Doom Eternal

Honestly the game's great, but I have one major, MAJOR complaint.


Why did they do this? They already have the enemies that are weak to certain weapons, did they force such a small ammo pool to make SURE that you constantly were switching weapons? It's kind of the biggest and only gripe I have of the game as of right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Use the chainsaw on smaller demons, Retard-kun.

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Every complaint I've heard so far that isn't obvious shitposting is
>game is too hard I actually have to think about what I use
If you want to keep using a weapon when it runs out of ammo, pull out the chainsaw.
>but I don't want to have to use the chainsaw!!!!
I'm getting sick of these threads. Its either shitters complaining about stupid shit or underage retards spamming the same meme-complaints 5000x times. Why does anyone even come here on release days.


>being unironically retarded

Telling someone to use the chainsaw ignores the problem. Half the weapons share the same ammo pool and they run out of ammo fast. They already have the enemies with specific weaknesses to certain weapons and abilities, so what they're essentially doing by restricting the ammo pool to such a small amount is forcing you to switch weapons just for the sake of switching weapons, zero strategy, zero tactics involved, especially when gas cans literally LITTER the environment, the chainsaw becomes less of a last-resort like in 2016, but just a way to get ammo, which becomes increasingly obnoxious the longer you play seeing as you have to watch the same animation get performed over and over and over again just for a pool of half-the-total amount of ammo for your gun, meaning if you want to stock up you have to watch it twice within the span of 10-20 seconds.

I didn't say the game was "bad" but can we stop being dipshits and ignoring the gaping hole in its design? The devs need to get on this, ASAP, because the chainsaw is cute, but it's not when you have to use it in every single encounter, multiple times.

>give the player lots of ammo for every weapon
>player only uses 1-2 weapons because the game doesn't punish him for doing so
You're acting as if the alternative has tactics and strategy involved. This way you have to actually consider what you use. The charged ballista shots do a shitton of damage, but it eats up ammo quick. It adds a layer of strategy because you have to use certain powerful abilities in moderation now instead of just blasting them willy nilly. See the Guass cannon from 2016. The charged shot breaks the fucking game because you basically can use it indefinitely. Many people only really used the SSG and Gauss cannon for their entire runs of 2016. The devs have stated that this was not their intention and that their goal is to get you to use every weapon regularly. If they simply made the charged shot use up way more ammo, then you might actually think about using it so often. Its a small change but it would still end up improving the game. You're not a game designer and never will be, clearly.

>can we stop being dipshits and ignoring the gaping hole in its design?
I bet your ass has a gaping hole after getting filtered so hard.

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Not saying I want "lots of ammo" but currently a max of 24 shells for the shotgun is severely handicapping.

>>player only uses 1-2 weapons because the game doesn't punish him for doing so
I already stated, enemies already have weapon-specific weaknesses, which should be, and is, incentive enough for people to switch weapons. Forcing ridiculously miniscule ammo pools on top of this is just obnoxiously restricting the player's options, especially when such a decision is essentially voided when gas cannisters are everywhere and you can just spam it to get more ammo, but you still have to sit there and watch the animation take place which just takes up more time and makes the chainsaw extremely tiring and dull.

>You're not a game designer and never will be, clearly.
Neither are you, clearly.

They nerfed all of the weapons in this version into the ground. The only have decent mod is the Stickies for the shotgun. Also, why shouldn't the player be able to use the weapons they like when fighting bosses, or trash fodder enemies? No tactics involved when you don't have enough gas to chainsaw a big demon, and no small ones are left. You can't even use the intended weapons in this situation, just making the issues worse.

nuDoom is literally the only game where this is somehow a problem.
Every other shooter ever does just fine without such retarded constraints. Name 1 other shooter that is like this

It's attempting to fix something that was never a problem in any other game.

>You're not a game designer and never will be, clearly.

This is such a shitty, and pointedly stupid excuse. As a player, we understand game design better than anyone on the planet, since WE'RE the ones playing it. If we don't like something, we say so, and if we do, then we also say so. The fact you're trying to cope with this by saying "YOU'RE NOT A GAME DESIGNER, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE" is retarded and is still ignoring the original criticism, get fucked retard.

He'll come back with the Blizzard "You don't know what you want!"

