Kenshi is the pretiest ugly game
Kenshi is the pretiest ugly game
what even is this game about?
it's a post apocalyptic sandbox you can do whatever you want and that usually means building your own cities
Hanging out with your fellow humans in their soft human skin, eating human foods, and processing waste into fecal matter.
Is that a mod?
What do you mean by mod? It's just you average fellow human.
It's a shame the game runs like shit.
Cities XXL is the pretiest ugly game
Its Mount&Blade Warband, but Fallout.
There's a couple mods (compressed textures & less particle/poly spam) that greatly improve performance whole barely touching visuals
It's smooth for me on my slightly above average gaming pc
I love the X4 experience mod.
Fook'n skellies, 'ate da bloom'n lot ov yas 'ope ya choke on a battery
Also turn off shadows and run in borderless window, if you still have problems turn down viewdistance, itll make shit look like a AAA open world game where everything in the distance has some kind of fog over it, but there is a reason those games do that and it really helps performance. I personally use a lower resolution than normal too just so I can turn up things like spawns and view distance.
The engine is jank and even the creators admit it, it was made over a decade ago, they wanted to port the whole game to Unreal and are making hte second game with it instead of the in house engine.
You're taking away Kenshi's amazing feeling of progression though
Definitely. Any naked folks you run into through the base game are certainly just friendly fellow meatbags who definitely will not knock you unconscious, carry you to their lair, and hook you up to a machine designed to skin you alive.
I don't know about being pretty, but Kenshi has personality for days.
Jesus Christ, did you found your own empire?
I want to agree but things like
>to trains strength you need to run around for literally hours with over encumbered
>to train dex you NEED to use something like a Katana of Wakizashi
I personally use X2, X5 is overkill.
I wanted to try it for a long than and now that I'm isolated at home is the perfect chanche BUT Bannerlord comes out in 10 days.
I did, there's no limit on outposts and one of the first ever mods was to up the recruitment limit.
I built my empire with hashish and pants.
Post your legends
I've been playing this game for 200 hours and still don't have anyone that strong. I've heard people just trap high level guys and beat them up constantly for easy training, but I don't want to do that.
With those stats you'd lose a 1v1 against any 100k bounty
I'm honestly going to get bored of bannerlord before kenshi and end up back here. I love mountain blade to death and have 3500 hours in warband but ultimately every playthrough involves you joining a faction, fighting that factions wars all games, then just grinding out castle siege after castle siege until you own the whole map, very repetitive. Kenshi is an ACTUAL sandbox where you can have entirely different playthroughs
Let me guess, you did the thing where you walk out of range of every attack manually.
Do you not know how broken MA is?
You can see in this very screenshot that tinfists stats would beat you in a 1v1 lmao
Game is great at first because the world seems massive and full of endless possibilities then you realize making a base is pointless since money is easy to get regardless levelling your dudes is pointless because there's no payoff in being able to kill shit because there's no quests you can't really influence factions and you can't start your own faction. Sure, you can kill Cat-Lon or abduct the Phoenix but it has pretty much zero payoff and doesn't feel satisfying.
Kenshi is basically the same as Mountain blade in terms of possibilities to be quite honest, difference being that Mountain blade has no illusion of depth and has actually enjoyable combat.
You do realize stats don't mean shit when they're equaled or matched? 90+ levels leaves no difference in actual effectiveness
>Sure, you can kill Cat-Lon or abduct the Phoenix but it has pretty much zero payoff and doesn't feel satisfying.
Killing Cat-Lon rewards you with Cat-Lon's CPU which gives you paragraphs of lore
>you can't really influence factions
The game is full of world state triggers and factions will take over each other's town and change the whole layout of the map based on which notable npc's are dead or imprisoned
Yes thats why I dont use it without X3 attack slot mods, same with assassination. I want to enjoy the game not simply beat it. A massive oversight in the vanilla game is that enemies come at you in 1v1 even if its 100v1, numbers with this mod completely trounce MA, MA is great for solo combat but ass at anything involving numbers.
Nah vanilla MA is busted as hell with high Strength.
>Kenshi is basically the same as Mountain blade in terms of possibilities
It doesn't. It's not even close. There's no reason to choose one game over the other so It's not like they're competing, but combat is the only mechanic in mountain blade. You can't do anything but fight wars. Kenshi has dozens of other possiblities besides "create army, fight war"
>Killing Cat-Lon rewards you with Cat-Lon's CPU which gives you paragraphs of lore
Lore which you can get elsewhere, besides it's just obvious bullshit which you can easily discern about Cat-Lon, it's 3 fucking paragraphs. It gives no info on why Kenshi is such a shithole or the first Empire.
>The game is full of world state triggers and factions will take over each other's town and change the whole layout of the map based on which notable npc's are dead or imprisoned
Just destroying factions and killing people with regions being replaced by another faction or generic bandits with the occasional faggot in a bar remarking on it is in no way a satisfying payoff after spending hours grinding a squads gear.
>Nah vanilla MA is busted as hell with high Strength.
and Tinfist has higher MA and higher strength than him in that screenshot
Is Starsector, M&B, and Kenshi the holy trinity of sandbox games?
Are there any others that are even remotely as amazing as these three? I tried the X series but it seemed like a hell of a lot more grinding than I was willing to suffer through.
