Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a man devoted to god, I desire no mortal relationships.
beep beep
Mio is better than Rin
Because it's hard to meet people, at least where I live people is kinda garbage, I'm not shy in fact I like to meet people but as I said, it's very hard since I have no friends I can't go out to new places to meet more people
My wife would get mad.
i'm ugly as fuck
I'd rather fap to 2D
Prove it
because noone will tell me how to get one
Just get filthy rich
I have a bf. Better than any girl I dated.
because im close to 30 and a virgin and nothing turns a woman off more
you have to talk to w*men user
honestly all the girls here just have bf because it's "fun" once the money is gone they are as well,I prefer to got enough money to have a house,to maintain myself and then search for a real one
I'm still young so no worries here
I have schizoid personality disorder. Last time I had the opportunity to have a girlfriend was in 2016 in college and she was literally begging for my dick. I dodged her like the plague and quit college. I feel bad for her. She fell in love with me but recently I found out she's dating so that took some weight off of my shoulders.
Why don’t you have a boyfriend whore?
I don’t see myself getting one
because you've never started being yourself, bro
Because I'm gay.
They all have STDs.
Sauce before 404?
I've come to realise a solo life is ultimately better.
Shiburin is my girlfriend
I don't have it. Random pic I found in another thread.
I have nothing to offer a woman. I live at home, have shitty job, have no sexual experience and I'm a pretty boring person. I'm relatively handsome though.
Had some. Dunked my last relationship because it turns out that having a sexfriend is not worth it if she's acting like a retarded cunt taking everything for granted. At least I've learned to have some self respect.
But how is this all related to video games?
Because the secret to finding a significant other revolves around NOT POSTING OFF-TOPIC BULLSHIT
Your girlfriend gives the best blowjobs!
I'm ugly as sin, have a mountain of loose skin from when I used to be morbidly obese and no money for the surgery to fix it, which leads directly into the having no money thing, and finally, I'm a schizoid with shitty stale memes in place of an actual personality. I've accepted dying alone.
im shitposting on Yas Forums at 3:30 AM after beating my cock to maid hentai. why the fuck do you think?
Never made an attempt lol
I'm waiting on that Azur Lane thread on Yas Forums to hit bump limit so can probably fap and sleep
I don't have a job, and even if it did it wouldn't be enough.
>tfw no bf
Is this what the kids call a "big mood"?
>was supposed to go out with a girl this weekend
>she says we probably shouldn't meet because of corona and she's going to be staying inside
I'm on the path
eat cheaper for the required time (even if it's a long time)
get a job/better one
sell things you have
You do not deserve the effort, or care.
I think I have a chance because I don't wish I was a Japanese high school student. That said, it's only because I'm lazy and hated the busywork in the American school system.
I have a gf and I’m trying to come up with ways to break up with her.
At least she's smarter than you are
because women don't have penises fagot
>let's break up
ggez no re
Why is that? What should I can can I change?
I have one and I don't see the appeal to be honest
girl of my dreams was stolen from me by her lesbo "best" friend.
post tits if xx chromosome
3DPD look like manface goblinas
I have a decent job, house, and car, but no friends. Also corona chan is cucking everyone atm.
You could stop pretending to be an anime girl on the internet, for one.
Started seeing someone recently but can't go with her anywhere because of the quarantine
Im ugly, and a spic, and have no idea how to approach a female with the intention of establishing a conversation beyond small talk, AND even if i were able to engage in such conversation i would have no idea what to say at all.
Hell, all my friends were the ones that spoke to me in the first place, i just followed up until i felt confident enough to not spill my spaghetti
I'm so afraid of being rejected by a woman that it's easier for me to just avoid putting myself in any situation where I might get rejected.
tfw no discord gf
Stop posting on Yas Forums asking for a bf at 2:00am.
Then go outside and seek your prey like a normal person.
nobody wants me, man
Think this is it
I meet russian women online and turn them into wrestling fans so I have someone to watch with
I can be your friend!
That's it? That's the full picture?
tell her you play KH
It's called lying lmao
Just get Yas Forums and be the stoic edgy dude who looks like he has a lot of baggage, might not get you a gf but it looks cool as fuck
Saving my virginity for Rin!
yeah it's not like my complete inexperience with sex won't be obvious
Because I got dumped roughly 6 years ago now and I never got over it. Everyone told me I would. Literally everyone. Now no one really talks to me since I assume they don't really know what to say since I never did.
Honestly virgins have it better, I wish I still was, it's way better than knowing true happiness then knowing you'll never have it again.
My existence is toxic all I spew is hatred and vile and I love it, I fuckin love making everyone mad.
Avoidant personality disorder.
If I could do it, I'd go out into the woods, build myself a cabin and live in it until I decided to off myself.
I do, but it was 95% due to luck.
Get better at lying and it won't be, or it will come off as endearing to the right girl. I bet one of the men in the past five generations of your family lied through his teeth to get married. You are not the first to be in this situation.
Nobody is outside cause the virus.