>The only have decent mod is the Stickies for the shotgun
t. played for under 2 hours for refundbux

>As a player, we understand game design better than anyone on the planet, since WE'RE the ones playing it
>As a reader, we understand literary techniques better than anyone on the planet
>As a film watcher, we understand cinematography better than anyone on the planet
>As an infant writing with shit on the walls, we understand art better than anyone else on the planet
See the issue here?

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>enjoying Doom Eternal
>go on Yas Forums
>hear about how the chainsaw needs to be abused in order to restock ammo
>can't unsee it
>now it's actively bothering me

Fuck you guys

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You could make an argument for that last one if you're deep enough into art

>As a reader, we understand literary techniques better than anyone on the planet
>As a player, we understand game design better than anyone on the planet, since WE'RE the ones playing it
>As a film watcher, we understand cinematography better than anyone on the planet
>As an infant writing with shit on the walls, we understand art better than anyone else on the planet

There, now eat your shit that you shit all over this thread like the good little shit-eating retard you are.

Then you must just be retarded. Let me break it down for you

Sniper on Assault Rifle is the best way to destroy weakspots since it can be used from a distance and uses up less valuable ammo than Sticky Bomb
Heat Blast on Plasma can clear out weaker enemies and stun most
Lock-On for Rocket Launcher is the only way to get decent damage with the thing
Chaingun mods are kinda shit I'll give you that
Both Balista mods are good, especially the bomb for caco's and Pain Elementals

>can we stop being dipshits and ignoring the gaping hole in its design?
can you stop ignoring the game mechanic of the chainsaw existing?

I think they force in too many mechanics too early apropos of nothing but other than that its okay.

>The devs need to get on this, ASAP
I don't even completely disagree, but no, the devs are not going to fundamentally redesign the combat and consequentially every encounter in the game a day after launch because you reee'd about it.
Or ever, because it's fine.

It's an interesting experiment. I can see what they were going for. I can't say it supports the playstyle I'd prefer, but it's fun anyway.
I'm sure the next game will work differently so maybe shut up for five years or so and you'll be fine

The issue with this is that your examples rely upon the restrictions of traditional media. Video games have always been an interactive medium, and therefore the player is more deeply impacted by the quality of a work, and able to tell when something is or isn't right. Many can't put into words why they like or dislike certain qualities of a game, but more often then not great games get broad coverage as a result of player enjoyment.

The point is that it's subjective. Experiencing something and knowing how YOU feel about it is not the same as being knowledgeable on the intricacies and details of it.
Just because you know a lot of words doesn't mean you can write a book, etc etc

Except that critics don't have to be able to produce what they criticize.
So your point is still retarded.

I love how you realized how fucking weak and retarded your argument was, so you literally had to throw in a false equivalency for good measure. Really shows how lacking your argument is. Still waiting on you to refute it.

linked the wrong post
meant to link

>The point is that it's subjective. Experiencing something and knowing how YOU feel about it is not the same as being knowledgeable on the intricacies and details of it.

Then your entire argument of "game design" is completely and utterly meaningless since there is no "design" aspect, it's just whatever the devs "felt" like implementing, which just strengthens the argument that there's no reason why they shouldn't increase ammo pools.

Not as valuable as the stickies. You can take out the Revanents Jetpack with one sticky, and both of the mancubuses guns with a single sticky as well. Also, I have no trouble hitting distant enemies with them either. You must be playing with a controller.
>Heat Blast
Good, but blood punch does the same thing, and I like to save using my plasma gun for last.
>Lock-On Rockets
Just unlocked them before I got off, haven't used them yet.
Haven't got it yet, I imagine it's coming up soon.
Just got it, don't like the high ammo consumption, and sharing a pool with the plasma gun. I would be alright with it if they increased ammo capacity, or let you reduce ammo cost like in 2016.

Man, it must suck to be a payfag. Playing every game not to enjoy it, but intensely looking for reasons you might need to get a refund before a time limit elapses, totally perverting your first impression of every game.

Not him but I rarely refund a game, only if there's an abject fault with it like it not actually working/running like shit.

>but intensely looking for reasons you might need to get a refund before a time limit elapses, totally perverting your first impression of every game.
In a sense that could be seen as being infinitely more intelligent, rather than the poorfag that can't buy games and so has to pirate, and since he invested nothing into them, he remains blissfully ignorant of the glaring faults a game might have.