I hope that Bannerlord does things a bit more than the combat aspect, I remember seeing a castle builder video a while back, hoping something comes of that, like you can make your own realm.
>Lore which you can get elsewhere
you mean the kenshi wiki where you read the contents of Cat-Lon's CPU? you can't get the contents of his CPU anywhere else ingame wtf are you talking about
It doesn't matter. Damage is the same.
You can't build villages into castles anymore, that was cut from bannerlord like 3 years ago. I believe you can still upgrade castles to higher tiers though
Training up a squad after playing through the game solo is fucking hell, holy shit.
>moves out of range manually
heh. Hope they fix this sort of shit in the sequel it is a very easy exploit that if you do it surmounts all dangers of combat, doing it with crossbows is next level
Age of Pirates 2 is pretty great
There's plenty of things which heavily allude or explicitly state that Cat-Lon ruled an empire then became mad which made it all turn to shit.
I play with everything maxed at 1080p including shadows, the texture & particle mods ready help. It's nice & smooth. 2070, 8600k, 16gig ram
meh. I've never found a single PvE game that wasn't possible to cheese if you really wanted. All you have to do is not cheese the game if you don't want to, not necessarily ask the devs to make it impossible
The training is an abysmal grind, you can speed it up a lot of it with mods. There are also some cheese tactics too.
I was giving people bags of rocks and filling up their inventory so they only had room for a single building material, then I'd leave a pile on the ground somewhere and tell them to haul the BM to a storage. They'd run back and forth grabbing the BM's one at a time to drop them off, horrendously overburdened by a backbasket full of iron. Hilariously effective, I got all my guys up to 55+ str which made grinding out the other skills and attributes a lot easier since they could at least wear heavy armor and wield good weapons.
That's the point, the whole game alludes to thing and killing Cat-Lon the most notable NPC confirms it spelled out in plain text a long with other things that can't be found out elsewhere. The only way this isn't rewarding is if you've never done it and just read this all yourself on a wiki without doing it.
Like what? Be a bandit? Be a trader? Become a drug king? "Join" a faction which has almost zero gameplay impact? All those things are fine and all, but there's zero depth to it. No interesting mechanics or story element. Regardless of what you choose, you're either killing shit and/or selling shit.
There is no specific plot to the game since you have freedom to do whatever you want, but there is an extensive amount of lore and history to the world and why it is the way it is.
Wew lad, killing what is essentially the last boss rewards you of 3 paragraphs of obvious shit you know just by piecing together his faction name and his nickname. Sure is a rewarding pay-off.
This, but unironically. Obviously you can't see how rewarding it is because you've never done it and just read the results off a wikipedia page. How can you expect it to have any impact when you weren't invested in the game at all because you got filtered so early
i wonder if enb would work with that game, and to wich eextent
>M&B peasants got raided m'lord so please bring over 5 cows, that oughtta do it
>no I'll just pillage you instead
>okay I'll respawn in a week or two
>Kenshi peasants are the ones doing the looting and pillaging against their oppressors
>they seem like the good guys, but they loot and pillage you and innocents as well
>take out their leader, their resistance collapses
>find a doll meant for a child on their leader and an extremely vague journal depicting hardship
>in an alternate universe, you talked to their leader instead
>in his crude speech he absentmindedly mentions he lost his baby girl to the empire, but he doesn't really put any emphasis on it or mention it ever again, he's basically just saying it to say "man fuck the empire, btw looting those innocent caravans for bread was so cash"
>back in your original universe you're left with this leader's corpse with nothing more than his daughter's doll on his lifeless body, and a crushed resistance that is no longer in the game world
Also whether you side with him or not, if the empire is destroyed he doesn't even occupy it. He just disappears off the face of the map completely maybe believing his work is done, ended up dead somewhere, killed himself, or is just enjoying life on a farm somewhere and the rebel HQ is completely deserted. This insignificant faction alone has more depth than any faction in Warband unironically, and I love both games. M&B is for WAR, Kenshi is for make your own story and appreciate the neat little tidbits of lore every single faction and NPC faces.
I just wanted some AI cores
Let's look at the being a drug lord example
>have to explore dozens of labs to get enough research to unlock hashish production
>have to have bought a building in a city you visited, or started your own base to actually do the research
>once the research is done you have to find a suitable biome to grow hemp
>have to set up base there and all that it entails, dozens of hours in itself getting to the point where you're producing the materials for hashish production
>now you have hash and have to decide where to sell it, different factions have different laws, and the most illegal places yield the highest profits
>have to sneak it into the city to sell, potentially getting caught and starting a whole other chain of events
>all of this is done running around with no fast travel or separate world map like M&B
you actually are going to compare this to pressing "assess local trade prices" in a menu and then running to Almerrad on the world map in Warband?
>y-you didn't play it!
I did actually. Now provide an actual argument against what I said you dumb faggot
You have no argument. You're just saying "not rewarding" over and over again about something you've never experienced. Have fun with it m8
I've spent over 300 hours with the game and yes I've killed Cat-Lon before looking up the CPU on the wiki, go fuck off to /keng/ you dumb sperg, the game is literally the definition of wide as an ocean but with the depth of a puddle.
Reshade is used for kenshi. I run a subtle custom setting.
How would this game for with multiplayer, I would love to run some coop with a game like this.
>engrossed with game for 300 hours
>i-it's shallow