully, but he sucks the main dev's dick and got banned because of it.
Apparently all the big streamers have the guy's number
Someone tried to post the family friendly video on reddit but the shit mods removed it because it was slandering the streamer apparently
You know the term 'teacher's pet'? It's like that.
I highly doubt he got banned
Veritas is a faggot tho, that is known
The devs don't exactly have a lot of goodwill with the community right now either on r*ddit or /eftg/ I highly doubt that even if he was banned he will stay so for long.
Also the mods got so much flak recently I highly doubt they'll manage to dodge this one
See PUBG where streamers could get people banned just for honking ingame
Someone try to post that reddit friendly video and see the mod reaction again.
I bet they'll do the same shit where they lock the thread for "lying" about veritas
What a smug fucking jew.
He got outplayed and blames it on cheating or technical issues. This is even worse than complaints of stream sniping.
tarkov is an indie game, and like many other indie games, the developers (and specifically the COO, Nikita) communicate and interact heavily with their community. this includes streamers. and thus, bigher streamers have a direct contact line essentially to said developers. what likely got user banned is his name more than anything
keep your shit in /eftg/ fag
Oh, the streamers and devs are buttbuddies, and game was rigged from the start.
I guess I'll go back to replaying my singleplayer games from 2 decades ago or something.
and i hope you get a week ban for posting this shitty off-topic garbage thread cunt
>call the developer a nig
>get banned
I only watching Dan Gheesling play Tarkof
to be fair tarkov is currently plagued with massive stutter issues but yeah veritas is a mega gay faggot
>video game discussions
>"streamer bans player for killing him"
>banned for killing streamer
No, banned for having nigger in your name;
you were so quick to reply to this thread. Like you were rushing dude. Get a life desu
Ah I did not see that, however my point still stands.
Hey what's up Veritas
you still mad?
Imagine being dumb enough to name your account a direct insult to one of the developers, and then be upset when you get banned.
Was the streamer a faggot? Absolutely, you could see the dicks falling out of his mouth after he died. But the banned retard sure was a fucking moron for picking that name.
Literally wouldn't be a problem if the streamer wasn't a salty jew.
I miss the days when we could have stupid names like "By like sixty niggers" and shit like that. You don't want to let people use bad words? Enable a filter in your game, simple as that.
We can't even have names like "Digger Nick" anymore, hell even "Mr Lister" may be pushing it in some games.
the guy's name is "nikitaisanig"
nikita is the lead developer. you can be banned for having an offensive name, like every other multiplayer game that isn't on steam
Fake news
The streamer wrote the dev because anons name was nikitaisanigger, nikita is said dev
However Nikita is also a fat russian and as such is not a thinskinned bitch, thus user didn't get banned
And the streamer is still a bitch that's upset about getting killed , he just loved writing daddy nikita to get him banned, the name was just a pretense really
That is disgusting. Why do people worship these faggots
ngl, that looks delicious. certainly looks better than sushi cakes
He just reported him for having the n word in his name, everyone in the thread is deliberately pretending they don't know that
>He just reported him for having the n word in his name, everyone in the thread is deliberately pretending they don't know that
ok Veritas
>streamers have the power in some games to get your account outright banned if you kill them
>same people have the fucking gaul to complain about being harassed in-game
Streamers deserve to be stream sniped.
You act like people don't report people for having a slur on their name, of course if a streamer with connection with the devs reporting you directly to them would be way faster than a normal report from some random player but they would still be banned at some point.
>and got banned because of it.
didn't get banned
>ut the shit mods removed it because it was slandering the streamer
got removed because false pretence, the short version removed the entire point which was the name
The video is funny as-is, you don't have to make shit up
You're an actual retard
Why do you desperately want people to believe this streamer has actual power you spastic? Bet you suck his cock and send him fat donos off your disability welfare daily
streamers should be banned for killing videogame communities and ruining a generation of players
Veritas is a angry cuck. In comparison to so many other players he is absolute garbage and is fucking seething because his numbers are going down but other streamers are going up. Can't wait until Tarkov is dead again and I can bring back the cheese to the game and ruin the last remaining bit of enjoyment for him in the game.
why are we even giving streamers attention they play shitty games that require no talent and they're not even good at them
I can understand following people like Daigo or Knee but these faggots have nothing going on for them
He got banned for having nig in his name, not for killing some idiot.
>you run around streamsniping a guy hiding in corners of rooms with the name "[GuyI'mStreamsniping]IS A NIGGER"
>you spend hours watching his stream and waiting for him to show up and kick your router when he breaches your room (he has no idea you're in there) and you barely win the 1v1
>he sees your laggy, stupid, overtly racist (never be overt about it, dipshit) ass and realizes he can ban you
>bans you
>only thing you have to show for it is a smug anime reaction image and a video with the same tired super mario overworld theme as every other "VIDYA GAEM RAEG XD" video out there
>you keep being a tool and he keeps making money
I didn't even watch the end of the video where you put some cringy text that was supposed to "call him out" or something. That gay shit screenshotting posts from Yas Forums just sealed the sour cream on this shit taco, bro, and you would do well to distance yourself from this community in the future. Certainly do not associate with some sort of fucking general on /vg/ publicly from now on.
Begone simp
it seems anime girls makes you mad
I'm just up way later than I should be and had to let loose on somebody, and an idiot on Yas Forums felt like the right choice. I don't know, I haven't posted here in a hot minute.
>still playing Tarkov
It's a Twitch thing.
Top streamers play a dual role in both advertising the game and making money for themselves. The best of the best are often friends with devs. If a streamer does poorly at the hands of another player, the player count goes down, so often devs will take problem players out behind the shed and get rid of them quietly. A lot of this shit happens in PUBG and Fortnight.
The same goes for twitch girls. The sluttiest, top viewed channels are usually buddy buddy with twitch mods. This grants them immunity to certain things that can get other channels canned, like explicit sexual content.
since arma 3 died it's really the best you can get for this type of game.
I'm a simple user
I see Jahy in an OP pic, I reply
don't @ me k
Explain this to me. How the hell could any of that post be bait? I laid out exactly what happened according to the video I saw; that is a literal play-by-play. You motherfuckers on this board are some of the stupidest people alive, I swear to God.
See and fuck off Nikita
The name referenced a developer; not the children's entertainer who got butthurt.
I mean imagine if EVO banned pakistan after Arslan beat Knee lol
why are fps dudebros so cucked
Not him, your assumption wasn't bad but not quite what happened
See , I doubt user was streamsniping either