>enemies already have weapon-specific weaknesses, which should be, and is, incentive enough for people to switch weapons
Not every enemy does. The toughest enemies in the game like Arch-viles tend to not have hard counters. The only point you have is the chainsaw animation.

>Forcing ridiculously miniscule ammo pools on top of this is just obnoxiously restricting the player's options
You have an insane amount of options in this game regardless of your ammo. Ignoring the chainsaw, you have two types of grenades always on cool-down, the flame belcher, and blood punch. The reason they had to limit your ammo is because without that the player would be too powerful. They actually talked about this in an interview. Hugo said that at first they just kept adding abilities to the slayer, and that it was really boring because nothing was forcing you to actually try. What other single player FPS has this many mechanics to keep track of? This many things going on at once? The answer is none. Nothing comes close to Eternal in terms of the sheer amount of mechanics and choices you can make on a moment-to-moment basis.

See above. NuDoom is about making the player feel as powerful as possible while also still pushing you to actually have to try. 2016 did not push enough, it was way too fucking easy even on nightmare. Eternal pushes you hard and its extremely engaging as a result. You have to constantly be paying attention or you are dead. Glass cannon describes it well.

Game designers play their own game too retard. What a stupid fucking post.

>Game designers play their own game too retard.
No they don't, at least not always. It's why Game Testing is a position.

>What a stupid fucking post.

>rather than the poorfag that can't buy games and so has to pirate, and since he invested nothing into them, he remains blissfully ignorant of the glaring faults a game might have.
Nah, that's actually kinda backwards. When you invest in a game (and can't refund it) you have a non-intrinsic reason to make yourself stick with it. When you pirate you're a lot more willing to drop games, in my experience.

it would have been fine but it becomes a case of frantically boosting around trying to find a zombie to cut apart while the last few assholes are chasing you

and they just spawn wherever, sometimes directly behind you for enough time to get a hit in

>Lock-On for Rocket Launcher is the only way to get decent damage with the thing

>no they don't
>a-at least not always
You are unimaginably stupid. I can only hope you are shitposting.

>Hugo said that at first they just kept adding abilities to the slayer, and that it was really boring because nothing was forcing you to actually try.
Well the ammo pool they ended up with is decidedly too small. They need to bump it up for the Shotgun and Chaingun. Plasma Rifle and Rocket Launcher are okay, but the Shotgun is obnoxiously limited.

>What other single player FPS has this many mechanics to keep track of?
Well lets count the mechanics
>powered melee attack
>alternate fire on weapons

Hmmm, well there's Crysis 2.
>weapon attachments
>drivable vehicles

Shadow Warrior 2 also had quite a lot, with a pretty well developed melee combat dynamic.

What's sad is you think you're intelligent for pointing out absolutely nothing of fault in my post.

>no they don't
>a-at least not always

Yea. Not always. You fucking idiot. What, did your mother drop you? Tester is a real position, and the fact you can't counter that point except with stuttering memery just shows how pathetic you are in the virtual world just as you are in the real world. Fuck off, loser.

The wave for the Ballista that cuts enemies in half is especially satisfying.

Not the guy you're replying to, but testers don't do what you think they do. Their job is basically QA, although they can also generate data for design heuristics or whatever, things like iterating game balance or feel are primarily down to designers playtesting.
...But the idea that a designer wouldn't play their own game is bizarre all by itself.

Source: I was a lead designer at a studio (on a cross-platform FPS no less), but that's irrelevant because literally everybody knows this shit.

Compare the speed at which you are making decisions in Crysis to Eternal. Also,
>2 weapon limit
ahahahaha fuck off

>us GAMERS know game design best because we actually play the games!!
>game designers also play their own games
>yea. Not always.
That's all you needed to say to prove my point. Stop embarrassing yourself. Its pathetic. The reason I brought it up to begin with is because you can watch a 40 minute video of Eternal's director playing the game live on stage on the hardest difficulty.

Get help.

>24 shells
Wasn't that the ammo count you had before any upgrades last game?

Think it was 20, might have been 24. Ended up around 32, I believe.

