Look Alyx, ropes! we can use those to help with pits!

>Look Alyx, ropes! we can use those to help with pits!

Attached: Half-Life_ Alyx Announcement Trailer 0-39 screenshot.png (2560x1440, 2.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm gonna need your passport, Russel.

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (250x453, 14.61K)

>Hey Alyx, I think it's time I reveal something to you, something really important, my name is actually Adrian Shephard! What a bummer, right?

What's that thing around his neck

Looks like an hazmat suit hood.

We need to drink lots of soda to see faster!

>huh, grenades. I bet we can use these to cause some serious damage!

>Let's make a VR HALF LIFE GAME
>let's make a voiced protag
What were they thinking?

The Firewatch devs are working on this game, what do you think?

sorry but theres no helping
this game is the pits

Fagwatch more like

>The Firewatch
Isn't that the massive faggot who threw a bitchfit about Pewdiepie of all people playing his game and threatened to copyright strike him?

Pick up the can Russel!

How do I get the security guard to stop following me around?

Are obnoxious tutorial voices the fault of the developers or the players?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.45M)

Yep, he’s based, no need to tell us

Yes, Sean Vanaman, owner of Campo Santo, which made Firewatch.


they let their most retarded sway their opinion but ultimately those are just outliers that they use to make a standard difficulty, be it hard for the average 'gamer' or not

>be firewatch devs
>be SJW gender pronoun warriors
>make VR game for majority male audience
>make the protagonist female
>have her voiced and female hands visible to the player
>basically if you want to play the half-life game you have to become transgender in VR


Attached: 1560155137988.png (462x437, 404.16K)

Where’s the armpit?

players 99% of the time

Attached: hurr durr.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

My favourite thing about half life was how Gordon constantly made quirky, ironic quips as he was doing things. I mean nothing is more immersive than having the protagonist talk to themselves.


Attached: 1235212351.png (454x397, 20.76K)

>be man
>play monster hunter world
>have male character
>join random session
>all other hunters are female
>they call me gaylord because of my character
seriously what the fuck

Attached: lapdrop.gif (400x400, 867.29K)

i roleplay as a literal caveman and i haven't done anything but solo hunting, i've not unlocked the whole map yet, so i'll probably SOS some more times and hopefully people will actually join my SOS

Attached: unga bunga.jpg (1920x1080, 808.01K)

Attached: pooginomics.jpg (1920x1080, 569.57K)

good news for you, you can unlock layer bone armor in iceborne easily

fuck yeah, i was worried about my style later on

Attached: beautiful night to spend with ur pals.jpg (1920x1080, 487.39K)

It's the lower portion of some sort of a Combine gas mask. You can see a corpse in the first trailer with the upper part still attached. Looks a bit like a metro cop.

Attached: campo santo.png (996x701, 291.81K)

>lets player playing firewatch makes more money then the game itself

Who else bought this turd just to avoid trying to download 50+ gb from some dogshit torrent a few hours after launch, and is planning on refunding it at the hour mark, backing up the game files, and then seeing if anyone worked out a crack for it yet?

i'm going to play it and hopefully enjoy it

Attached: winky face.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

I thought about it but I'll probably get an index or knuckles controllers eventually

I'll probably get the knuckles eventually, but in 5 years when they're selling off the stock for 20 bucks, not anytime soon because paying 250 bucks (-50 for Alyx) for thumbsticks is so fucking incredibly dumb that I can't imagine anyone doing it.

Интeндaнт Russel

Of all the characters in the franchise, they picked this fucking goblin
God I would have prefered fucking Odessa over her.

just going to use my trumpbucks probably, wouldn't do it otherwise

don't reply to me or my posts ever again

Attached: 380_20190626135400_1.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)


Fuck you, Half-Life: Odessa would have been a better title

Attached: odessa cub.jpg (1024x576, 132.8K)

Fuck off Alyx is not a bad character.


Yeah looking back Gordon Freeman doesn't have quips and funny observations like Hollywood superhero movies these days.

She's a fucking goblin, her personality is awful, and she's the worse companion of the franchise, and the fact they force her for two fucking episodes really doesn't help.

This is legit one of the best Let's Play I've seen.
I'm finding it hard to believe they're improvising the humor


Who else exited to explore a fully modeled cervix in vr?

>and any future campo santo games
>valve buys out campo santo
>cancels their future games

uhhh, can i get a based check!?!?

Wow, can't believe you faggots ruined Half-Life threads for me when shitposters didn't.
>Passport xDDD
bunch of retards.


>12 year old pewdiefags have taken over my board
feels bad, bros

>tfw he will probably be killed in the end
Why did Valve do this?

Attached: 1527644974195.jpg (587x545, 70.14K)

Hey, blame OP not me. I felt obliged.
I don't even like those videos that much.

No they aren't, the firewatch project valve was funding got canned ages ago as did the devs.

t. subhuman

never ever

Attached: adrian.png (359x608, 358.4K)

I hope to god he dies, that'd make the whole game worth it. I've never heard a more unpleasant character in a video game.

I don't even mind the actor that much, I think he's alright in some roles. But this one is just a complete miscast, and they've written it completely and utterly wrong.


>make game for 1% of PC players
fuck this game
fuck VR faggots
fuck this meme
fuck gabe
and most of all, fuck cunny!!

>poorfag pedophile SEETHING