What games feel like an adventure and have secrets to find?

What games feel like an adventure and have secrets to find?

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The game of life

To much Artificial difficulty.


in case you haven't noticed, life is currently on hold because of some stupid dog eating insect """people"""

botw unironically

legend of mana aka the most soulful game ever.

also quest 64

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any zelda game.

fucking your moms pussy

King's Field, Shadow Tower, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.

no switch
doesit have secrets for me to uncover?

Red dead redemption 2

Dragons Dogma

Dragon Quest games
im playing DQB2 now and have a lot of fun with it

Any Elder Scrolls, Wind Waker, Hollow Knight, FFXIV

Dont be so antisem- oh you ment the chinese

Zeno Clash 2

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. It has secret areas that teleport you to hidden locations in much later levels. It has a cool sense of foreshadowing that way. It also feels like one hell of a journey with some of my favorite little tropes
>entire game world is hostile to you except for a few comfy screens
>you're mostly on your own so when you encounter allies it's a relief
>there's a powerful feeling of loneliness once you rescue everyone in a level and find yourself in an eerily desolate area with only the ambient music
>levels are set in locations that are all connected to each other in a logical way, making the game feel like you're traversing a vast distance
>you have to go into the heart of enemy territory and the game gives you time to relax before you do this
>there's this comfy area where your buddies from the intro are. You have to venture deep into 3 lonely, scary wilderness levels with no companiond in order to get the ability to cure your friends from a brew addiction. You return to this area and your friends after finishing your quest for the cure ability
>dozens of hidden areas with gorgeous unique backgrounds. You can always tell a secret area is present based on if there are green bottles hidden on the screen
>games is 2 discs long (ps1)


I like how you say no when dragon's dogma and botw are really similar

This sounds like a pretty solid game user, I'll keep it in mind

I'm a big fan of early abe's games but I don't really think that it has exploration per se because the game is screen based
So the exploration ends up boiling down to just crouch-checking areas where props obscure the view of the platform you're standing on

Linear as fuck

Literally every system in the game, and there are a shitloadn is a mysterious secret you'll need to be mentally strong enough to discover.

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Every Legend of Zelda game ever.

I will look into these too

Unironically Skyrim


If you limit yourself only to the regions that the story has taken you to so far, it really enhances that sense of adventure that GTA San Andreas had.

I don't know why Rockstar stopped locking away areas in their games. RDR2's map is one large landmass, but at least they made it easy to discern the regions so you can do as described

Don't pick woman or black as your starting class and you'll be fine.

animal crossing new horizons

Oh yeah, it's completely linear. Hopefully I didn't mislead helperposter. It's definitely a point A to point Z kind of game but it always gives me the feeling that I've come a long, long way.
If you had open world exploration games in mind, BrĂ¼tal Legend might be worth looking at. It gives you a giant open world map and a customizable car to explore it with, and the environments are all in the realm of fantasy with lots of missable scenery and vistas. However, the gameplay is divisive. The main quest focuses on an RTS/hack and slash hybrid where you have to build up an army to destroy the enemy's base while also engaging them on foot. It's not for everyone. Also, Chris Chan liked it. Take that as you will.

I don't mind I just want games that feel like an adventures and have hidden secret details.

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Finding video games that you've never heard of

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>All of that is ground up bone powder
Spooped me as a kid

dark souls
god of war
deep rock galactic

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Shadow Tower is the king of unmarked walls with zero indication that there's anything behind them containing secret passageways. As I went into the second half of that game I couldn't tell if there were less of them or if I just didn't have the patience to mash buttons against every wall until I found something since I was too busy dodging plant lasers.

>deep rock galactic
this one's a lie

procedurally generated, deep, dark caverns in different biomes are an adventure to me bro

to much deadly danger and no reset possebility


>he still thinks its a bat virus
poor brainlet

does this game have a lot of hidden shit in it i remember playing this only for the couch co-op

>le wahmen and negros are oppressed
>they don't get free shit for their identity
>they don't have a plethora of groups advocating for their agendas/erc
Spotted the communist

>no switch
Emulate it with cemu, and enjoy higher performance than console if you have a decent pc and easier to install mods.
There should be setup guides out there, but it's not particularly difficult.

skyrim, stalker and minecraft were probably the ones that felt like that the most. maybe gothic 3 as well. i wish they made mmos with focus on it being an immersive adventure rather than a grindfest

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so what is it? i've heard some cia nigger is responsible but im not too informed

Apart from the large scale games already mentioned, DMC1 and Ninja Gaiden 2004 do a great job with exploration despite it not being a primary focus.

unironically witcher if you play all 3 games

>mmos with focus on it being an immersive adventure rather than a grindfest
looks like I'll have at least one player :)

Why do you force pepes into everything?

godspeed user, whatever you're up to

Any if you don't go and fucking google/look up info on how to find secrets.
Just play the god damned game.

Digimon World

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no him, but despite it being a pepe it really does capture that adventure feel perfectly

Spotted the Capitalist Pig

digimon world isn't a fun sort of exploration, it's "well you didn't meet this arbitrary numberset, enjoy being set back to square 1" exploration.

get good @ having fun

why is this bitch wasting milk? hate this bitch

iuno if she's wasting it, her bowl overfloweth

is it possible to go on an adventure in the woods irl looking for treasure?

the forest is pretty good especially with friends

Last time I felt like that was on my first RISEN playthrough last year

Dark Souls is the perfect game for this feel