>game designers also play their own games
>yea. Not always.
>That's all you needed to say to prove my point

I feel like you're the kind of person who has logical dyslexia, where you distort reality and things you read/hear into things you want to read/hear because you're either too dumb to understand what they actually mean, or refuse to understand what they actually mean, the main thing here being, you made a really dumb fucking point that "game designers play their own game too" which yes, some do, but there are also game testers, although this whole thing is a diversion from the original topic which, it's still irrelevant, since when you're going to say "they designed it they know what they're doing" but then compare their review scores and their community scores with the previous game, you can objectively tell that there is more at liberty to be discussed over which mechanic is dragging it down in comparison to Doom 2016.

You saying "HAHA, THE DESIGNER PLAYED IT" is just as irrelevant as me saying a tester played it.

>Get help.
You should probably take your own advice, you need immediate psycho-therapy to deal with the fact you're a crippling moron who refuses to acknowledge even the most rudimentary of faults in something.

It's nice that you can't just use the railgun and dual shotty to beat the whole game

some players beat the game with just a pistol, so....

>nu-doom mod for doom

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My go to weapon is the plasma rifle, what about everyone else?

It really shouldn't take you more than like two fucking seconds to find something to chainsaw. You're supposed to be constantly moving anyway.

>Want to swap weapon mods
>Hit the flamethrower instead

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>Reach first boss, the sequence of him being built was cool
>Have a difficult time dealing with him
>Finish, that was a cool fight
>Two more instantly spawn.

That was brutal.

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Super shotty with flaming chain. Constant source of armour and a quick way to shove two barrels of buckshot in a demon's face.

I wish I hadn't had that spoiled in some fucker's review

It's hard to shake the habit of just obliterating everything I see instead of treating enemies like resources. I mean, they fucking gave me grenades and a rocket launcher, and I have to cut them down one at a time? fuck no son

They want you to be using the Chainsaw a LOT.

>if you run out of fuel, chainsaw fuel refills up to one gauge
>possessed constantly spawning so you always have at least one dude you can chainsaw for ammo
>chainsaw button no longer switches to chainsaw, downright swings instantly

Use the chainsaw. Use it. The flamethrower too. Get that armor.

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>waaaah i keep falling in that hole in super mario bros
>dude just use the jump button
>waaaah i dont wanna

Are you for real?

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Sounds like a you problem.

>I didn't say the game was "bad" but can we stop being dipshits and ignoring the gaping hole in its design?

oh my god the irony

>, but it's not when you have to use it in every single encounter, multiple times.
As apposed to 2016 where you would forget about the chainsaw until you saw a jerry can and then cheesed a few of the stronger enemies. like once every 3 hours.
I can't imagine being a triple A dev nowadays. Anything that's slightly off kilter is a fucking game breaking flaw or some shit to retards. You're the reason why games are fuckin awful nowadays.

That is the face of one beautiful motherfucker or should I say three

you have my condolences. Fucking hate youtube right now. When a new game comes out i either have to be playing the game the moment its available or stay away from youtube until i get access to the game. Also got top stay away from youtube for atleast 2 weeks for big games like doom and stuff. Im so goddamn lucky i wasnt spoiled on ori will of the wisps on youtube...only to get spoiled by it on Yas Forums on a thread not related to Yas Forums at all

or like 10. They spawn a ton after the first encounter.

This feels more like a darksiders game to me. What the fuck is all this shit about ancient knights and kings and high demon lords.. it's like they're taking seriously the lore that was meant to be a joke in 2016. Doomguy having his own space ship is fucking stupid and implies a level of character to him that he shouldn't have. How did they fuck up the plot so much? 2016 knew that Doom was dumb and fun and kept the story minimal but now they're taking it so seriously and it's infinitely worse

I was honestly expecting them to be a lot tougher. Not that they're easy, but mancubi give me more trouble.

Havn't touched multiplayer yet, dunno if i should do that after i finish the campaign. Also sad doom hunter doesnt seem to be a playable demon.

All the bosses were damn good in the game. I’m glad they made the Icon of Sin fight intense as fuck.

yeah, but the pacing of that boss fight was pure vidya kino.

>max 24 shells
Wtf. So you start like 16 ammo and only get +8 shells on max leveling?

Remember when doomguy punched the screen at the start of 2016 because he didn't care about exposition? Those days are long gone now


all these fanboys talkin about how you need to "git gud" but the combat itself isn't mechanically difficult,
you only ever die in this game when you run out of ammo.
that just happens a lot because the ammo pool is tiny and the only way you can get more ammo is by using an item that needs to recharge.

It wasn't this dire in 2016 and it also had expandable ammo pool.

>waaaah the plot doesn't matter but i'm going to complain about it anyway

Put down the booze.

I just wish they added an auto-skip feature to cutscenes.

>As a player, we understand game design better than anyone on the planet, since WE'RE the ones playing it. If we don't like something, we say so, and if we do, then we also say so.

Okay, so lets say you are an average joe gamer dude, never even googled "How to make a game" once in your fucking life, how in the absolute FUCK do you think this person would know more about game design, than a game designer, who ALSO FUCKING PLAYS GAMES? Even if he doesn't even play games, never even touched a controller once in his life, as retarded a scenario that is, you never provided proper evidence as to why the player would make a better game designer than a game designer. This is all you said in regards to why "players know game design better than anyone on the planet."
>If we don't like something, we say so, and if we do, then we also say so.
You don't think game designers say when they don't like or do like something? Are they mute as well? What about the time when a designer does play their own game? He wouldn't know more than someone who just plays games? According to you, they would.
>As a player, we understand game design better than anyone on the planet
So if you are a game design expert just by playing games, imagine what would happen when you combine someone who plays games, and is also a fucking game designer? Hence why I made that point about developers playing their own game, hence why you are a retard, hence why you need to be committed to a mental ward immediately. Jesus FUCKING Christ how do I need to explain this. Please reply I am genuinely fascinated by you.

Yes. Use the chainsaw.

Jesus Christ that's retarded. Only shotguns have such weak ammo leveling or every other weapon too?

im replaying 4 and i just realized the shield guys are meant for you to remember you have a chainsaw. but im glad they changed it in eternal.

That sucks. It was a great "Holy shit" moment for me.

So ammo is also something you have to manage if you don't want to die? Wow, what a cheap and shallow mechanic

For me it's how the levels just keep dragging on forever.

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>has to rely on gimmick
>hey doode let's make enemies a walking ammo pile instead of placing enough ammo pickups
No thanks bro

Other weapons are better, but not great. They reduced the damage across the board, so many enemies take more damage to kill, or you need a specific weapon. But I think the ammo count is the similar to 2016 for the rest.

>That extra encounter where you have to kill Marauder within 30 seconds
Shit was fun

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You don't even die when you run out of ammo. Just dash around the arena until grenades come off cooldown. The only deaths I've had are when I come out of a Glorykill and get melee'd by 10 different demons at once.

It is a terrible curse

there are so many layers of overcomplicated bullshit in this game.
how did it go from
>want ammo and hp? kill a dude.
>want ammo? you need to do a special melee attack that is on a slow recharge
>want hp? you need to do another special melee attack that can only be preformed when the enemy is almost dead
>want armor? you need to kill a guy who is on fire, which can only be achieved by using a special weapon that is on a slow recharge

wtf were they thinking? this shit could be so much simpler and more intuitive but they fucked it up.

>play game for free because Bethesda is retarded
>best game before retard Bethesda potentially patches the error
Ezpz thanks for letting me save the 60 bucks

And again:

>waaaaah i keep falling in that pit in super mario bros
>dude just use the jump button
>waaaaah its a gimmick i dont wanna

It's a basic function of the game you fucking moron.

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It actually takes less rockets to kill a Mancubus in Eternal than in 16 (4 compared to like 8)

it pretty much ruins the game, thank god i pirated.

Your inability to understand basic video game rules isn’t the developers fault.

Shotguns are by far the most ammo-restricted ones. You start with 12, you max out at double, that is 24.
Assault rifle / chain gun starts with 60 bullets, end up with I think 240, something like that. They all scale a little differentely.

Then again, you have to consider that both shotguns in Eternal are MILES more powerful and useful than in the first game. Restricting the ammo is necessary for ballancing. That, or you have to go in hunting for chainsaw kills frequently, which imposes it's own risks, obviously.
In general, it is a good decision. Forces you to either switch your weapons around a lot more, dive for chainsaw kills more frequently (and risk the melee damage involved), or - which is what the game ultimately wants you to do - learn to use them REALLY efficiently, be careful and make every shot count. Because you can do that. Again: the increase in power the shotguns got in Eternal is riddiculous.